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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. As soon as I get back from my trip. I know it breaks the game for you and I'm sorry. For now, just remove TANK {} entries in RealTankTypes.cfg for any tank types you don't use. Like, say, Aerozine, Hydrazine, UDMH, and Methane.
  2. Firov: Huh. I'll look into that when I get back. HoneyFox: I do scale it, but I'll try to clean up when it happens so it does that more reliably. Basically, it was a hack because I didn't want to make my own model (so the math got a little funky). This kind of Minotaur? Have you tried a Scout too?
  3. Also make sure you're using a cryogenic tank (the Jumbo-64, or the Cryogenic Super-Stretchy). Gojira: You can reconfigure the engines to use stock fuels, yes. Just edit the engines.cfg file and set all the propellants to LF+OX, and fix the ratios.
  4. You need the latest MFS 3.1. Download and install it, overwriting the version from Sphericals.
  5. Make sure you're using RF or RFRM. Go to Action editor mode in VAB. Click on engine. Click plus or minus buttons.
  6. AndreyATGB: is it really more memory intensive? I thought I fixed that issue. asmi: Yeah, I always start my turn in MJ at 100m/s and try to tweak the other params so I have a zero-lift ascent, but it'd be much easier if one could do it with velocity not altitude. Maybe we can wheedle it out of sarbian? Exposure, that's an excellent explanation! There's a few additional points I'd like to make, though, just to fill in a couple gaps. First, hypergolics as fuel don't, per se, have worse sea level performance--indeed, the penalty to "standard" Isp is identical, 0.95x a kerolox engine. What you're seeing is that most hypergolic engines are either orbital maneuvering engines or upper stage engines, and thus the nozzle is optimized for vacuum. MFS does have some lower-stage and L+ engines set up for hypergolic, and those will have decent sea-level performance. Try, for example, the NovaPunch Matriarch: it has 4500 thrust and a sea level Isp of 283 at TL4. The main reason to use hypergolics is they ignite automatically, which will become an issue when Engine Ignitor is supported automatically. The fuel mode that loses out at sea level is actually hydrolox: while you usually get approx 1.3x the Isp of a kerolox (baseline) engine, you get only 60% the thrust and 0.7x-0.97x the proportional sealevel Isp (i.e. only 0.91 to 1.26 the sea level Isp of a kerolox engine, vs 1.3x the vacuum Isp). Make sure, if you're making a hydrolox stage, that you're using cryogenic tanks; they will be lighter and will lower the loss rate of the fuel. The Jumbo 64 is one, and there's a cryogenic superstretchy. Finally, remember to set your engine TechLevels as desired. Some engines start out as 1945-level technology, but can be upgraded to present-day performance. Techlevel is set the same way fuel mode is, in the Action Editor pane of the VAB/SPH with the engine selected. Miller: conrgats! Another reason you're underperforming is the incredibly high TWR, as people have been saying. TWR on liftoff is usually around 1.2 (make sure the TWR you're looking at is the SLT column in Mechjeb stats; click All Stats to make it show up. That's your actual liftoff TWR at sea level (because thrust decreases in a linear relationship with Isp).
  7. Razorcane: I fixed the can't-have-tank-and-engine-together bug a loooong time ago. You can totally have a MFT and a modular engine on the same part now. Make sure the part has both an appropriate ModuleFuelTanks and an appropriate ModuleEngineConfigs. Regarding wobble, get KJR. Regarding ISS, I'd either post in the ISS thread or start a new one... Captain Party, you're welcome to open RealSolarSystem.cfg and edit the atmosphere scale heights of planets if you want to change atmosphere height. Note that that's what really controls atmo height, not the deceptively named atmosphere height, which is just for show. Regarding warp on the launchpad: I haven't had this issue myself; but the vessel has to be totally not moving, even a bit of wobble will prevent warp. That might be what's doing it.
  8. asmi, I'll check. I do seem to recall AG put a limit on vertical stretch which you're probably hitting. Now that we need bigger stuff I'll turn it off.
  9. Hurrah! And of course I have to go on a trip for a few days, so testing has to wait.
  10. 1. Nope, that was what we tried: go down in stages, using the built-in lerping between warps. The collisions were weird--it said collided with launchpad, despite being in orbit! 2. See the latest post in the RSS thread for the craft file, apologies for delay. I tried it first without struts between pod and heatshield, then with. Finally, removing the struts again, I get about a 25% success rate on load to pad, and then another failure chance on first stage event. Note that with the struts it's quite solid without KJR, which is very strange; that's why I mention the issue. I know ST has issues, but they're usually worse on stock. I absolutely don't use launch clamps; I know better. :]
  11. Redone as Saturn IC (With an F-1 engine). This is so you only need KW in addition to my mods; I removed the NovaPunch dependency. If you have NovaPunch, you can add back on the launch escape tower (NP Punchout LES Large); KATOEngines will have already configured it for you. Note that this does require MFS v3.1 RFRM with KATO Engines (just reuploaded--redownload it, folks), SSRBv5, and DRECv3. Oh, and Procedural Fairings, obviously. In addition to this little file right here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8dhdkeygnkf1dp2/NKReal.zip It has the MM patches to change solar panels, batteries, and the Mk1 and Mk1-2 pods, and a 3.9m heatshield and 3.9m heatshield decoupler. As I said above, much of the solar panel rebalance is thanks to Medieval Nerd! Finally, the craft file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kmvj7g545dgqzhy/Apolloid%20S-IC_KW.craft
  12. Two issues to report: 1, and I keep forgetting to say this so you may have fixed something else to undo this, but: time acceleration of 10 million in a medium Kerbin orbit leads to an explosion on going off rails when KJR is enabled. (RSS, obviously; replicate by setting max warp in the cfg to 10m). I have it set to 6 now which should be safe, so it's not a big issue. 2. Per the Saturn IB I just shows shots of the in RSS thread, I rescaled the Mk1 pod to 4m width, and made a copy of the 2.5m heatshield rescaled to 4m width. Every time I launch with KJR, there's a structural failure between the heat shield and the pod; when I revert to non-KJR the rocket holds together! Weird. I'll post the stuff you'll need to replicate on the RSS thread.
  13. Decided to actually test a rocket (after rescaling the pod and the heatshield and matching Apollo-Saturn IB masses nearly exactly). The pod is an Apolloid; workalike, though not lookalike. Same with the SM; I used panels rather than fuel cells since I'm waiting for MrTheBull's CSM. The J-2alike is spot on; the main engines are the old Novapunch F-1 lookalikes, but they're only 1/4 the thrust of an F-1 so I used four. Note the solar panel rebalancing thanks to Medieval Nerd, and the increased battery capacity, to the Apollo CM's 3.4kWhr.
  14. Zander, thanks so much! 1. Increase the maxDetail for Kerbin in your settings.cfg file, under the preset you use. Basically, ground height is determined apart from the actual mesh faces, so with fewer subdivisions the planet (thinking in 2D) resembles a polygon rather than a circle, and thus the mesh faces don't quite conform to where the ground should be. 2. Yeah, with a new scaledspace model we could use however many textures we wanted, although we'd have to page them at a certain point. 3. Have you tried the newest? It has improved terrain. And you can fiddle with the values in the config file too if you want to tweak it further--come up with something nice and I'll use it!
  15. It looks very good indeed--thank you so much for being so flexible with all of us! johnsonwax: You can always just zip up the parts you don't want and then delete the originals. KSP won't load zips, but you can extract inplace when desired.
  16. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delta_v_budget Note that the amount to transfer to the moon may be slightly off, given we have to work around lack of axial tilts, and that orbital decay isn't modeled. By which I mean: you can use real values for everything now. Want to know how much dV it takes to get to Mar^H^HDuna? Look it up on a real deltaV map.
  17. johnsonwax: the issue is not being able to unload parts. The issue is being able to unload _assets_. KSP loads assests independently of all confignode-specified data; a TGA file in GameData will be loaded irrespective of whether it's ever referenced by the game or not. So even if you could get MM to unload gameobjects (which you can't, because they're not loaded at the time MM runs), it still wouldn't unload the assets involved. And presumably you want the ability to unload parts because you want to save RAM? UniverseReplacer does try to unload assets (the old texture, when it's replaced by a new one); someone should do a check to see if that's really happening over time, as I don't trust KSP garbage collection.
  18. 1. Ah, I see. 2. Doh, I was supposed to add Synthin. But as AbeS was pointing out, the tanks listings are already too long and I need to add as scrollbar. Balloon tanks...I can add the tank type, but being able to switch MFS tank types in ST will take a bit of work. 3. That's been in since forever. Check the readme for details, but here's a quick overview. When you add a ModuleFuelTanks {} to a part, you can set a custom basemass. That will override the tanktype basemass. If you set it to -1, no mass changes are made to the part's dry mass. Heck, you could simulate a balloon tank by making a copy of a SuperStretchy and set basemass to something like basemass = 0.00008 * volume or even 0.0000000001 for practically no basemass whatsoever (a true balloon tank). Also, in each MFT module, you can add TANK overrides. Anything inside a TANK {} inside the MFT module declaration will override what's in the TANK {} in the MFT tanktype. Like in a MFT {} you could do TANK { name = LiquidFuel mass = 0.00002 } to cut the mass per volume of RP-1 in half.
  19. Nope, see the post RIGHT above yours. MBM are uncompressed on disk but compressed in ram (at somewhere between 1/4 and 1/6 their on-disk size, if alpha or no alpha respectively); uncompressed TGA have same ratio; compressed TGA and PNG, the ratio varies. Bobcat uses MBM, so the size in ram may be much less than a mod that uses PNGs and takes up less disk space (!)
  20. First: Thanks, everybody, but the lion's share goes to the original author AncientGammoner. I've added some stuff and fixed some issues, but he's the original mod author. ANWRocketMan: I believe it might. Let me know! Dragon01: 1. That's an interesting idea actually. What that would need is a balloon tanktype in MFS, too, but I was planning to add one anyway. 2. There is no correlation because I didn't want to add an elaborate tank-type-checking system for textures. Besides, some people may want different textures on different tanks (for the same reason you can select the SRB texture for non-SRB tanks). However, Starwaster when he first added MFS compatibility added a Cryogenic superstretchy, so use that. 3. Fixed adapters are very possible. Some day when I have time I want to examine how DYJ does it for the procedural adapter; combining that method for top and bottom radius, and ST method for rescaling the whole model, would lead to fully procedural tank adapters. However, it might be easier to derive from the Proc Fairing interstage, because then you can even control curvature. I'll talk to e-dog. I currently already use PF interstage for my nosecones, since, as long as you extend the fairing height above the node, FAR shouldn't count it as an open node, and you can make the top radius 0 (or nearly 0). When the fully-procedural fairing bases drop we can switch to those. Side tanks should be doable. As it happens, one reason for this new texture system was to allow a textureType NONE to disable texture switching, but I forgot to do that. Oops. Spherical tanks already exist in the form of Talisar's Spherical Tanks. Though they are not procedural. Hmm... DAVIDESCOTT: As Dragon01 says, thrust is a dependent variable. You control burn time with G, and solid fuel capacity by rescaling the tank. Thrust is set so that the amount of fuel in the tank burns for (burntime). If you want more thrust, decrease your burn time. When you change tank size, because desired burn time stays constant, thrust changes to make actual burn time accord to desired burn time. MNorman: OH. Figured it out. Right, you do need to remove the ModuleEngineConfigs module. I can try setting something up in MFS for now, but the way you switch from regular MFS to MFS_RF is...by adding MEC modules. So you're effectively running in partial-RF mode. And once there exists a single MEC somewhere, it depends on the stats in the RealFuels folder. redshift690: Go into action group editor and click on the tank. MFS makes all tanks modular, so you use its system to configure tanks, not the old ST system.
  21. Starwaster: thanks for hunting that down. Miller, try without DRE and let us know if the problem goes away. AbeS: Aw, crap. The fuel list is longer than your screen height. I didn't notice that problem because I run very high-res. Must be from the new fuels I added. I'll add a scrollbar.
  22. Does "35,786" (from the first sentence in that linked article) look like "2868" to you? XNerd_Bomber, MFT aka MFS is Modular Fuel System. See link in sig. It gives you realistic tanks and engines. Captain_Party: I have the same setup so I don't think there's anything inherently wrong. Launching with FAR is different so you have to get used to the new way to fly. Make sure your rocket has CoL well behind CoM (add fins to further stabilize), start turn when <= 100m/s velocity, and turn gradually until about 100km alt. Make sure you're never pointed more than 3-5degrees off the surface-prograde indicator.
  23. Razorcane, MFS in realfuel mode handles that. I even wrote a patch to MJ that sarbian included; in the stage stats window click all stats; SLT shows sea level TWR. The "hidden mechanic" is that KSP is wrong about how Isp works: when Isp decreases (i.e. at sea level) the rocket engine doesn't suddenly become able to push more fuel through, instead the fuel flow stays constant but the thrust decreases.
  24. StretchySRB is a continuation of StretchyTanks by the great AncientGammoner. Note: StrechySRB is in the process of being replaced by Procedural Parts. This will be the final release of StretchySRB under this name; for all further development (and many amazing new features) see the PP thread. My StretchySRB patch to StretchyTanks grew and grew. Along with the minor fixes and the SRB, I've now totally redone how textures are found and loaded, which means anyone can add textures to their ST install just by adding a texture or two somewhere and either editing STTextures.cfg or doing it via ModuleManager. Rather than posting new patches all the time in the ST thread I'm finally making a new thread. From the Readme: This addon is by NathanKell, e-dog, and swamp_ig, featuring models by Tiberion and further textures by Chestburster and Dante80. This addon to Stretchy Tanks adds a conic tank, two Stretchable SRBs, a new texture system, and some fixes. *Node size scales when resizing super-stretchy tanks *stock ST texture stays in aspect when stretching tanks *will show all resources in tank when you mouseover *Proper integration with Modular Fuel Tanks or Real Fuels (REQUIRES MFT v4/RF v4 or above!) - when done stretching, go into action editor->tank setup and update each fuel amount the desired amount to get your final amount. *and a few other misc logic tweaks Note when using with Real Fuels: Stretchy SRB is ModularEngines enabled, so your thrust will be corrected when not in vacuum. It is also techlevel enabled, although only Isp will change (not casing mass). The new texture system works off confignodes. There is a file in the StretchyTanks/Parts folder called STTextures.cfg that defines the textures. You can create your own textures, place them in any location, and use ModuleManager to add the appropriate nodes to the STRETCHYTANKTEXTURES node. All documentation on the node syntax is in the STTextures.cfg file. Note: this SUPERCEDES any prior Stretchy Tanks-related work by either NathanKell or Starwaster. INSTALL: DELETE YOUR OLD STRETCHYTANKS FOLDER in the KSP/GameData folder. Then unzip this folder to KSP/GameData You may also find, in the StretchyTanks/Parts folder, a Template file with the grit layers I use to make the tanks look slightly worn. Feel free to use it and make (and post!) new textures! License remains CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported Changelog v9 =\/= *Final pre-Procedural Parts release *Moved RF tanks over to RF mod. Will no longer clutter partlist *Deprecate non-superstretchy tanks (available to old craft but hidden in part list) *Support RF v6 *Fix heatProduction for SRBs when using DRE *Add Version Checker (Majiir / Ferram) *Add "utilization" factor: essentially a hack to allow you to copy real rockets. Fat short tanks should have lower utilization; long tall tanks should have higher. Example values: Titan II lower stage: 0.87. Saturn V lower stage: 0.8. Titan II upper stage: 0.7. Atlas D through I: ~0.85. ***NOTE: you MUST rescale the tank slightly after changing utilization or the volume won't update. After that, you can scale it back.*** =============== Showing off the new tank textures and conic tank (with a faired interstage). Note the Delta II-like top stage, an orange cyrogenic mid stage, and a Saturn V like lower stage. Also note the German-like procedural fairings (available as a ST texture). Further, note the four StretchySRBs. Sea Level / Vacuum SRB nozzles by Tiberion Download Source on Github ========================= Texture Library Additional textures for your tanks. Planeguy868: Download. Installation instructions: download and extract it to KSP's GameData folder. Preview: Ferram4's Saturn and Nova Textures: Download. Installation instructions in zip. Preview: blackheart612: Full thread! Previews:
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