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Everything posted by Talavar

  1. Multiplayer is planned for KSP final. However, for now, godarklight has taken it up for those of us who don't like waiting, his self included..
  2. what type of router are you using, Kit? DMZ should be set to your computer address on your router. Make sure you add firewall exceptions, or turn off firewall while running DMP as well. honestly, those are the only two things I had to do on my system to really get it rolling. No port forwarding needed. I use a Belkin (POS), btw.
  3. Heya, Godarklight. Whats the word on the new development build? (AUG 17) Any bugspray in there? lol... also, is there a page for release notes for dev builds? I like to know what I should be looking out for in the way of changes..
  4. Heya godarklight, I noticed you just updated the development build, any specifics on what got tweaked?
  5. I actually DID grab a copy of C# for dummies earlier today. I have never witnessed a more long-winded piece of "work" in my life. I got through 4 chapters before I learned anything at all. So I did the next best thing... I'm studying open code. Seems to be the best route. I've discovered that all I need is the correct syntax. nothing has really changed... It's just like basic, only it learned some new moves.. lol
  6. Aswesome! Honestly, if the docking bug and loss of control is worked out, All else will be fine on our end. .. I only wish I could help you in some way. Back, long ago when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, I was a programmer. Unfortunately, my knowledge of rolling around a stone wheel ended up being the end of my learning experience. (stopped keeping up with new languages about 12-15 years ago). I might just have to pick up a few dummy guides and get started with all the new stuff. Been tossing the Idea around since I started playing KSP with mods.
  7. Try changing hamachi's position in your network order. Move it to the top of the list. For some reason programs can be tempermental when dealing with hamachi when it is second. Your computer is probably trying to send packets through your regular (probably firewalled) network connection rather than hamachi, and not accepting from hamachi either. Change the Priority of Hamachi Adapter * Start -> "run" * "ncpa.cpl" then ENTER. * Press [ALT]-Key (Menu appears) * Advanced -> Advanced Properties * Move Hamachi to the top of the list * Restart PC. (clipped from http://www.arcengames.com/forums/index.php?topic=2055.0 for quick posting) More information available there if simply moving it doesn't help (but it usually solves this problem).
  8. I'm not sure about all the other causes, but dropping my firewall actually solved that problem for me and my buddies while they were trying to connect. that was the exact error it was pitching us. Not sure why if its not supposed to be, but it is what it is! lol .. btw we're having a blast with the mod, definitely good work!! . Our issues in the mod seem to be 1: once we dock together 1 person loses control and can never regain it even after undock. 2:ships randomly vanishing for one person after docking. 3: the docking duplication bug, happened twice so far. only one duplicate for me (player who lost control), when I hit "[" to switch vessles, the duplicate vanished and showed me the actual docked vehicles. I was never able to resume control of this vessel even after undock, It didnt show up in the ship roster at the space center, or on the map. .. another time, me and my son docked two rovers beside KSP runway, after we docked, his screen showed us docked, and he had control, nose to nose, but when he tried to back up, they tried to pull apart. but his rover vanished on my screen, but I still had control of mine on my end(rovers had same name, copies of same exact ship) and he was unable to undock. .. we tried again afterwards with differently named copies of same rover both uploaded to server as a different save name. this time when we docked, I had both ships on my screen and movement was fluid, I could move the docked rovers forward and backwards, but he could not spectate, they had both vanished for him. I couldnt undock them either. The option was there, I clicked it once but it never undocked, and it never gave me the option to undock again. Don't know if any of that will help you out, I hope so! Loving this mod!
  9. For those who still have unhandled errors (in general), turn off your router firewall. Usually the problem.
  10. For long distances, I always Use canister drop-off.. That is.. I use one centered thruster then stage my fuel cans radial, then stage more fuel (only)down from my radial fuel cans.. run fuel lines from the last to the first, and then let cans fall off the back without the need of the extra weight of extra staging rockets.. Only need the fuel, nothing else. youd be surprised at the amount of extra dV you get without the extra weight of those added rockets.
  11. Not sure if this is in the right place, but I was wondering if someone could give light on if I should be running with CUDA, or if the processors should be handling most physics calculations.. Don't get me wrong.. I have an impressive rig, But I tend to build ridiculously massive part-count ships. and it can drop me down to the red sometimes.. I have a gtx 660, and a self clocking 3.9 - 4.1 Quad-core processor. Should I be using CUDA to get the maximum capabilities, or should I be letting the processor do all the calculation work, and let the GPU just handle graphics? Just wondering what is the best set-up. If anyone has some insight simply from experience or trial and error, any input would be appreciated.
  12. I'm not seeing how to sync.. ?? No options for it from what I can see.. How does syncing work? NVM got it
  13. Does this mod REQUIRE firespitter and texture replacer? Seeing how they are all packed together, you would assume, but I thought I would ask.
  14. Well.. just hope you have them in teh correct orientation from the begiining and don't need to move them!
  15. Basically just need the function of piping things together. Majiir has commented that he's too wrapped up in RL stuff atm to work on it, so i was wondering if there was anything that resembles the connectivity of the "pipe part" of KAS to carry us over till the update to KAS hits.
  16. Quote Originally Posted by Todesschabe: View Post: I have already grown all kinds of antennas but not on the launchpad still in orbit or so I have a connection. However, the missiles are tributary, which actually not supposed to go with the Mod. Looks like it may be a bad case of google translate. Lemmy take a crack at this... I have used all kinds of antennas, but not on the launchpad, only in orbit for a connection. However the rockets are (???) which actually dont function with the mod. ....... well, that was my attempt.. anyone else wanna take a crack at it? lol
  17. Do I need the old modulemanager in this file as well as the new one.. Not sure how it will react if the DLL has a different name. My other mods are using the new one.
  18. TACLS is great for realism. As is FAR. What is DRE? Edit: temp brain aneurism "Deadly re-entry" duh.. lol.. Those are all fantastic, but How about some good goal oriented mods.. I would love to build a space base somewhere, but the mods for them all seem to be having issues.
  19. Tried it.. it didn't go too well.. lol
  20. I can't, most of my favorite mods are broken
  21. I've went to every planet.. every moon.. tested all kinds of crap all over the place.. rescued about 20 kerbals from the same orbit around KSP (what are they doing up there anyway?), And planted so many flags that my planets look like pin cushions... So the big question is.. WHAT NOW? lol.. I keep looking for some nice mods that will give me some real goals, but every one I come by that looks half decent seems to have some (broke) issue with them currently. I love the game/simulation, but I'm running out of things to do. Anyone have some good mod combos that are currently functioning correctly to give me some flare?
  22. http://www.nbxsoft.com/screen-recorder.php Figured Id throw this up here since it took me a good half hour to find a good ACTUAL FREE recorder. for anyone interested in recording their endeavors.. works pretty well for me, and Is ACTUALLY free.... No watermarks, etc. May try to get you to buy it at some point, but as far as I can tell it shouldn't. make sure you set it to X-vid, otherwise the files are HUGE. PS: found that it won't record KSP for some reason. Does record everything else.. Not sure the cause.
  23. Just wondering if anyone else has done this in the potatoe roid file. The formula to keep relatively correct mass by size is Every time you double the size (aka 1,2,4,8,16) You would multiply the mass (150) by 8.. so if you double the size, the mass = 1200 if you double it again (rescale 4) then you multiply it again by 8. I currently have mine set to rescaleFactor = 4 mass = 9600. makes for an interesting asteroid encounter.. lol.. this of-course is supposedly still not the correct mass, as from what I understand, the asteroids basically have the density of Polystyrene to begin with.
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