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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. KSPI does inverse-square, if you use / want to use KSPI. Starwaster: Thanks, I'll reup with your cfg.
  2. Never, ever heard of that happening. Are you running the latest (3.3) MFSC, and SSRB v6? Which version of MFS? Zip and upload your KSP_Data/output_log.txt from after you get that error. CoriW: I'll take a look. ShimmyTheJJ: most of their disadvantage (cost, fragility, special handling requirements) isn't modeled in KSP.
  3. One of these is not like the other. Real rockets start turning when just off the pad. Try starting your turn at 500m, and make sure to never veer more than 3-5 degrees off prograde (in FAR details window, make sure sideslip and ange of attack are each less than 5 degrees (and more than -5).
  4. Thanks! Um, they already are, engine-wise. And the tanks are MFS compatible, though still using 1.25-scale (which is fine). Same with radial-attachables--fine. In fact I'm not sure what isn't, other than NP's pods. Oh, does KW have batteries now? Oh, and I haven't rescaled SRBs much yet, so if you want a 1m/2m/etc core solid, use a stretchy.
  5. jasmir: I am sadly very aware of the problem. Now that the latest MFS/RO/RSS/ST are released this is my next project. Speaking of which, for all the people who wanted RSS-compatible configs. Grab the Realism Overhaul release.. It applies :Final changes to DREC heatshields.
  6. Also, I finally uploaded the full tweaks mod, and made it also a recommend modlist for this. So tomorrow when I'm not dead tired, I'll add the recommended Visual Enhancements config based on all you folks' work.
  7. Um, the window that shows up is per currently highlighted part. Just click on a different engine/tank and the GUI will update.
  8. v5.2 \/ *Fixed Titan's atmosphere *Fixed solar panels (I hope) *Added configurable atmospheres per Starwaster's work. Note that I haven't had a chance to add the new orbital params yet, sorry. This is just because testers verified the solar panel fix worked.
  9. Changelog: v3.3 = \/ *Swapped how thrust and mass are changed by TL increase. *Made the battery multiplier (how much charge per unit of volume) configurable in MFSSettings *Changed Xenon around. Tanks now hold 1/10 what they used to, and Xenon is now 10x as dense. It's kept pressurized at a hopefully reasonable temperature to yield that 0.2 g/cc density (what I've set it to). *Changed tank masses again to try go get them ever closer in line with the real world. *Added Balloon tanktype (practically no basemass; structural integrity kept by internal pressure). C.f. Atlas missile / LV. Same for BalloonCryo. Since the tank goes all the way to the skin they hold slightly more (at least the StretchyTank ones, the only ones so far, do). *Fixed propellant ratios so that they are displayed in percents rather than 0.x ratios that get rounded. *Added tooltips for hovering over autofill buttons to say which engines use that mixture. *Added SRFirefox's fix for NTRs so nuclear fuel lasts longer. Also increased ElectricCharge generation. *Added Syntin; changed Methane to LqdMethane to comport with other fuels.
  10. Recommended Mods for RSS and Required Settings: (In addition to mods required by and supported by RO, mentioned above) *Realistic Progression LITE Tech Tree by Medieval Nerd. Tech tree designed for the realism mods. *CerberusRCAF's Ground Stations config for RemoteTech2: Drop the linked file in your RemoteTech2 folder, overwriting your old settings file. *Environmental Visual Enhancements by rbray89. *Frizzank's FASA pack, with RedAV8R's patches (see below). *BobCat's Soviet Engines pack from the Historicals thread. *asmi's ECLSS Life Support Mod. Here is my RealFuels config for it. *Realism Overhaul Configs for various mods by Mct *RedAV8R's Realism Patches for KerbX and LazTek (FASA patch included in RO). *or also for LazTek, try Scripto23's LazTek patches *Advanced Jet Engine by camlost: does for jet engines what FAR does for aerodynamics.
  11. Changelog v6 == \/ == *Added height and width display *Changed scaling steps (slightly finer control). Hold LeftShift for 10x speed. *Removed width and height limits *Added even-meter tanks (0.5m, 1m, 2m, 3m, 4m) *Added one new texture by me *Added three new textures by Chestburster *Added three new textures by Dante80 *Resized a couple textures, for hopefully no loss in quality. *Added Balloon-type superstretchy. Needs MFSC v3.3 or above. *Fixed surface attachment problems (I think)
  12. Yes, I do intend to key it to nodes. I've been...a bit busy of late, for obvious reasons. I second Starwaster's question: Which engine, which version of MFSC (RF? RFRM?), and if you click and click and nothing happens, upload the output_log
  13. I do use the MODEL method* for the 0.625m heatshield in DRE (and rescaleFactor for the UP99s), and I've spent the last few days duplicating like 80% of stock parts along with Medieval Nerd. What the question was more about was (a) it's not polite, even if the license allows [which many don't] to release rescaled versions of a modder's parts, and ( hoping you (nothke) would do the work for me. :] *Note that as IIRC Greys found out, due to a bug in the code, rescaleFactor is applied twice to each scale axis in the MODEL node. So for any rescaleFactor r, you need a line scale = 1/r, 1/r, 1/r in the MODEL. Otherwise you'll need to use rF = 1.0 and move the nodes yourself (scale = x is unreliable). OP Edited with clarifying remarks on shockwave exponent. When I do finally release the Realism Tweaks pack (it includes tweaked heatshields) I will add the link.
  14. But there isn't, and you can't launch, a 70m dish (Like DSN) Yes, there is a max range on MC. 5,000,000m for default RT2 unless you've edited the RemoteTech_Settings.cfg file. It's in there at the top.
  15. Sweet! Hey, a request: can you do them in even-meter sizes too? I'm releasing a big Realism Tweaks mod that has the pods at their RL scale (2m and 4m)...
  16. Kass: thanks! I don't use those for transfer windows--I used http://alexmoon.github.io/ksp/ since it can give you off-angle transfers. I was meaning to do a fork of that for RSS, but for now you can just use real NASA plots, since the orbital parameters are all real. KSP year 0 = 2000CE, btw, though in the next major RSS it will become 1950CE.
  17. nothke: not yet. I was planning to add it though, and I'll push that higher up the todo list; it'll be in the next DREC.
  18. NP. If the tank says "Tank type: Default" when you mouseover it in the parts list then it has only minor insulation. If it says Cryogenic, then it's insulated.
  19. Yes, you can edit terrain. I have for Kerbin and Mun. I just had to pause that to fix my other mods.
  20. It works with Kethane; sometimes the grid is a little funky given the rescaled planets.
  21. Also, the rescaled pods have lower BCs, so you'll get higher drag force in the high atmosphere. Although IIRC higher BC doesn't mean lower Gs, just at a different altitude?
  22. Cool. You're using the S-IVB for final push to orbit, right? You can't quite get there on S-IC/S-II. Max payload to 185x185@28 is ~120t, and S-IVB + Apollo stack is like 165. Sounds like you might need a different ascent path, too--but it may well be that they circularized after apogee. S-IVB has _such_ a tiny TWR, and S-II isn't that better.
  23. Also if you can output the URL of every texture you process, so we can go back and add to blacklist if necessary.
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