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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Honestly I haven't used a normal tank in months; everything now is stretchy tanks (and there's a normal and a cryo version).
  2. Vostok used RFNA / Amine, IIRC. That's what I thought you were going for.
  3. borisperrons: nailed it quite close! Except it's still "some damn fool thing in the Balkans," only this time it grows out of two crises: an Italo-Austrian one, and a Russo-Turkish one. The alliances are UK-Germany-Italy-Turkey(-US) vs. France-Russia-Austria. I presume in those circumstances Japan would stick with the UK and go for round 2 with Russia. This grew out my years of lurking on soc.history.what-if... Since you asked, some years ago I wrote some about the POD and immediately after (done as a Victoria AAR, but having basically zero influence from gameplay). I have a slightly cleaned up version that I posted on SHWI but it's not available anymore IIRC. Never did get more written, but I have lots plotted out. Some relevant details: ***SPOILERS*** Highlight to read if you want OOC background. *the wounding of Wilhelm I in the Six Weeks War and his death in the Franco-Prussian War (Bismarck is also wounded; out of commission and unable to argue leniency, and with the General Staff and government angered at Wilhelm's wounding, the peace with Austria is harsher, leading to no rapprochement or Dual Alliance). *the coup attempt against Friedrich III, and the future Wilhelm II being hidden sheltered by Berlin workers (later, with the right discredited in his eyes for hurting his family, and no grandfather to influence him, Wilhelm channels his opposition to his father to the left, not the right). *An FV (a union of progressive parties)-SPD coalition government by 1906 or so, Wilhelmine influence having given the Bernstein revisionist faction the upper hand in SPD (and no Bismarckian electoral hijinks). *Chief Justice Robert G. Ingersoll *In the US, a different Fourth Party System: the disappearance of the Democrats, and the Radical Republicans (shoved out by the end of Grant's second term) forming the Progressive Party, eventually merging with the Populists. While a Liberal Republican / Populist / Greenback-FL coalition had won the presidency in 1880 and 1884, the first under the new party are LaFollette and Watson, riding to victory over backlash at Republican imperialism in 1900. (Watson obviously never gives up black-white fusion politics) *With the un-trampled potential of an additional 30 million minds by 1900, the US (and the world) have advanced a bit technologically compared to OTL. Technology is around five years or so in advance of OTL by the First World War (though various areas differ, obviously). As you can tell by the intro, for example jets reach Korean War level by the end of the Second World War. Though I don't promise to not retcon things, this timeline starts in 1947-8, a few years after the end of the Second World War. Yet another SPD-FVP coalition governs Germany; the presidential campaign in the US is heating up between the incumbent Progressive People's Party (literally the same name as FVP, an interesting irony) president and a Republican promising to cut government waste like all these literal-blue-sky-research space programs; in Britain the Tory government is trying to make ends meet and not kill too many Labour programs. EDIT: Now that it's explicitly non-Kerbal, I'm considering cross-posting on AH.com (where I lurk).
  4. I use KW engines and the RCS quad; I use more of (but again not all) of NP2--and even the old NP1 engines, because MFS/ERAEngines needs MOAR ENGINES.
  5. Dante80: remember that space-on-disk has no relationship to space-in-RAM. All textures are converted to DDS (or linux equivalent) for storage in RAM, and the size is constant per number of pixels no matter what the texture looks like: 0.5 bytes per pixel for textures with no alpha, and 1 byte per pixel for textures with an alpha channel. Also, for that gold foil texture, could you add a normal map? That would really improve the appearance I think, make it look actually crumpled. Regarding that bug: I'll take a look.
  6. Dragon: I'll add nitric acid (and amine, yes? ). I had trouble finding a density for synthin, but when I looked under syntin I finally found one: 0.851 g/cc. Does that sound right? IIRC it's super-chilled, so should the density be even higher? For MFS v4 I'm reworking how Isps work, so those should be easier to add. SRFirefox: At the moment tank mass tries to replicate stage mass (including structure etc). Dragon01 requested balloon tanks, which should work better. Also, there's an issue with cryogenic tank mass (sorry). It's a bit high. (tank dry weight is ~2.8% gross, whereas fraction for non-cryo kerolox is 2.3%). It'll be fixed. Active cooling (rather than thermal fins) is a good suggestion. CheesySquid279, as others have said you're free to do what you like. But since this mod gets updated once a week or so at this point, often fixing some critical bugs, (a) do you really want to take on updating your mod pack that constantly and ( do you really want the headache of supporting these mods yourself? Because, since I can't control what version of MFS someone who downloads your pack is using, support would be a nightmare that I really don't think I want to take on. :] If you do want to keep the pack constantly updated, and handle/offer-support-for interaction between all the mods, then it sounds like a good idea. But if you're just planning to zip together a bunch of cool mods...you're really not adding any value, I don't think, that couldn't be gotten from a big thread with links.
  7. Makes engines mass 1 / 3.2 what they do normally (to get realistic TWRs) Makes tanks have a dry mass 1 / 5.045 what they do normally (to get realistic stage dry mass).
  8. Changelog: v3.2 = \/ *Typo fix (thanks Starwaster!) to [un]fillable tanks. *Increased precision for fuel densities; fixed LH2's density (was 0.071g/cc; should be 0.07085g/cc) *Added tank support for Space Shuttle Engines mod (thanks, Malsheck!) *Added scrolling to tank configuration. *Upgraded to Module Manager v1.5
  9. The universe of the KATO spacerace is a very (very) thinly veiled alternate history of Earth. Before I embarked on the Real Solar System project I thought I'd be stuck having Minmus exist (I even have footage of Meton 9, first probe to orbit Minmus), but thankfully RSS intervened and I decided to reboot this as a totally human mission report with real planets. I will add a note as to the POD in the RftS:ERA thread. Speaking of which, if y'all can bring your discussion over there (Whovian though it may be! ) I'd appreciate it; I'd like to let this thread recede down into the depths now that the reboot has begun.
  10. That looks great! I know there have been two radial drogues released (recolors of the stock radial) and you might want to talk to their authors. One of them added a ton of new parachute textures, too, and so you should definitely contact her/him. AH: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/31754-0-20-Fun-with-Parachutes-May-26
  11. Ah. No problem. :] As it happens, you treated them as if they _weren't_ LH2/LOx tanks. They would be tank type Cryogenic instead of Default then. Default is for "standard" tanks, like for kersone/LOx or hypergolics, fuels that (other than LOx which is mildly cryogenic) don't require much insulation. LH2...requires lots of insulation, and LH2/LOx tanks are often that kind of orange (it's insulation). So if all those tanks are orange (I don't have the mod) they should all be tank type Cryogenic.
  12. I always like it when people save us work! Nabbed. ...but...shouldn't some of those be cryogenic? If not all of them?
  13. SFJackBauer: Aw, crappitycrap. I forgot some @s. Sorry. Fixed the archive. Please regrab. It also includes a fix to the 4m heatshield (asmi noticed the 2.5, and the 4m in this archive which is a clone of it, had no breakingForce and breakingTorque).
  14. okayfine. I set rounding to 8 places for the next MFS. And fixed LH2's density in g/cc (was 0.071; now 0.07085). Hope that's better.
  15. uagaming: do they show up with no fuel in the part list? Or only once placed or when loading a saved game? Did you delete any prior ModularFuelTanks folder and install exactly as the readme said? Do you have any other versions of ModuleManager floating around? gunnyfreak: Been there, posted that link on the TAC LS thread. Here's an updated version just for you though. https://www.dropbox.com/s/krr60w1nuyc1lgp/TAC_LS_MFS.cfg It adds MFTanks to each pod of a size equivalent to what I guessed the pod's life support should be, along with TACLS's module (so TACLS doesn't auto-add resources). It adds support for the six new resources to tanktype Default and ServiceModule, and it adds three new Tank types (LifeSupport (only the good stuff), LifeSupportWaste (only the bad stuff) and LifeSupportCC (closed cycle: it has room for all six). Note that I use the resources without the TAC on the end; either add it to all instances at the bottom of the file, or remove _TAC from all resource references in TACLS's own cfg files.
  16. KIDS itself may work, but the issue is more likely to be KIDS thrust correction.
  17. Camacha: Yes, I mean trying to get the terran to look like what it's supposed to at ground level. BoZo, lijat, you can edit all values in the CFG. AndreyATGB: I think I may have goofed, where some moons do have their inclinations in re: the ecliptic, back when I thought I could get axial tilt to work without changes on Squad's side. I'll go through and make sure all moons have their inclinations re: the equator. That or it's just a typo. :] mushroomman: I did actually work up a version of cloud_layers.cfg with approx-correct colors for Veneve and Titaythe, but I never had a chance to post. I'm sure you'll do a much better job though! (It was just tweaking the RGB values and giving Laythe the Eve cloud defines for thick atmosphere). Since bump maps (rather than normal maps) _are_ height maps, that was what I was planning to use, yes. Please do send them over! asmi (also re: maps): that's...about what I expected from you. But as we were discussing, those will have to wait for a paging PQSMod. For cloud values (in re Starwaster): the issue is, since I don't have new scaledspace meshes yet, you can't go too far below the original values, since while the height-ASL for PQS terran is only approx 1.5x Kerbin's, the scaled space mesh, since it's a single mesh with a single scale value, has mountains 11x as tall. Hence the flickering if the radius multiplier in cloud_layers.cfg gets too low. I've had success with yargnit's suggestion of 1.003 and 1.004. Note you will also have to edit common.cfg and change the LOD switch ranges to about 2000 each or you won't get clouds on the surface / at low altitude. DarthVader: 300km is the minimum for an orbit that doesn't, in real life, degrade incredibly quickly. Captain Party: Depends on your TWR. You want to start your turn at no more than 100m/s velocity, so whatever altitude that occurs at. Also, you want to set your shape and end height based on your TWR later on--if you're trying for single stage, you want something maybe like 40 or 50% and end height 80-100? If you have a low-TWR upper stage, you might want more like 60-70% and end height maybe 160km? Maybe even a final turn angle of >0? It really depends. metaphor: while I have not yet had time to switch to pressureCurves for atmosphers, all scale heights are correct to the best of my (and Medieval Nerd, who did the research for me!)'s knowledge. The issue with Venus/Eve's pressure, however, is as ferram says, that's why I went with the KSP stock 5x instead of the real life 92x. With a pressure curve we could get around that.* Note that Jupiter's atmosphere never really ends, it shifts smoothly into liquid. The surface is set at the "conventional" base of the atmosphere, where pressure = 10 bar. ferram: the pressure curve, since it has a determined end point, will not get clamped by "<=1E-6 means 0" IIRC. From what I've been able to determine, the actual expression for atmopsheric pressure (when useLegacyAtmosphere is true) is, contrary to the KSP wiki, this: atmosphereMultiplier * (e * staticPressureASL)^(-alt_in_km/scaleHeight). It cuts to 0 when pressure is < 1E-6. However, the 1E-6 cutoff is applied BEFORE atmosphereMultiplier is applied, which is the source of the problem. Starwaster: Yes, there is a temperatureCurve for bodies. li7in6: I've been using a flat 10x multiplier, which seems to work ok, but your approach sounds much better. Given that RemoteTech2 source/configs are GPLv2, and ranges are already in the form of ModuleManager patches (not even the original part CFGs) I think it's fine. iVG, asmi, re: paging. All you need to do, I think, is replace the existing heightmap PQSMod with one that pages the heightmap; it keeps a static cache, into which is read texture data (to avoid Unity/KSP garbage collection BS you'd have to overwrite rather than delete and (C#-version-of)malloc), and if a texture page is out of cache you read it and kick something. I'm sure your (asmi's) is way more cool and complex, but it should totally be doable. That's just for height data; dunno how to deal with normal maps. You'd need to write a custom shader, probably, but Unity uses Cg, so that shouldn't be too bad.
  18. BrickedKeyboard, what you have to remember is that Kerbin is about 1/3 the size of our moon, with an orbital velocity of only about a quarter Earth's. So don't be surprised that reentry is mild. That's why I added shockwave multiplier and shockwave exponent, so that even if you aren't willing to play with Earth-sized Kerbin (via the RSS mod), you can still have Earth-level reentry heating. The issue with planes...are you cruising at about 25km? Do you have a reasonably high angle of attack (~10 degrees)? Then you should be ok. (And if not, you can't really compare to the SR-71). Airplane fuselage parts _do_ have heat shielding, though like the SR-71 and X-15 it's non-ablative. You really shouldn't be doing badly until say 1400m/s unless you have some parts with really low max temperatures; the shockwave temperature (a funny fact) is your velocity's magnitude in Kelvin, so even at 1400m/s the ambient [from a non-detached shockwave] is only about 1100C. Note I _do_ plan to model shockwaves (and low ballistic coefficients causing detached shockwaves), though not for some time... jrandom: ferram just fixed capsule lift, and that probably also fixed heatshield issues; I've been away myself for a few days and haven't tried yet though.
  19. KIDS may be an issue. Try without it. Dante80, those last two shots...I actually had to look again to verify they were KSP. Very nice! You may want to post the lossless versions of your textures, though--JPG is notorious for losing details.
  20. You can get worldspace from your lat/long/alt. I think it's GetWorldSpacePosition or something like that. Planetary rotation is computed by that function based on the celestial body's directRotation (the directRot angle is applied as a rotation to the worldspace vector which the latitude and longitude, unrotated, yield, I presume). It's very annoying, really, that's exactly what prevents axial tilt from working. :\
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