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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Changelog: v4 === \/ *Removed :Final from custom.cfg *Moved tech defines to part cfgs *Added decouplers, used Sentmassen's new texture. *Fixed explode-on-launch/switch bug *Added possibility to manually set G Tolerance (Add a ModuleAeroReentry, with the key gTolerance = x , to your part cfg) *Fixed volume to use Ship volume setting.
  2. Correct. I fell asleep at the (modding) wheel last night. :]
  3. Ah! I see. It's not even the reverting during the effects, though, I think. It's just that they happened. Although at this point I would need to retest to confirm that, but I'm pretty sure I reverted after they went away. Worth trying though.
  4. Ferram: per report, it's not even the explosion, it's the flame effects (or something like; got it stock with no explosions, just a warm mainsail and some flames). My guess is the picking algorithm resets on staging, else we'd get the bug too when we land capsules safely. I basically disabled all my code and was still getting it; asmi suggested I try pure stock. I was disappointed that I couldn't get my mainsail to overheat and explode (we still thought it was part.explode() ) but when I reverted to try again, I got the bug! FlowerChild: yep, it's not the exploding, it's the why.
  5. ANWRocketMan: Cool! As I said to SFJackBauer, I'd like to have the "real engines" thing as the actual engines RO ships with; the fact we're using my alternate-history engines is because I had that lying around. As asmi's been joshing me about for a week, it makes no sense to have a realism mod with realistic engines that are fake. :] (Well, it makes sense to me. But I'm weird. ) p3asant: Cool. Do give BobCat some love on his thread, though; he gets a lot of criticism and not enough thanks.
  6. See above post for deets Also you really should PM SFJackBauer (and keep me in the loop too if you wouldn't mind); it'd be a shame to duplicate effort on this
  7. It used to be they both showed up. DRE switched to a new method before I took over, though.
  8. FlowerChild: Thanks. Here: http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/1806#change-6603 A note regarding the 0.625m shield. An early version of Realism Overhaul failed to include the RSS config for it. That also might have something to do with the problem...
  9. ANWRocketMan: Are you using calcs.xls to generate the configs or doing it by hand? Either way, make sure you set techLevel and origTechlevel appropriately. They should be equal to each other; if using the spreadsheet, change the entry in the TL column appropriately. If by hand, set the values themselves in the main MEC block. Note that (slightly outdated) docs for the spreadsheet are here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvHneDAy4k99dHlhdktvZW1NS1lndlhNNnRwd3FEblE&usp=drive_web#gid=7 The main change is that now you specify per-engine the propellants (as an abbreviation) and the mixture ratio, rather than jus choosing a mode by number and having a hard-coded mix ratio. What you do to set the stats appropriately is first (in Calcs) set the engine TL to 7. Then use the multipliers to make the ISP what it should be. Then change the TL to what you want. If you want to also have a certain mass and thrust at TL7 but not have the engine start out there, then you need to look at the Isps page and look at the Thrust and Mass mults (for your engine type). If TL7 thrust is x, and desired TL is y, then set thrust to TLy_thr_mult / TL7_thr_mult * x. If TL7 mass is x and desired TL is y, set mass to TLy_mass_mult / TL7_mass_mult * x p3asant: I'm aware they don't show up correctly in the parts list. Do they also not show correctly when you go to action groups and click on the engine? They are behaving this way so that only one set of configs needed to be released; people without MFS can still use the engines, but people with MFS get the proper stats.
  10. High up, there isn't enough heat flux and atmospheric density to start ablation. Once the shield really starts ablating, as Ferram says, then the temperature drops (that's the point). In other news, I have good news and bad news. The good news: I finished an update to DRE. I fixed the explode-on-launch/switch bug. The bad news: the click bug is totally reproduceable in pure stock KSP, and also happens on reentry flames. You don't even need a part to explode....also, while I finished the update, I fell asleep. I'll post today.
  11. Sephirotic: The NTRs already have modular engines, they're just done with the Hyrbid module (which means the same syntax for configs, but you can switch configs in flight). Look _below_ the Alternator module. Starwaster is working on revamping the NTRs; that'll be in the next MFS.
  12. ANWRocketMan: That's weird. You pasted into the RftSEngine.cfg file right? (and deleted the original MFS Engines.cfg). Upload your changed version of Calcs.xls? I'll take a look You want techLevel = origTechLevel = first_TL_where_engine_is_available andqui: Dragon01 suggested that (and was working on it); that's coming. Also, sorry folks--was going to update last night but fell asleep...
  13. Actually, in the latest KSPI, Fractal_UK changed the solar panel code so you can just let KSPI handle it, without deleting any KSPI files.
  14. Just add node_attach with the same position as node_stack_top. Also change the attach rules. Then you don't need to use EdExt.
  15. This is the LOG POLICE. We are here to inform you that your report is basically USELESS without THE LOGS. So please zip and post KSP/KSP_Data/output_log.txt for asmi to look at.
  16. the 4m decoupler is from DRE and was in the first version of RO but not the reupload, sorry. The Interstage is from the Additional Textures for Procedural Fairings linked in my sig. Apologies on both counts! Will fix.
  17. The shroud is something I added in RO: Until e-dog makes the floating-node decoupler toggleable (i.e. toggle between "fairings hold payload in place" and "firing decoupler actually decouples stage, even with fairings attached"), I made that part to put the interstage decoupler on the nonfloating top node so you can decouple while keeping the shroud in place.
  18. I made this by request in the Realism Overhaul thread. Reposting here. Here's a stock+required_mods (RO/DREC/MFSC/SSRB) launcher for a Mk1-2 pod + service module. The launcher will take ~15t to orbit, give or take (note the escape tower jettisons with stage 2 ignition, so don't trust the initial payload figure in the VAB). Service module has just under 1.5km/s dV. Hidden inside the nose compartment, under the fairings, is a drogue, 3 radials, and 4 linear RCS for pod RCS control. Disable pod RCS tank until stage away SM. Craft: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7t8byg91koi23j3/StockPod%20Core.craft An alternate, more fiddly version that uses a 3m core and two 3m boosters: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kzq9smya0ymsmo8/StockPod.craft Action groups: Backspace: Abort (decouple, fire LES) 1: Deploy solar panels 2: Deploy comms 5: Cut drogue, deploy chutes. Used when ~750mAGL, or during abort if < 1000m AGL. Flight profile: enough dV to get to a 300x300km equatorial orbit. 1. Disable pod RCS tank, only reenable on jettison SM. 2. Set throttle to max. 3. Stage to ignite. 4. Keep max throttle. 5. Start turn at 100m/s (~1.5km) 6. When passing 6Gs, throttle back to 75% 7. Stage away first stage; ignite second stage. Max throttle. 8. End turn at around 200km, flying a zero-lift ascent. 9. Shut down when apogee = 300km. 10. Reignite to circularize. If using MJ, use this profile: Turn start 1.5km, turn end 200km, final grade 0, turn shape 30%. Note that this is rather inefficient. You probably should end your turn earlier.
  19. Ok. Here's a stock+required_mods launcher for a Mk1-2 pod + service module. The launcher will take ~15t to orbit, give or take (note the escape tower jettisons with stage 2 ignition, so don't trust the initial payload figure in the VAB). Service module has just under 1.5km/s dV. Hidden inside the nose compartment, under the fairings, is a drogue, 3 radials, and 4 linear RCS for pod RCS control. Disable pod RCS tank until stage away SM. Craft: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7t8byg91koi23j3/StockPod%20Core.craft An alternate, more fiddly version that uses a 3m core and two 3m boosters: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kzq9smya0ymsmo8/StockPod.craft Action groups: Backspace: Abort (decouple, fire LES) 1: Deploy solar panels 2: Deploy comms 5: Cut drogue, deploy chutes. Used when ~750mAGL, or during abort if < 1000m AGL. Flight profile: enough dV to get to a 300x300km equatorial orbit. 1. Disable pod RCS tank, only reenable on jettison SM. 2. Set throttle to max. 3. Stage to ignite. 4. Keep max throttle. 5. Start turn at 100m/s (~1.5km) 6. When passing 6Gs, throttle back to 75% 7. Stage away first stage; ignite second stage. Max throttle. 8. End turn at around 200km, flying a zero-lift ascent. 9. Shut down when apogee = 300km. 10. Reignite to circularize. If using MJ, use this profile: Turn start 1.5km, turn end 200km, final grade 0, turn shape 30%. Note that this is rather inefficient. You probably should end your turn earlier.
  20. dlrk: ah, gotcha. Sure. ChronicSilence: If you slightly resize the tank, the nodes will pop back. Just resize up then down again to same size. Re: PFI. You usually build down to where you want an interstage, then grab a PFI. Place the floating (topmost) node on the node to which you want the lower, unbuilt, stage to be coupled (the bottom of the main engine, or the bottom of the tank if using multiple engines radially attached). Then adjust how far below that point the ring should be with H+mousing over the ring. Then attach the next stage's tank to the bottom of the ring. Then make the ring the appropriate width with N+mouseover. Then attach 1 (!) side fairing to it. Then use J and Y to set the top of the fairing as desired. Then remove the fairing and re-add with 4x symmetry. Done! (You may have to go back to earlier steps to tweak those values too, along the way, like changing height and width later). Finally, make sure the decoupler for the interstage, and the decoupler for the fairings (they MUST be fairings, not fuselage shrouds) are all at, or below, the next stage's engine, just like a regular single decoupler. I will have an example craft shortly using only parts in stock, this mod, and required mods. AH: I see on the next page the instructions were ninja'd by other helpful folks. One thing to add: Honeyfox, that last/lowest usage (the boattail) is somewhat dangerous as given how FAR currently handles fairings, that will remove all drag from the engine (and its open node), potentially moving the rocket CoP above the CoM.
  21. Another point is you have to get out of the KSP mindset of "oh, deorbiting is easy"--actually, it's very hard, and you pay a heck of a mass penalty for shield and parachutes. Don't worry about trying to deorbit, just get the probe up there.
  22. dlrk: there are resized docking ports available with this mod, yes. ChronicSilence: Sure! ANd I appreciate this is a big gamechanging (and savebreaking) mod. I will check the attachment nodes. I think I know what's wrong for them. Regarding decouplers--do you mean radial or stack? I always use Procedural Fairing Interstages for my decouplers, so I don't know much about regular decouplers anymore, except radial ones. PF Interstages are _so_ useful, they work for engines with no shrouds, for radially attached engines, for stages of different widths, etc. Or just as general fuselage elements, with stuff hidden inside them (like probe cores, wheels, batteries, lots of small fuel tanks, etc.)
  23. 35,786km. All distances are real in RSS, so you can just look up geosynchronous orbit in wikipedia.
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