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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Beale: Yep, just so. Primitives are cheap, mesh colliders are expensive. curtquarquesso: As I said in the post you quoted, Unity 5 no longer supports concave colliders. So this is not a KSP choice. What is a KSP choice, is that in preparation for our move to Unity 5, KSP 1.0.5's mu loader no longer supports concave colliders. It does so "early" in the sense that Unity 4.6.4 does technically still support them, but changing to convex-only is a change all mods would need to make for KSP 1.1 (due to the Unity 5 requirement), so modders are just needing to get started on this change a bit early.
  2. All RO-required mods are updated for 1.0.5, and the RO repository is basically updated, just nailing down a few engine bits, so there shouldn't be much for Truth to do on top.
  3. v10.8 * Update for KSP 1.0.5, start to tune boiloff for new thermo. * Add tooltips when hovering over (locked or unlocked) engine configs in the engine GUI. * Support descriptions for engine configs (key 'description' in the CONFIG). They are shown on the editor tooltip and in the config tooltip in the engine GUI.
  4. No. It's for 1.0.5. Hence the thread title changing. :)
  5. This is the problem when a thing that weighs what a Mercury capsule weighs has only 64% of the surface area it does in real life, and there's less air to slow you down than in real life on top of it. Drogues are good, though I agree they are not placed early enough in career for use from the start (then again, heat shields aren't either--you don't _need_ shields at the start, nor for trans-Munar if you are very careful and/or do reentry on multiple passes).
  6. Clean out your old Squad folder in gamedata, then install a fresh copy (either from the zip or by steam->Validate files). This is why it's a good idea to do a _clean_ KSP install each version, rather than just plopping it on top of your old install--paths and files may change. :)
  7. The anim bools are new, as are the gendered bit (and the gender), and the snaprotation/snapoffset. The min dots are all old. snap rotation takes a bit of explaining. You can (and you have been able to, since forever) set a min roll dot. That checks the dot product of the two docking ports' up vectors, and if < this, will refuse to dock. The new snap terms let that occur at multiple angles, i.e. if it's set to 45 degrees, and you set a min roll dot of 0.9, then when the docking port's up axis has a dot of >0.9 with (the up axis of the target port rotated to as near as possible your up axis, in 45 degree steps), you can dock. That is to say, old-time docking ports only allowed one acceptable orientation, when minRollDot was used. Now you can set any number of them. The anim bools should be self-explanatory, and are what's relevant for this thread's issues. Oh, yeah, also: node type is now a comma and/or space-delimited string so instead of size0 you could do size0, size1 and it would dock with either.
  8. v10.4.1 * Update physics modifiers from current RO settings. * Update metadata. * Update to Kopernicus 0.5.2.
  9. A PSA on colliders. Thomas P. found the source of the issue: In preparation for Unity 5 (which does not support concave colliders), the new mu importer in KSP 1.0.5 will ignore a collider's concavity setting and force it to convex. While Thomas has demonstration code written to force colliders back to being concave, it's a bit of a moot point because 1.1 is coming, where concavity is no longer supported at all.
  10. A PSA on colliders. Thomas P. found the source of the issue: In preparation for Unity 5 (which does not support concave colliders), the new mu importer in KSP 1.0.5 will ignore a collider's concavity setting and force it to convex. While Thomas has demonstration code written to force colliders back to being concave, it's a bit of a moot point because 1.1 is coming, where concavity is no longer supported at all.
  11. Yes, I screwed up the versioning. Sorry all. Benoit: Try [url=https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/raw/master/ROMini.cfg]ROMini[/url], or try SMURFF, or try SimpleRO. Any of those would be what you want, I think, though SimpleRO may be too heavyweight for your needs.
  12. FYI I added a bunch of bools to ModuleDockingNode, per request. That should fix the problems mentioned there, try them out. :)
  13. I play RO, and when real life rockets separate (in RO), they don't explode either, with 1.0.5 settings. :) (It's due to the MOAR BOOSTERS crowd over-TWRing their stages, and not using separation motors, and instant throttling, that the blowups happen--if, in real life, you put some metal directly under a powerful rocket engine, it'd slag fairly instantly too.) Now, that's not to say I won't be looking into this for 1.1--I will be. But please don't claim the physics are wrong as the reason it should be looked at. :)
  14. [url=https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/wiki]Check the tutorials on the RO wiki[/url], they should help. Also check youtubers: BevoLJ, Tyler Raiz, and Scott Manley all play RO.
  15. Kartoffelkuchen: I'm aware that that is the end result, yes. What I am not aware of, is why that occurred--I don't know of any code change we made, and AFAIK 1.0.4 used the same version of Unity. YANFRET, great! :)
  16. It's not a 1.0.5 quirk per se; splashes are only created when a part that was previously not at all submerged goes to >0 submerge factor. So you'll only get continuous splashes (a wake) if you constantly jounce a part in and out of the water. Note that that's always been true, but now that water is less "brittle" as it were, parts don't jounce so much anymore.
  17. To keep the crossfeed rules as they were before, rocket engines still don't (BY DEFAULT) draw via surface attach links. However, there is a setting in Physics.cfg you can change ( stack_PriUsesSurf ). Set it to True and things using STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH (i.e. rocket engines) will indeed crossfeed.
  18. Changelog v10.4 * Update for KSP 1.0.5. * Update for Kopernicus 0.5 (thanks Thomas). * Correct rotation of KSC (at Cape Canaveral). * Colors for different classes of tracking stations (thanks PhineasFreak).
  19. There's a "Future of FASA" thread in General Addon Affairs that talks about the future.
  20. I believe the new FASA is only for 1.0.5, so if you're still on 1.0.4, that's what CKAN will serve you. However, CKAN questions should be taken to [url=http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100067-The-Comprehensive-Kerbal-Archive-Network-(CKAN)-Package-Manager-v1-14-3-27-Sep-2015]the CKAN thread[/url].
  21. It's a plugin that toggles the CoM Offset, yes. Called "Descent Mode" ingame.
  22. [url=https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/issues/671]Faster if people help! :)[/url]
  23. Yes, I get that there's frustration, and I don't mean to belittle it as such, just the idea that it was some mustache-twirling moment for Squad here. I'm frankly mystified why it's breaking when there was neither a Unity version change nor any code change of which I'm aware that would do it. I'm very happy YANFRET has a way forward, though. :)
  24. That confuses me, because RF should be keeping temps cool during prelaunch regardless of pump status.
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