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Everything posted by Ival70

  1. Hi there! I believe this is what you would want to do: 1. Find and download the B9 pack, forum link here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25241-0-22-B9-Aerospace-Pack-R4-0c-New-pods-IVAs-engines-fuselages-structures 2. unzip it and install as per usual. If you can't find the files for KSP, just right click on the KSP.exe and open file location. "Double-check whether you are using KSP version 0.22 or higher. Your root KSP folder should already contain GameData and Ships folders. Overwrite them with folders from the archive. Do not, under any circumstances, extract just GameData/B9_Aerospace/Parts folder alone, the mod won't work this way. With a proper installation, you should have multiple new folders in GameData alongside with Squad folder that was there originally. Do not try to move the part folders elsewhere or sort them by category subfolders, that will break resource linking in all configs. You don't need the Source folder for the mod to work, it contains source code for all the plugins." If you are using a mac, you may have to manually copy and paste all of the folders inside the B9 gamedata, and add them to the KSP gamedata Also, as a side note, I don't know which version of KSP you are using, but parts or all of B9 may be incompatible with KSP .25, and likely .24 as well. (I believe some manual fixes can be used to get it to work on .23) 3. Once you do that, I believe you can simply go through the parts folder of B9 and delete all the parts you do not want. Congrats on your first post, welcome to the forums! Let me know if this helps. =)
  2. That thing was a behemoth, I think the A-Team should have been picked to go on to the next round. (Certainly not biased here.. hehe). I'd say one of the coolest things I've done was help make this: Specifically, sending that huge Space carrier at 0:06 into orbit (those wing parts do not help), refueling and sending up it's fleet of mini-ship-fighter-things , then going to Laythe. Also that explosion at 0:58.
  3. All of the APollo CSM thruster blocks I've seen have that feature. As for why, I haven't a clue. My best guess is that such a placement would allow for very precise orientation adjustment.
  4. When clearing the tower was a thing, a.k.a. this old friend: I wish I had a better picture on hand, oh well. To be fair, as annoying as it was, the tower did make launches look pretty nice. (Those new 3.75 diameter parts we have would probably dwarf the thing though).
  5. I've done a few casual "tests" and the results seem to confirm this. I might go back now and do some more serious experiments to get some data.
  6. Oh I'm not giving up I have a few ideas left to look into. For instance, it may be possible to replace an explosion texture/object/thingy (still figuring out how they are generated) with something five times it's size. Also, I haven't found any values that seem to correlate to the scale of explosions, but if I do I could make something to change those. I don't really know what I'm doing, so if anyone with experience wants to help, that'd be great.
  7. Ironically this thread seems to be garnering a fair amount of replies. Well, at least what I consider a fair amount. I'm not sure what most people consider a lot of replies.
  8. Hi there, Welcome back! So how can I make things explod? I'm assuming it's like exploding, unless your one of those clever people and it's really your term for getting a perfect orbit?
  9. A desktop is definitely the way to go, though I know some people need to have a laptop for other things. A decent laptop can run KSP with 15+fps as long as the part count stays low. (Though I'm certainly no expert on the matter). I was always under the impression that KSP didn't really utilize graphics cards that well, and that the real bottleneck is the CPU due to the huge amount of physics calculations. Also, this thread may be useful. (It's different from the first I posted): http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25004-KSP-Unofficial-Official-Computer-Building-Megathread-%28All-Questions-Acceptable-%29
  10. What OS are you thinking of getting? I believe macs still currently have a few small issues, but these will all probably be sorted out in time. Also here is a thread that might be useful: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/42877-CPU-Performance-Database And here is the KSP system specs wiki page: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/System_Specs
  11. Welcome to the forums! I'm curious about this space station, you should make a showcase for it, or at least add a picture.
  12. Oh well, better to find out now than later. Well, now I want to figure out what actually does determine the explosion size.. maybe I should just ask the ksp dev's.
  13. Sweet! I've been poking around and looking at tutorials, no physical progress yet. :/
  14. I did not even realize that acronym was there! That's it! that is what it'll be called. Sooo... anyone want to help make this?
  15. Wow! Really great soundtracks, I can't wait for the plugin to get underway.
  16. It seems to work fine in .25 for me, well almost.. I'm pretty sure it's been crashing my game occasionally (not 100% sure because I have other mods, but fairly certain because it's the only one that showed an error in the logs), but other than that I haven't had any problems with it.
  17. This needs to be a thing! I don't really code but I will learn just so I can do this. (Though if someone who knows what they are doing would like to take a crack at it, that would be great.) What would such a glorious mod be called? The Blast Awesomeness mod?
  18. I too prefer wired devices, batteries always seem to die at the most inconvenient times.. (also you will be less likely to misplace it if it's plugged in). I've been taking a look at some new headphones too, but I'm mostly looking at the low end (under 50$) so I don't really have any good recommendations. I'll keep an eye out though!
  19. The game crashed today (happens pretty rarely considering I have ~30 mods installed on this build) so I checked the logs to see what I could find... (Side note, only two null references, one from Persistant-Trails and the other from EVE) [LOG 00:09:21.904] Panel Broken from Aerodynamic forces! [LOG 00:10:19.742] [14:39:51]: Gigantor XL Solar Array collided into the surface. [LOG 00:10:19.742] largeSolarPanel Exploded!! - blast awesomeness: 0.5
  20. Hmm, that is an excellent idea, a tweak-able behavior option would be a much better solution. Also, if a 3.75 torque module is added, a 3.75 probe body might also be something to add.
  21. I'm sorry, I should have clarified, I'm not talking about the 2.5m SAS/reaction wheel, which definitely still has a useful role in the game adding torque for large diameter ships. I am referring to the 1.25m ASAS (now called the Advanced Inline Stabilizer) which has no real use, because there is also already a 1.25m SAS/reaction wheel. The old system was scrapped back in .21, but my suggestion is that the old aggressive ASAS behavior is added back to that ASAS/IRS part, allowing you to choose what type of control you want for your craft. The 2.5m part you are referring to, yes?: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Advanced_S.A.S_Module,_Large The part I am referring to: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Inline_Advanced_Stabilizer The part that currently makes the old ASAS/Inline reaction stabilizer redundant: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Small_Inline_Reaction_Wheel As a note, I am aware that technically they are different, in that the ASAS/IRS provides 3x the torque at 2x the mass, but we essentially have 2 parts filling the same role.
  22. Currently, the ASAS module is entirely useless, as it provides the exact same functionality as the SAS unit, except it has a higher mass. What if the old ASAS functionality was brought back to the module, while still otherwise keeping the current SAS behavior for everything else? I have had enough instances where I would like to use the old ASAS that I'm surprised it hasn't been added already. I don't really see any downside to doing this, It would likely be an easy thing to add, and would give us a desirable feature that I am sure would be used by many people.
  23. Welome! Benvenuto! (Did I get that right?)
  24. I really all the names people have come up with, I think ".25 The Big Bang Update" is currently my favorite. ..Also, were threads merged or something?
  25. Well, it looks like we can submit names for .25 (the link is in this week's dev note). Unfortunately, surveymonkey doesn't let you look at other peoples submissions, so I'm curious to see what people have come up with. (Following ".24 First Contract" is not looking too easy, the best I could come up with so far is ".25 Bigger Booms" ).
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