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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. It won't. MFT and IFS are not compatible when on the same part. You get to use one or the other, on any given part.
  2. Ah, good catch! And you're most welcome whenever. As to the 1.6 vs 2 thing. Unlike scale, which defaults to 1.0 (and 1,0, 1.0, 1.0, when in a MODEL node), rescaleFactor defaults to 1.25. So multiplying that by 1.6 yields 2, so if no rescaleFactor is specified, and we want to scale up 1.6x, then we insert rescaelFactor = 2 (i.e. we scale up the implicit default 1.25 by 1.6x)
  3. When I come up for air on 1.1 I'll definitely be speaking with you all
  4. @TiktaalikDreaming Merry GravMass Currently the rocket overhaul, as the dev notes state, are targeted at 1.2, so...not for a while.
  5. As long as persistence is up to date (which usually happens whenever you hit ESC to bring up the menu, IIRC) you should be good to alt-F4.
  6. That's very impressive! The Stearwing was built back in .25 I believe, back when there was old-Aero and jets were ludicrously OP. The modifications to it since make it almost, but not quite, capable of orbit in modern KSP (at least for @Porkjet and me, who tried to make it orbit-capable via those modifications).
  7. 1. Turn down engine exhaust heating in the engine. 2. Increase the maxTemp of the launch clamp (say, to 3600)
  8. Not going to happen, unless you want duplicate textures taking up your RAM. The 'clutter' is because frizzank quite handily reused the same texture pages across multiple parts, drastically decreasing RAM usage. That means that things are going to be in the same folder and will need to be kept (or deleted) together.
  9. It would be somewhat foolish to limit oneself to matching KSP's current parts' detail level when there's a graphics update coming anyway.
  10. Yes, we're looking into leveraging CKAN to do that for other subsets as well.
  11. If the part tooltip says the engine is pressure fed, its propellants must be put in tank(s) of type ServiceModule or Fuselage (those are the Highly Pressurized tank types). Either use proc parts and change the type from Default to one of them, or use stock RCS tanks which start out type ServiceModule. If you're ever in doubt, right-click on a placed tank. It will say if it is, or is not, highly pressurized.
  12. Concur. In fact it was made obsolete with the last major RSS and RO releases for 1.0.4 anyway.
  13. Ignore the engineer report. It's still thinking you're playing stock KSP.
  14. As soon as I get time (or someone else does), not sure when...
  15. @NnimrodHmm. @Laie would know best, here. There might be a missing zero, or the DSN ranges might have been changed since the tutorial was written? @Temeter I'll have a look. As for the XLR11 I believe we did it to try to recreate the real shape of the XLR11... @rgargente that's your problem right there: as the tutorial states, it's *not* a Sptunik core, it's the 20in X-Ray probe core, which masses about a tenth of what Sputnik does. Always check the mass of the probe core you're adding. @Aazard yes for FAR and KM Gimbal. No for RCSFX because RCSFX isn't used in 1.0.5.
  16. If I knew what caused it, it would indeed have been fixed in 1.0.5. A note on reproducing bugs, because there might be some confusion. The point of good reproduction steps is not at all something like "prove to me it's real", it's the following. I need to be able to reliably reproduce the issue in the Unity Editor, so I can more easily find what's going wrong, and then I need to be able to maintain the same repro steps to verify the fix worked.
  17. You are on an unpatched copy of KSP v1.0.5. Please redownload KSP 1.0.5 from wherever you bought it to get the current patched release.
  18. The other types are locked because you haven't unlocked the tech nodes which unlock them. Fuselage, like ServiceModule, is highly pressurized and thus you can place RCS propellants in it. Set your thrusters to whatever propellant you want, then place a proc tank, make sure it's set to fuselage, and fill it with that propellant. Note that you do need a valid fuel crossfeed from the tank to the thruster, so if you have parts in between with No Crossfeed, it won't work. Note that RCS effects are weak to nonexistent for some reason, so instead of relying on visual FX, rely on propellant consumption. Turn on RCS (you will need sufficient avionics to do so), and try thrusting. If the propellant in the tank goes down, they're working. You may want to look at the RP-0 tutorials, they explain this sort of thing. https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/wiki Also note you get very little thrust out of them, practically zero, at sea level. Try in space.
  19. My practice has generally been to give jets 1.4x the TWR their real-life counterparts have, and 2x the static Isp. All jet curves are based on real counterparts with the exception of the turboram (which is an extrapolated super-J58) and the RAPIER (which is a full-on super-duperjet with slightly-better-than-ramjet performance above Mach 1 and a decent turbine below).
  20. There was an issue with the RTG which @Phineas Freak corrected; it will be in the next RO patch release.
  21. @Lilienthal Thanks for the heads up. Does sounds like something's locking up, log will say for sure what. @Nnimrod please see the FAQ for how range works. As to the two numbers, the first is the power of the antenna when it is not activated. The second number is the power (the range figure used in the equation in the FAQ) when it is activated. The range number quoted in the part description tooltip (not the module tooltip on the right) in the editor is the range of the antenna when connected with the DSN on Earth; that number you use directly. Bandwidth doesn't really exist in KSP; all commands are transferred instantly, subject only to lightspeed lag. Unless you mean science experiment bandwidth.
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