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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Anyone who is willing to fix even a single site, that would be awesome. You edit the launch sites cfg using these docs: https://github.com/NathanKell/RealSolarSystem/wiki/PQSCity-and-PQSMod_MapDecalTangent
  2. Ah, k. I think that's ok but @ferram4 will know for sure. As for reversed--yes, @Ven had that issue as well where the physics were correct but the visual activation direction was flipped.
  3. As of RO 10.7.2 you should no longer have that issue. Make sure you're up to date.
  4. That's my point, actually: nozzle exit size doesn't tell you much about thrust. And it's not that boosters have smaller nozzles per se, it's that the area ratio is usually lower (although not that much lower; a modern closed-cycle booster with, say, 70:1 or so AR has a higher AR than many early and even mid-period uppers). If you assume that the early engines, despite their high Isp, are open cycle, pushing much lower chamber pressures, then it makes sense the Vector doesn't have a much higher form factor and instead gets its high thrust from high chamber pressure. You're welcome. We definitely tried to clean up the Mammoth and Rhino descriptions for 1.0x, and the Vector for 1.0.5, to that effect. And as to turbopump exhaust, I'm sure that Porkjet is at least considering it, though of course all plans are subject to change.
  5. All intakes are by definition ram air intakes, unless you're silly and mount them facing backwards. It's not a relevant bit of terminology. Instead, the part has been renamed to reflect its usual use: as a supersonic stack-mount intake.
  6. It does show the number of ignitions, in the part tooltip in the editor partlist (and, if a RealFuels engine with multiple configs, when the RF engine GUI is shown).
  7. @Woody716 cool! And the CKAN folks were informed, on the CKAN thread? Was there anything I'm supposed to do with a netkan?
  8. @RoverDude Saab works on various RO mods. Those would be RF-curated resources. @saabstory88 there's also Syntin, in terms of superchilled kero; that's already in there. I take it Musks' chilled RP-1 has different stats and thus is worth a separate entry?
  9. For FAR (and thus RSS) compatibility, all wing surfaces need to be their own parts, i.e. the class A-3/4/5 design needs 4x (err, 1 part placed in 4x symmetry) fin parts, though the core can be one piece. You can't combine multiple wing surfaces with each other, or with non-wing parts.
  10. Could it be related to stuff in Program Files, or on the desktop? Try with both the program and the file it's opening in generic folders (like C:\Games\KSP\DDS and the files in C:\Games\KSP\GameData\whatever)
  11. Yep, or hot stage (ignite the next stage, but don't decouple, while the lower stage is still burning (at about 2-3s of burn time left); decouple when the lower stage burns out.
  12. Talking about size? Guess it's time for this again. Of the following two engines, which do you think produces more thrust? Engine 1, with a 2.14m diameter nozzle Engine 2, with an approximately 1.3m diameter nozzle (the 4.9ft stated appears to include the pump).
  13. Mercury lost about two to three pounds of ablator on reentry, based off the sources I found. One unit of ablator in KSP is 2.2lb (1kg). EDIT: And I really have no idea where you're getting your stuff here @lajoswinkler. Radiative heating really isn't much of an issue except at BLEO (lunar, interplanetary) reentry velocities. The shockwave compresses the air, yes, and then you get convective (or I guess you could consider it, given high Q, conductive) heating. And you most certainly do get a high wall temp, although of course the backing doesn't heat up--but the skin temperature isn't tracking the backing material, it *is* tracking the wall temp.
  14. https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealSolarSystem/blob/master/GameData/RealSolarSystem/RemoteTech_Settings.cfg#L793
  15. Well, that's pretty awesome! Oh, some of that DDS code might well be Sarbian's, if you grabbed it from Kopernicus. When DDSLoader got obsoleted, we folded in the beyond-stock bits (that I needed for RSS) into Kopernicus.If it's just DXT1/5, that was already there and either Nathaniel or Thomas's.
  16. 1. Root is halfway between reality and the gamey standard metric RT uses (I wrote Root, for the record). In real life, range is mostly additive, it's not average at all. 2. You don't need a satellite network beyond LEO anyway, since once you're high enough you'll have LOS on the DSN stations with their giant dishes. A pair of Comm16s per satellite is fine for an LEO network.
  17. There being a prior conflation in this very thread between 64bit and 64K, and all mentions on this page being ambiguous, I felt I ought to mention it. Apologies if it's not releveant.
  18. You can do something like making a package that includes just some things, and requires other (meta) packages, which can be met by mutually conflicting other packages (like how RSS requires RSS Textures, which come in 2048, 4096, and 8192 versions. Just post on the CKAN thread stating how you'd like the packaging to work, and I'm sure they'll help you 'make it so'.
  19. Um...why do you think it's 64bit weirdness? This mod is 64K, i.e. Kerbin etc rescaled 6.4x. It has literally zero to do with 64bit. Unless you're using the hack for 64bit for Windows, of course, and then you have bigger problems.
  20. If you want xplanes use the recommended Taerobee mod. If the trasnfer window is too far away...don't accept the contract. Wait to be near the window and accept then.
  21. @Woody716 please tell me where you heard you need one. That config is part of RSS itself as of the last RSS version for 1.0.4 (2-3 versions ago) and so if anything is still saying you need a separate config, it needs to be updated to not say that anymore.
  22. Can't do multiple HAS blocks like that, and can't do | in the MODULE. You want: @PART[*]:HAS[#rescaleFactor[*],!MODULE[ProceduralFairingSide],!MODULE[ProceduralFairingBase],!MODULE[KzThrustPlateResizer]]:FOR[zROMini]:NEEDS[!RealismOverhaul]
  23. No, the issue was you were on the unpatched version of 1.0.5. Redownloading gave you the patched version (see the Silent Patch thread in the Announcements forum. Apparently too silent.)
  24. Sadly my telepathy isn't working this week. So you'll have to actually provide information. :] http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/83212-how-to-get-support-read-first/
  25. I read that thread at the time but I did indeed forget about it since, thanks for the link.
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