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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Can you post your output log then?
  2. Great progress! Question: Are those fins part of the stage part, or are they attached in 8x symmetry? Both KSP and FAR require the latter config if they're to provide lift, not just drag.
  3. @Workable Goblin are you using rbray's Dynamic Texture Loader? That should help some.
  4. Even with DTL that looks like way too many mods...
  5. You are on an old version of KSP 1.0.5. Redownload it.
  6. Did you get the SolverEngines plugin as well? RF depends on that. You probably also need RealSettings.cfg and MFSSettings.cfg from the RF folder. If it still hangs, post log?
  7. The DLLs come with individual mods, and each mod that uses it should come with its own dll. The KSPAPIExtensions entry in CKAN itself should never have existed, and the solution was to limit its versioning so it can no longer be selected. Tl;dr that's entirely working as intended.
  8. There's a lot that needs to be improved, so it remains up in the air just how much we can get in. But thanks for the suggestion.
  9. By saying that a QA person promised you it'd be kept, and then it wasn't. I pointed out it was. If I overstated your position, my apologies.
  10. Nope, it actually goes in the engine module, and the engine module needs to be switched to ModuleEnginesRF (you could also put it in a ModuleEnigneConfigs CONFIG, but no engine module except ModuleEnginesRF will know what to do with it--ModuleEngineConifgs is just a module that feeds the engine module a config).
  11. That would be awesome! @TrooperCooper cool! 1. What mod is it from? 2. Dang, that is bad. I'll check it out. Looks like things changed. 3. @nightingale are we doing it wrong, again, or is this a reversion? I had @Rokker mention a similar issue with X-Plane flights, which I *know* I rewrote to your specification (or, OK, maybe I goofed there too?)
  12. You're most welcome! Hopefully 1.1 will let KSP use all that RAM. We'll see. Good places to look for delta V numbers would be wikipedia and this pretty map. As to LVs, RO itself comes with some stock craft, although if you are memory-limited you will be barred from using those stock craft which depend on part mods. If you want LV data, some good sites to use are Encyclopedia Astronuatica which has probably the largest data set but has a number of inaccuracies, b14643.de, Spaceflight 101's LV library (probably the most in-depth) .... there are plenty more, but that should be enough to get you started.
  13. @MissMolly your log clearly shows you are running out of RAM (KSP on Mac is limited to like ~2,8GB). You need to limit the number of part addons you're using, and use the 2048 textures for RSS (you might be able to get away with the 4096s, I don't know). Also look into rbray89's Dynamic Texture Loader. EDIT: To be clear, it's 100% not related to that part, or that line of MM code.
  14. @CitizenVeen it was a year and change ago. @ferram4 might remember better than I, but we were on-window, I know that much, so we had fairly low TMI and TEI costs (we paid a bit extra for a shorter trip). We did propulsive captures, modulo a few dozen m/s, so the only real aerodynamic savings were from Mars EDL.
  15. @komodo Yeah, path losses (I think that's the term) are inverse square, but really there's no "range" per se, rather effective bandwidth steadily decreases since you have to devote more and more to error checking and correction. Instead, RT just has a binary model, in-range / out-of-range. EDIT: Derp. The losses are square, of course, it's the SNR that's inverse-square. @Kobymaru yep, Root's still rather 'harder' than real life.
  16. Went ahead and merged it, and inigma's too.
  17. In fact we thought we *had* fixed it in 1.0.5. It passed our repro cases. >.> (There was a bug in ALL_VESSEL and STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW that led to that case.)
  18. @CitizenVeen I'm unaware of anything that enumerates. Fusebox may still be useful however.
  19. @MalfunctionM1Ke: Nobody's lying. Go into the debug toolbar and turn on "use spherical model" and you'll get the old behavior back.
  20. Your best bet would be to ask on the CKAN thread. I have special powers, but I'm busy enough elsewhere that I don't tend to do very much CKAN stuff at all, unless it's an issue that directly affects one of my mods (or someone needs help ASAP and no one else with permissions is available). If you don't here back there, that would probably be the case here too.
  21. That line only, but yes, I'm saying if you add that line, and target another body (i.e. not your reference body), and switch to target mode on the navball, you'll get a velocity readout per the OP's wishes.
  22. @komodo Whoa, I didn't know MM supported wildcards on values now! As for attach nodes, only the first three values should be scaled, the others should be left alone. Does your code do that, or does it apply the scaling factor to all subvalues? At any rate, you'd best ask in the MM thread, where Sarbian might have advice...I got nuthin. @MissMolly The craft in the RP-0 orbit tutorial can indeed make orbit (the final craft, not the upper-stages-only test craft built halfway through the tutorial). I fly my ascents using MechJeb's ascent guidance, that keeps me aligned well during the powered phases. You need ~9300m/s to reach orbit, 6400 is far too little. And yes, needing 9300 means you need 9300 across all stages, so you can just sum up. @komodo v2.0: Woo, that's very cool indeed! Neatly gets around MM issues.
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