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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. The only physics-related setting in a save is ReentryHeatScale and it's in the DIFFICULTY node inside the PARAMETERS node right at the top of the save. ReentryHeatScale = 1 is the same as setting the slider to 100% ingame (it's a ratio not a percent).
  2. Answered here. Besides, this isn't a plugin dev question, it's cfg work.
  3. Exactly, if you change the falloff it'll break regarding illuminating other nearby vessels.
  4. Works fine. And it's marked as 1.0.5 compatible on CKAN too.
  5. We try @winged sounds good! Regarding Action Groups--make sure you're on the latest version of Custom Barn Kit.
  6. Very nice work! KSP desperately needs real, tankbuttless engines!
  7. Known issue when in scaled space. Scaled space represents planets as 1/6000th their real size (and distances are multiplied by 1/6000), so that means planets are close enough that they will be affected by lights.
  8. Yeah, I made the temp gauge edge highlighting tunable per part but not that, sorry.
  9. I posted on the original thread @JediMasterSterling1 made. As the changelog for 1.0.5 states (read it guys! pls!) this is now supported by ModuleEngines and all which derives from it.
  10. If exposure is the same between two solar panels (i.e. sun at the same angle in both cases), then their charge rate will only vary based on: 1. If there's atmosphere (atmosphere decreases incoming solar flux) 2. The skin temperature of the panel (hotter panel = lower efficiency). If---if--the exposure is the same in both cases for you, sounds like the issue might be that the panels in space--with no atmosphere to convect with and cool in--heat up a lot and become less efficient.
  11. useVelCurveIsp = True velCurveIsp { key = mach0 multiplier0 intangent0 outtangent0 key = mach1 multiplier1 intangent1 outtangent1 .... } There's also an atmCurveIsp if you want an Isp multiplier based on density. You should set a fixed single-value atmosphereCurve and then use atmCurveIsp (and useAtmCurveIsp = true) to vary Isp with density, since prop performance varies with density not pressure.
  12. Just an FYI, this bit of MM code will disable it. https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/blob/master/GameData/RealismOverhaul/RealismOverhaul_Global_Config.cfg#L19-L25
  13. I *think* engines are OK now. @Svm420 reported an RCS issue I haven't had a chance to fix yet. Does require the latest development version of Tweakscale I think though.
  14. @chrislThere are different classes of tracking station, each with different antenna ranges and now different colors. (There have been different ranges before, but now you can see the colors to make finding out easier).
  15. Linux doesn't display the build number for some reason; you have to go to your KSP path and open BuildID.txt to see what build you're on.
  16. Somebody used the magic words of Real World....mwahaha. Technically all of the things you mentioned did not use monoprolllants at all: they all used (di)Nitrogen tetraoxide as oxidizer and either Aerozine 50/50 (50% UDMH and 50% hydrazine) or MMH as fuel. US space fuel cells have generally been hydrolox so the byproducts can be used as drinking water.
  17. No idea why it just appeared, I saw it since 1.0.4 was in experimentals.
  18. Known bug in 1.0.4. Replace all MODULE of type ModuleRCS with ModuleRCSFX from the mod of that name.
  19. I've said it will remain FASA. Also, see here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/123511-the-future-of-fasa/
  20. The config shouldn't even be there anymore, the heat shield module is only used for things with ablator now, non-ablative heat shields don't need a module.
  21. Too tired to update the OP but RP-0 v0.41 for KSP 1.0.5 is out! (Also too tired for a good name and pic). A long time coming, but it's finally here! A note on antennas: All stock and RT antennas have their stats adjusted to values that fit real-life(ish) missions. Part descriptions give their effective range when connected to the Deep Space Network back on Earth. P&P of FASA Gemini White, Gemini Lander, Big G, MOL, etc. (thanks winged7) P&P for KK_ATK_Star48B, Castor (thanks winged7) P&P for a number of antennas, dishes (thanks winged7) SNAP tentative pricing (thanks winged7) TAC converter tentative pricing (thanks winged7) Many docking ports P&P (thanks winged7) P&P of AIES structural parts, pod, solar (thanks winged7) Orion & Ion engine P&P (thanks winged7) P&P for many mk3 stock parts (thanks winged7) P&P for CSS shuttle parts (thanks winged7) Placing/fixing of some Orphan parts (thanks winged7, NathanKell, stratochief) P&P (tentative pricing) for many airplane cockpits & plane engines (thanks winged7) P&P for RN 7k-LOK and other RN parts (thanks winged7) P&P habitat pack (thanks winged7) P&P KIS (thanks winged7) P&P for many B9 parts (thanks winged7) P&P of misc SXT parts (thanks winged7) P&P for many more Chaka parts (ie. RL10) (thanks winged7) P&P for a number of KW, NP engines (thanks winged7) P&P for SpaceX parts (thanks winged7) P&P for BD landing gear (thanks winged7) P&P for some NearFuture parts (thanks winged7) P&P for new stock parts (1.0.5) (thanks winged7) Tuning and tech placement for some FASA tanks (thanks ctiberious) Addition/modification of late game Avionics nodes (thanks winged7, Niemand303) Placement of the alternative Gemini SM, same as the original (thanks stratochief) FASA J-2 moved from Early Hydrolox to Hydrolox (thanks winged7) Antenna tech tree placement adjustments (thanks Schnobs) Old typo fixes, so that intended P&P now applies (thanks stratochief) Placed some Ven parts as Orphans for now (thanks stratochief) Pricing for a number of KW engines (thanks winged7) Pricing for RO KVD engine (thanks winged7) Pricing for Aestus, Aestus II (thanks winged7) Pricing for Merlin engines (thanks winged7) Pricing for some stock parts (thanks winged7) Pricing (tentative) BE-4 (thanks winged7) Avionics added for many parts (stock, B9) (thanks winged7) Avionics additions for some FASA parts (thanks ctiberious) Refinement of some repeating contracts (thanks ctiberious) Extended Pluto contract length from 2 to 15 years (thanks NathanKell) Adjusted Phobos/Deimos contract reward (thanks NathanKell) New contracts, ie. Lunar Landing (Manned) (thanks NathanKell, ctiberious) New Mars & Venus flyby contracts (thanks winged7) Other new contracts (ie. Titan) (thanks winged7) Entry-costs for RS25, RS68, RL10 entry costs (thanks winged7) Entry-costs for FASA Gemini & Gemini White (thanks winged7) Entry-costs for Chaka RL10s (thanks winged7) Entry-costs for many stock & RO parts (thanks winged7) Entry-costs for many B9 parts (thanks winged7) Typo fixes (thanks batuhantasli, NathanKell) Adjustment of BodyScienceParams (thanks winged7) Ability to separate tank & tank avionics unlocks added (thanks NathanKell) Updated CustomBarnKit config spaceHigh for Earth explicitly set to 35786km P&P some FASA tanks, Titan, Saturn, Nova (thanks stratochief) HECSII given surveyor level avionics (thanks Schnobs) ProcPart sizes now unlock as 4.6m/7m/10.1m/16m instead of 4/5.6/7/10 (thanks NathanKell) Tanks including LqdHydrogen no longer see a mystery price increase due to RealFuels (thanks NathanKell) Much RL-10 pricing, tech, and entry costs consolidated in RP-0 (thanks SirKeplan) RL10A-1 configuration is now the initial config (thanks SirKeplan)
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