Hi there! I believe this is what you would want to do: 1. Find and download the B9 pack, forum link here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25241-0-22-B9-Aerospace-Pack-R4-0c-New-pods-IVAs-engines-fuselages-structures 2. unzip it and install as per usual. If you can't find the files for KSP, just right click on the KSP.exe and open file location. "Double-check whether you are using KSP version 0.22 or higher. Your root KSP folder should already contain GameData and Ships folders. Overwrite them with folders from the archive. Do not, under any circumstances, extract just GameData/B9_Aerospace/Parts folder alone, the mod won't work this way. With a proper installation, you should have multiple new folders in GameData alongside with Squad folder that was there originally. Do not try to move the part folders elsewhere or sort them by category subfolders, that will break resource linking in all configs. You don't need the Source folder for the mod to work, it contains source code for all the plugins." If you are using a mac, you may have to manually copy and paste all of the folders inside the B9 gamedata, and add them to the KSP gamedata Also, as a side note, I don't know which version of KSP you are using, but parts or all of B9 may be incompatible with KSP .25, and likely .24 as well. (I believe some manual fixes can be used to get it to work on .23) 3. Once you do that, I believe you can simply go through the parts folder of B9 and delete all the parts you do not want. Congrats on your first post, welcome to the forums! Let me know if this helps. =)