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Everything posted by alkopop79

  1. I constantly run out of electric charge which makes it impossible to send reports. Any ideas what to do?
  2. Downloaded 0.22 and started a carrier. Entering the Research&Development I couldn't do anything and have no idea how to earn points to do anything sensible there. In the VAB there aren't enough parts to build any kind of working spaceship, no decouplers for instance. I'm totally confused about how to achieve anything. What am I doing wrong? What's the science tree and where is it?
  3. Guys, thank you very much! I got the hang of it, managed to send the little fellas in space and orbit around the planet. Fantastic game, so glad I've found it! Thanks again1
  4. Aaaaaaah, so you can drag those orange things:D Awesome! Thank you!
  5. What I don't get is when I try to launch a spaceship the spacebar often triggers the parachute or the decoupler but not the engine. What am I doing wrong?
  6. This one consists of two solid boosters with decoupler between the two. When I try to launch it, it either opens the parachute or triggers the decoupler. Why?
  7. I will send one. Generally when I launch the spaceship with the SPACE button, it triggers the decoupler for some strange reason.
  8. I answered earlier but for some reason it hasn't appeared yet. I managed to turn on the ASAS and everything worked fine. Now I just need to figure out how to create a 2-stage spaceship.
  9. I'm having trouble with a 2-stage rocket. When launching, it either doesn't start or when it launches properly the second stages engine won't start after the first stage is jettisoned. Also, when adding boosters on the side of the rocket, the spaceship won't fly upwards but turns and crashes immediately (which actually looks pretty spectacular). Any ideas what I did wrong?
  10. I was checking the tutorial and everything seemed very clear. Except in the game things don't actually work as in the tutorial. I added ASAS to my rocket to make it fly upwards. In the tutorial video the ASAS is indicated in the menu (lower-left side of the screen, orange bars). I cannot in the name make the ASAS appear in the menu thus it would not work. When I launch the rocket, it starts yawning and pitching in the wrong direction and starts turning towards mother Earth... I'm using the demo and willing to pay for the full-version but only if I can manage to do a successful launch. So far I've spent more than an hour trying to figure out how to do it and no success. Any ideas what am I doing wrong???
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