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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Convective heat does. Radiative heat is worse (radiative heating can essentially be ignored for LEO reentry, whereas in the first minute or two of a lunar reentry it's like 50+% of the heat load).
  2. 60 is about right for a ballistic entry. 50 or so for lifting. Do remember to right-click on your capsule and enable descent mode so you fly a lting reentry (you want your navball crosshairs to be directly above the retrograde marker, i.e. stay rolled level with the horizon). As @legoclone09 says, though, not all heat shields are rated for lunar reentry. If you don't have a lunar-rated shield, then you'll have to slow down over many, many passes.
  3. @MissMolly apologies if I sounded annoyed! I'm not! I was just trying to be very clear. (And, err, I guess I often sound like that.) Further, RO/RP-0 *is* hard to install. That is literally the reaosn CKAN was created; @pjf didn't want to do it manually. And then it turned into this: https://xkcd.com/1319/
  4. Ah. Because you're trying to minimize delta V expended, and thus you minimize steering losses. You need to get correct as soon as possible, and minimize the amount of time you're burning in the wrong direction. Burning to the equator and then burning at 90 is like burning up and then burning right rather than performing a gravity turn.
  5. @MissMolly Ah I also missed you didn't have Contract Configurator installed. And CommunityTechTree. Please, please, go carefully through the list of Required and (heavily) Recommended mods for RO and RP-0 and ensure you have all of them. If in doubt I highly recommend using CKAN as it will avoid exactly this sort of situation. I would suggest removing one of your part packs and putting VSR back--as I said, RO and RP-0 will not play right without it. @cytosine I thought that's what a dogleg was.
  6. Ah, so it's not the engine, it's the core? Interesting!
  7. You're lacking SXT. RP-0 requires it. Also please verify you have a Tree.cfg file as I mentioned. Lacking it would explain the issue.
  8. Whatever works for you. It's worth noting that pjf is very busy running CKAN and has next to no time to be involved with RP-0 (let alone play it!) sadly...
  9. @Senshi there seems to be an issue with the A-4 engine breaking contracts. Yours is not the first report about that.... @nightingale any idea what to look for to figure out why?
  10. Yep, that's why I mentioned dual-plane separation and two decouples, in that post I made a ways back. Your saying it made sense and your were going with it made me think that you were indeed aware of the S-II interstage's dual-plane (vs. S-IVB's single-plane) methodology... From the pics, looks like you've got it all sorted though.
  11. Did you download an RP-0 release, or did you just download the repository zip or a source zip? Verify that there is a Tree.cfg file inside the RP-0 folder in GameData. I don't see RP-0 there in the screenshot...
  12. Correct. The reason for the difference is reentry heating can be occluded, whereas at least in subsonic flow air gets everywhere. So only the part of a suface-attached part that is literally inside another part should have drag ignored; if there's something in front of it but air can still reach it, it should cause drag. That's why FAR switched to voxels, because you can do that with voxels.
  13. @mcirish3 as I said I'm fine with it being listed. As to how, if it's a mod list for RP-0, then remember that RP-0 is only comaptible with a small subset of the mods that RO is. So it's not really the combination of the two lists, but a combination of the 'requireds' and 'recommendeds' from RO and RP-0, as well as any other things RP-0 is compatible with.
  14. Welcome to (one reason) why RO upscales parts. Stock payloads have 100% the mass of their real counterparts but only 41% of the surface area (i.e. drag). That makes reentry quite painful. You'll need to come in much more shallowly, or use propulsive braking, or do something to lower your ballistic coefficient (i.e. increase drag : mass ratio).
  15. I see nothing about it not showing up. Did you look in the Fuel Tanks tab as well? Old parts with category = Propulsion get put in the Fuel Tanks tab unless they have a module that says its name is Engine. The stock modules do, we don't. So in that MM patch add %category = Engine
  16. @mcirish3 not sure what you mean by share in that context. You mean just list this mod and its dependencies and its highly recommended co-mods, and the mods that work with this? I mean, you're certainly free to do that. Is that the question? Or are you asking for that list?
  17. @ferram4 I thought KJR was disabled for these because they already had equivalent code?
  18. Also, adding an override drag cube will force anyone who rescales the part to either nuke, or manually recompute, said override cube.
  19. @Kerbas_ad_astra @komodo I just realized I should mention. I don't think ROMini does this, either. Need to rescale any override drag cubes when the parts rescale. Happily I wrote some code in RO to do this, which you're both free to use ( @komodo you should do it in a script, since that avoids having to pre-specify the number of cubes ). https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/blob/master/GameData/RealismOverhaul/DragCubeRescaler.cfg Note relevant to present-SMURFF since you don't rescale, though, right?
  20. Yay! RO doesn't support career out of the box. You need Realistic Progression Zero. You also should have Ven's Stock Revamp, as even regular RO highly, highly recommends it (things will look wonky without it).
  21. No, the issue there is that the space center (i.e. land and water PQS, and all the buildings) is still being rendered, since unlike VAB/SPH and tracking station it's not a new scene, just an overlay GUI.
  22. Better to read the output_log.txt / player.log from the bottom up, and see what was going on before the crash. If there's an ALLOC failure (Windows, maybe linux) or a malloc failure (OSX, maybe linux), it's a memory issue.
  23. @Workable Goblin you could try in the game's display settings turning the texture resolution down. In fact it's possible that setting is different on the desktop and laptop, causing the issue?
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