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    Rocketry Enthusiast
  1. Would you be interested in getting help from the community to support it? I didn't see a github link.
  2. Getting this thing off of the runway is a feat of aerobatics, and my only "landing" recovered only the cockpit and a wheel. But it goes fast! And on a single, standard jet engine! My engine and intakes look funny because of Ven's part revamp. They're the stock basic engine and intake.
  3. I got a craft to mach 2.07 using the basic jet engine. I'll post some pictures in a moment. Minimizing trans-sonic wave drag is really, really important.
  4. Cybutek - just throwing it in there; thanks for your hard work. Looking forward to the patch.
  5. Classes are determined by the Kerbal's name. You can't change their name without potentially changing the class. The same thing always happens even if you edit your persistence files directly. As much as I want Pokey Kerman to be a pilot, he will always be a scientist. Basically, it's not a bug, it's a feature.
  6. Jeb says he really likes the sounding rockets as they are. It took 16 SRM-S. I think perhaps the issue is that they have realistic TWRs (nothing else in Kerbal really does) and that Kerbin is so extremely small compared to earth that orbital velocity is just so much lower. Edit: that is, of course, presuming one thinks there is an issue. I think they're fun as-is.
  7. I've encountered the exact same bug. Do you use RealChutes, by any chance? If so, try deleting Stock_RealChute_MM.cfg from GameData/RealChute/ModuleManager. RealChutes has a bug that causes this exact issue with stock chutes. Deleting the MM config for them in the RealChutes folder fixes the issue, but reverts them to stock behavior. If this is the case for you, just stick to using the RealChute parachutes.
  8. 64-bit software does not inherently have higher-precision floating point arithmetic. At the moment, KSP uses 80-bit floating point arithmetic, which is standard double precision. Most CPUs are optimized to do that sort of computation very quickly, despite the weird bit size and without regard to the operating system's bit-size architecture. tl;dr you'll have more memory space, maybe, but that's really the only advantage. edit: ninja'd!
  9. Your dropbox appears to be nuked already. Could you please rehost somewhere else?
  10. Fractal: There is something pretty wrong with the emissives for the Small Radial Radiator and the Radial Radiator. I was wondering why my recently purchased laptop was chugging along when I checked the output_log.txt to find hundreds of thousands of this line: The file gets huge, because for every frame it has a small radial radiator or radial radiator in the flight scene it throws this... well, not even sure it's really an error. But it's specifically those two radiators (I imagine they share the same emissive settings). All the other radiators work just fine. When I load up a craft with one of those in flight it just does this and slows my laptop down by quite a bit. My output_log.txt was up to 50MB. 50 MB of that line over and over again. :-)
  11. That is precisely why KSP uses a local reference frame for loaded objects. As for objects on rails, their motion is determined by a time-dependent function, and will be unaffected.
  12. @WaveFunctionP: I got very tired of seeing the typos in the part descriptions, so I've submitted a pull request that should mostly fix the random capitalization, misspelled words, and funky grammar. :-) Oh, and the "partical bed" reactor is now a pebble-bed reactor. It also correctly names the gas cromatograph experiment. I was confused as to why "measure magnetosphere" was coming up twice on my craft.
  13. Alright, thanks to Raptor I updated the .cfg file. I've set up a new release for anyone out there that is interested. You can get it from Raptor's github here. Note that the atmospheric stuff is very untested, but the converters should work just fine. Changes for v0.1.2: Included atmospheric resource configs. Refinery split into three modules: Refinery C produces hydrocarbon-based bipropellant fuels and LOx. Refinery N produces nitrogen-based bipropellant fuels and N2O4. Refinery H produces LH2 and LOx. Distillery split into two modules: Distillery MON produces mixed oxides of nitrogen. Regular distillery produces everything else. Chemical production ratios tweaked. If you're out there and using this, please give us feedback!
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