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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Yep, gonna be fixed for next KSP, but RC can fix it sooner (woo!). The mach multiplier should fade out with Q, yeah.
  2. Sigma: Yes, that's my point, they evaluate the same. Thing is, | doesn't work in child nodes' HAS blocks, only root node HAS blocks. So it doesn't work in subnode @NODE[foo|bar] either.
  3. Nope, because [B]it doesn't exist as a separate download.[/B] It is [B]part of RSS itself.[/B]
  4. VenomousRequiem: Update KSP. You're on the pre-silent-patch version of KSP. Update to build 1028+ by redownloading KSP from wherever you downloaded it. Also, it's time for another one, since people don't read the OP... [size=5]PSA: The [B]ONLY[/B] way to play career in RO (and have things actually work) is to play [url=http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/103196-0-11125-Realistic-Progression-Zero-%28RP-0%29-Lightweight-RealismOverhaul-career-mode?goto=newpost]RP-0[/url][/size]
  5. Yep, and that change dates to 1.0 anyway. :] I did fix some intake bugs in 1.0.5 making velocity-based require-too-much-air-flameouts less likely, but that's about it.
  6. Welcome back! :) For the first few months of (my continuation of) RF's existence, I was under the misapprehension that highly pressurized ([B]highly[/B]--all tanks are pressurized, but only some are highly) tanks didn't have to worry about ullage. I was wrong. That's been correct for like a year or two now, so no, it's not very new. :] However, the myth persists... If you're not playing RO, then...yeah, you need a tech tree that works for you. If you _are_ playing RO, the only tech tree we support--the only career mode period we support--is RP-0.
  7. The 6.whatever number is correct in 1.0.5. In this update (see the changelog! really guys!) it mentions that Duna's atmosphere's molecular mass increased and its pressure decreased (to keep density roughly constant, but have a better, more sensible model).
  8. Are you talking about double-right-click mouselook? There's a setting in the game's settings menu for it. It should be all explained in the 1.0.5 changelog...
  9. I believe that @NODE[text] evaluates to @NODE:HAS[#name[text]] And | in HAS only works for root nodes (@PART) not subnodes.
  10. Look at the Mechjeb OP. It has giant red text, guys. [url]http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/124336[/url]
  11. Ah, here's a better example, a full cfg rather than an MM patch. [url]https://github.com/camlost2/AJE/blob/solver_redo/GameData/AJE/Parts/Props/DoubleWasp.cfg[/url] CtTweak and CpTweak are multipliers for the Ct (coefficient of thrust) and Cp (coefficient of power). The props compute Cp and Ct from advance ratio and pitch using the supplied tables (in the PROPELLER nodes in the main props cfg), but those values are then multiplied by the tweaks. This is so engines can share prop definitions but have "100% real life" performance each for each.
  12. [url=https://github.com/camlost2/AJE/blob/solver_redo/GameData/AJE/KAX.cfg#L72-L106]example[/url] Note that we now replace the engine module, rather than adding an AJE module next to it.
  13. Woohoo! :) Let me know if you need help figuring out config changes...
  14. Part.submerged (or is it submergedPortion?) defines what ratio of the part's total displacement is under water. PartBuoyancy sets it each tick, but use the Part version since that means your mod will work with any mod that replaces PartBuoyancy. If you do want depth (depth at centerOfDisplacement), minDepth (depth at part's highest point, more or less), or maxDepth (depth at part's lowest point, more or less) then you do have to go into PartBuoyancy.
  15. You mean "RF Stockalike" by "the stock config" ? Then ask on that mod's thread for that mod to support Tantares. :)
  16. There's two separate 'glow' things. 1. Parts highlight at the same color as their gauge, if Highlighting is turned on. 2. [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Draper_point]Parts begin to glow (emit radiation) at ~798 K.[/url]
  17. See [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_CL-400_Suntan]Lockheed's SUNTAN project[/url] and also [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Isinglass]ISINGLASS[/url].
  18. Frizzank has mostly stepped away from FASA and handed things over to a new generation (though he's popped back in a few times with fixes). We're working on overhauling bits here and there, but haven't released yet. For questions like yours however, fellow users are probably your best avenue of support. :)
  19. If you want the same mass of solid fuel, you need to multiply the original non-RF units by their density ( 0.0075 ) and then divide by the density of the new solid fuel you picked (probably something close to 0.00178 although it does vary a few grams PSPC/HTPB/PBAN/etc).
  20. [B][size=3][color=red]No, issue caused by not updating KSP.[/size][/color][/B] Please update to the latest build of 1028 or above (redownload KSP if you didn't get it off Steam, else let Steam update it).
  21. The mod is called "stock." :) Engines now support adding shieldedCanActivate = True to the MODULE.
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