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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Fair enough. Changed RP-0's rec as well (well, changed it on the PR I'll merge when RP-0 for 1.0.5 comes out).
  2. Without "taking sides" or anything, here is a use case in the other direction: place a Mainsail in a Mk3 bay. The raycast for checking if the exhaust hits anything is, IIRC, shorter than the bay length, so it will not think it hits anything, therefore giving you free shielded thrust you can run for an infinite (fuel willing) amount of time despite the cargo bay being closed. Note that Russian LVs do not have solid interstages, they have meshwork ones so the exhaust can escape.
  3. Upgrade to 1.0.5 and the latest RSS and Kopernicus. It has on-demand textures so not everything has to be loaded at once.
  4. While the thread has not yet been updated, there has been a new release for 1.0.5. Hurrah!
  5. Right now the Mainsail is nearly as efficient as the KS-25, actually, with a 310s vacuum Isp instead of the KS-25's 315. So RS-68 compared to the KS-25's RS-25 makes perfect sense to me (although as I've often said, the proper comparison for the Vector and Mammoth is the RD-191 and RD-171 respectively...which would make the Mainsail an NK-33 and the Skipper an NK-43).
  6. IIRC his fork doesn't have aEssets though--is that no longer the case? Nope, I'm wrong, never mind. That said, Crzyrndm's updates *are* with bac9's permission and the last bac9 update to the mod uses Crzyrndm's code, so I would vote for just re-targeting the netkan to the fork.
  7. @frizzank awesome! The New Team (or in particular @saabstory88 ) has been working on this, but from the master himself is always best.
  8. I just gave ferram 2 methods on how, over IRC, and that's not even counting the original method (just don't use Unity's drag, as FAR itself does not).
  9. Fix was committed to github, if you want replace your copy of Squad.cfg with this one.
  10. Make sure you are on KSP 1.0.5 Build 1028 or above. And that you are using the latest FAR. If in doubt, check BuildID.txt in your KSP folder. If you're not, redownload KSP from wherever you got it. There was a patch.
  11. CKAN does not index pre-releases. Once enough people have reported not having problems with this pre-release, I'm sure @Starwaster will be willing to make it a full release, with any needed fixes.
  12. Contract Configurator is set to disable part test contracts. Make sure you have Contract Configurator 1.9.0. If you do, and the problem persists, please let @nightingale know.
  13. The leading part may have an attached shockwave, whereas parts further back--even if they are fully exposed--will be behind the edge of the shockwave.
  14. Yep, all resources are added in liters-at-STP (or in the case of electric charge, kJ). The liters of tank volume they take up is dependent on what pressure they are compressed to. Nitrogen is at 200atm I believe, and EC uses 1 liter for 1MJ (1000kJ).
  15. Niiiice.fileextension Note that KIDS is outdated, so your best bet is one of those mods, and they're rather more comprehensive than KIDS anyway.
  16. Skin <-> internal. So if the radiator draws from internal, it's indirectly helping skin too. Parts blow up when skin temp > skinMaxTemp or internal temp > maxTemp. skinMaxTemp defaults to maxTemp if not set independently.
  17. Issue's probably the weight difference. Try adding the decoupler functionality to one of the other parts and don't have a separate decoupler. That, or set the decoupler to PhysicsSignificance = 1 (although that can trigger weirdness; the 3.75m decoupler has it and has weirdness).
  18. Ohhh I see the problem. Some RP-0 contamination got into RSS. I'll fix that, thanks. For now find these lines in your GameData/RealSolarSystem/RSSKopernicus.cfg file and delete them: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealSolarSystem/blob/master/GameData/RealSolarSystem/RSSKopernicus.cfg#L694-L700
  19. Nope. There's three temperatures to keep in mind: Internal and skin for all parts, and core temp for certain parts (drills, ISRU, RTGs). Skin and internal heat conduct. Internal and core conduct. Skin radiates and convects. Radiators draw from internal and core.
  20. There's actually two approaches to spaceplane reentry, and both work. One is the one @Temstar outlined above: minimize your time in the high atmosphere and make your BC as low as possible with a high-alpha reentry. It has no particular L/D requirements and can be done with high wing loading. That's what all real life spaceplanes have been designed to do. The second approach is the one originally envisioned for spaceplanes: very low wing loading, high L/D. You keep your descent rate low enough that you radiate heat as fast as you take it in, and only descend below, say, 45km once you're quite slow (in relative terms). This approach requires you to keep your L/D fairly high and to not have too high an angle of attack (for fear of lowering your periapsis too far). As to the Fuji: It's flat like that more because you get a much high L/D ratio, and they wanted to fly a (comparatively) high-lift descent, which lowers the G forces. A ballistic (zero lift) reentry is always going to have the same peak G no matter the ballistic coefficient, IIRC; what changes the peak G is the entry angle, and/or lift.
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