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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. What altitude are the clouds? Can you make them only about 3000m up, a good average of cloud heights? That might help with the issue razark is talking about. And, you asked what I think: incredible. Utterly incredible.
  2. Not if you want it to look like what DarthVader posted, is all I'm saying (you'd need non-uniform scaling for that, to get the tank right, and you'd want a larger nozzle:tank ratio than the PAM has now). If you just want to do a uniform scale and not change the respective size of tank and nozzle, then it's always fine.
  3. No probs. Just figured you'd like to know. Love the mod btw, though been too busy modding myself to actually play.
  4. Problem is the nozzle will also be rescaled by the same factor since it's one model.
  5. You...know you can have one spaceport link and just update the file and the details, right? The old link still works.
  6. 1. Ok. I do suggest using the reogranization of the max distance code I did, though; that lets you display the current length of the last leg in the path, and the max possible for it, so that you can be careful to not exceed it when flying. 2. Ok. 3. Cairan is talking about the dipole antenna _from RT1_.
  7. Good thing you don't have to. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/mechjeb-and-remotetech-for-all/
  8. Making such a tree is exactly what this thread is about.
  9. Remember case sensitivity, like I mentioned above. the things after @ must EXACTLY match the original part files' lines. For the second one, you're missing a {, and you have two closing }}
  10. Cilph, couple questions. 1. What do you think of the range model in my RT1 fork? For two nodes, one weaker than the other, range = weak + sqrt(weak*strong), clamped to 100x weak (1000x weak if both are dishes) to simulate transmit power. 2. Why not use the RT2 parts?
  11. Nonono, I don't mean gyroless probes. I mean UNCONTROLLABLE probes. Like out-of-contact probes in RemoteTech except you can still stage and transmit science. Nobody was able to change Sputnik's orbit once it decoupled from its booster... So at the start you have to shoot off a few unguided sounding rockets to get science, or fly planes. Then you can research a rocket guidance unit--still far too heavy for probe cores, but allows for controllable boosters. And then you can make an R-7 (guidance in core stage, massive rocket) or Juno (small; guidance in booster; unguided [solid] upper stages) Low-Isp cold gas RCS is a good idea. I should put that in. I've been using rescaled cylindrified-Stratus pods with 5 units of RCS for my probes, but a cold-gas version would be cool.
  12. Update: testing the RemoteTech science module. If it works, then we can properly have uncontrollable probes early, and autonomous ones later.
  13. He's not; I am. Expect a thread shortly with tech updates and a small code fix.
  14. Um no, you won't, because redistributing anything from Kethane is breaking the license.
  15. Both work fine. You just have to add tech lines to the parts.
  16. Well, not just carebears; ialdabaoth made everything use real-world values for heating. And since you're only losing 2km/s on reentry, rather than 8, well...no wonder it isn't as deadly as real life!
  17. I use them, but they would fit better in propulsion IMO, with the other SRBs. Well, SRMs. Although I think their values should be rather different. I use: Mk7 Payload Assist Module mass 0.03, thrust 8, SolidFuel 20, Isp 210/270 KSP-5 Solid Motor (1.25m) mass 0.12, thrust 40, SolidFuel 100, same Isp.* While there I'd suggest thrust 30 for the MiniBooster, so you can use it as a lower stage of a .625m stack without dying. And in 6x it'd still provide a heck of a wallop for a 1.25m stack. Basically, make it like the Castor 4A or the GEM 40 on Delta IIs. *Well, technically I don't use those Isps because I use my own realistic Isps. So these are "stockified" Isps.
  18. Noooo, MechJeb2 is KSP .20+ compatible and should go in its own folder in gamedata, like in the archive. You did download the latest (2.0.9 is it?) release, right? Put the MechJeb2 folder in GameData.
  19. Ah. Dunno then. I only know that because MCE trawls through all availableparts to set costs and logs their IDs, and that's the kerbal EVA ID. I haven't actually tried to do anything to it. It's possible it's never actually loaded via ConfigNode, and instead loaded directly as a part.
  20. Castor 30 is already in, basically. It's the 1.25m SRB in AuxEngines (Control tab). IUS, though, would be pretty cool, although it's actually two parts.
  21. Actually, not quite true. 64 bit will help, because it means each 32-bit program will get to use _all_ of its 3.5GB, not just a portion of the OS's total 3.5GB, split among all programs. Wait, since when does DRE have large textures? I didn't think RT did either... Unless you mean updated for .22, and not texture-replaced?
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