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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. politas: There is not, AFAIK. In other news: too tired to update the OP, but RO v10.7 is out! This release brought to you mostly by @stratochief66 as usual. Update stats and craft files for Raidernick mods with many thanks as always to Raidernick. FASA stat and craft updates thanks to chrisl as well as our core contributors. Tantares updates for KSP 1.0.5 via Niemand303. Many, many small fixes and tweaks by PhineasFreak. Further SSTU updates by JoseEduardo and our core contributors. TACLS resource deltatime fix. Update config for LR87-LH2 part which RO itself supplies. Changed antenna stats to better model historical probe performance when connected to the DSN. Descriptions now give maximum ranges when connected to the DSN. Thanks Laie! Support more SXT parts. Update Universal Storage support. Update support of Ven Stock Revamp to latest release. Update stats for Pyrios booster courtesy A1Ch1. Attempt a hacky modeling of the Derwent's centrifugal compressor. WIP support for the Long March mod courtesy A1Ch1. Improve CryoEngines support thanks to SirKeplan. Fix a long-standing issue with emissive constants (typo meant they quite often were ignored). Update reentry thermo and heat shield performance. Fix some issues with the CoMShifter plugin, condense its GUI bits. Don't duplicate proc fairing base decouplers when Proc Fairings For Everything is installed.
  2. No, the issue has nothing to do with textures. The issue is that both VSR and SDHI add a MODEL node to the part config, assuming there isn't one already. Probably the best bet is for SDHI to only add its base pod MODEL node on :NEEDS[!VenStockRevamp]
  3. Chemical rocket engines have 1/4 to 1/6 the TWR of their real counterparts. The LV-N has 2/3 the TWR of its real counterpart. I'd say it's already massively OP compared to chemical engines.
  4. Raidernick's mods. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/112942-historical-rockets-probes-and-stations/
  5. Yep, that's how it works. Root nodes are all accessed, and HAS for them supports | Subnodes are indexed. @NODE or @NODE,0 applies to the first, @NODE,1 applies to the second, @NODE,* applies to all. HAS no longer supports | You can combine: @NODE[foo],*:HAS[#bar[baz]]
  6. @Hellbrand As the rest of the thread explains, 1.0.4 and below have a bug with biprop (really, any PROPELLANT-based) RCS thruster with >1 thrust transform. @FlarpingFlipperFlapper use ModuleRCSFX as a bugfix solution then. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/83259-104-modulercsfx-v42-aug-23-obsolete-in-105/
  7. You can fairly easily trawl all parts and calculate buoyancy, and give a net force. What's much harder is making that into something actually useful, because if you're building anything except a submarine you don't care about whether the whole darn boat/plane will float, but where the water line will be. It's not relevant if the seaplane floats...by putting its wings and engines in the water.
  8. Craft file with only stock/VSR/SXT parts then please? I'll check it out. Save file would be even better.
  9. @Dermeister open (your KSP folder), the GameData, then RealFuels, then Resources. Delete the ResourceHsps.cfg file Done!
  10. I am a derpy doofushead who was on the wrong version of CBK. Oops. Thanks @sarbian
  11. Slight hitch: Hoped to get RP-0 out tonight, but there's an issue with Custom Barn Kit where action group mode isn't unlocked in the VAB (only the SPH). I'm hoping @sarbian can tell me what I'm doing wrong. Other than that we're very close indeed.
  12. First, you should be asking in the RO thread; this is the thread for the planets and moons themselves, not part changes from the RO mod. As to the issue: Are you sure they are producing 0 electricity, even when 'exposure' is 1.0 ? Because some solar panels are very weak indeed.
  13. @FlarpingFlipperFlapper which version of KSP are you running?
  14. Numbas! So, I believe my reasoning for those high default thrusts was to allow use of the sep motor (and other small solids) in escape towers, and to allow replication of the Baby Sergeant (6s burn time). So yeah, it's just to give you flexibility--under normal circumstances you'd want 50 or even 25% thrust limiting set for your solids. That Blue Dog Rocket thing sounds like it tries to balance its quite crazily high Isp with a low fuel fraction (and also that perhaps its Isp was not downscaled to align with KSP 1.0+ solids balancing). As to the non-rescaling, wanna pastebin (or code-tag) any MODEL references in the part's original cfg, as well as any references to scale and/or rescaleFactor ?
  15. Yep: ask your local mod author (or game dev) to Fix Their Stuff. (Seriously, an exception means that a piece of code hit an error and didn't know what to do with it. The fix is gonna be to, well, fix it.)
  16. Again, I don't disagree the mechanic can be annoying, but...does this look like a fairing to you? Do please at least give examples of engines that ignite inside an insterstage fairing, not inside an open mesh.1 1There are a handful of cases, mind. Just...not the common ones being cited.
  17. Not just highly accurate but 100% accurate: that literally *is* the displacement formula I wrote.
  18. If you can replicate the issue with just FASA installed, post here. If you are adding a plugin that literally deals with limiting control, and you find control improperly limited, you probably should take it up there.
  19. Skin thermal mass is always calculated first. It's tmMult = PhysicsGlobals.StandardSpecificHeatCapacity * part.thermalMassModifier; skin thermal mass = Max(0.1, Math.Min(0.001 * part.skinMassPerArea * part.skinThermalMassModifier * part.radiativeArea * tmMult, part.mass * tmMult * 0.5d)); Next, calculate part thermal mass: part.thermalMass = Max(0.1, ((part.mass * PhysicsGlobals.StandardSpecificHeatCapacity * part.thermalMassModifier) + part.resourceThermalMass) - skinThermalMass) Note that that means that skinMassPerArea is in kg/m^2, and it, like the modifiers, defaults to 1. @Shadowmage you definitely only want to be dealing with fluxes, not temperatures. Also, while the glow is applied based on skin temperature, the game's code already *does* deal with a split between the exposed skin area (the blunt heatshieldy area) and the unexposed area (the rest of the capsule). The exposed area is tracked based on the cross-sectional area exposed to the wind (i.e. minus any occlusion) and has its own temperature and fraction of the total skin thermal mass, with the unexposed skin area having the remainder of the thermal mass and area. Once you leave atmosphere (or hit zero velocity, i.e. no wind to check cross section against) the skins are 'unified'.
  20. I calibrated the shield such that a Mk1-2 pod with a chute and a 2.5m heatshield will just barely survive an entry->landing at Eve at 6km/sec surface speed. That does mean the shields are quite over-spec'd for Jool aerocaptures or Kerbin munar reentries.
  21. I manually updated the ckan pending a change in the repo (there's some issues with the .version file that prevents the netkan targeting the github releases, and this release was never uploaded to kerbalstuff so the existing KS target doesn't work either). And yes, RP-0 Soon (tm).
  22. Wow. Just...wow. Kudos. As to the tricount, 3k is totally fine IMO. As long as your colliders are cheap, the visual geometry can be plenty complex.
  23. @erebus214 have you tried without Remotetech? If it works without Remotetech, that sounds like an issue to take up with them, not FASA... @.50calBMg um did you mean to post that here? Or did you mean to post in the Proc Fairings thread? @frizzank awesome!
  24. It's been so long since I wrote that file that I don't recall too well. @komodo can you post some examples of SRBs, i.e. dry mass, wet mass, thrust, and sl/vac Isp? Then I can give them a sanity check. In general case mass is going to be ~5 to ~20% of the wet mass. Thrust varies, but IIRC I increased the base thrust a bit so you have more options (i.e. you should generally plan to run at 50% on the thrust limiter for solids, but higher than that is available if you want high thrust kicks).
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