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Everything posted by Ival70

  1. I can vouch for this. I made a career save starting with negative reputation, and I wasn't offered a single contract above Kerbin orbit until I was able to raise my rep a fair bit (a lot of grinding). Also, with the new strategies, you can turn reputation into science and funds and whatnot, so it definitely is useful.
  2. I'm assuming that someone has already checked the all brakes.. and made sure that they do not function. Wouldn't want any mischievous riders to stop the hype train now, yes? (I'm sure the buffers at our destination can withstand one measly high speed impact).
  3. I have noticed this effect as well. I believe it is caused by the fact that if you point a ship straight upwards and try to hover, the ship will appear to be rotating westward ever so slightly, when actually the planet is rotating eastward, and the ship is maintaining an absolute heading. (This effect is much more pronounced in low orbit). And as the ship tilts slightly westward (relative to Kerbin), its engine will start giving the ship a tiny westard velocity. Theoretically, if you were to leave a ship hovering for 90 minutes without adjusting the heading, it would turn all the way to the horizon on a heading of 270 (west).
  4. Wow! What a great mod, I didn't even realize I wanted this. I have a few small feature suggestions I have that I think would fit well with this mod. A bit of smoke from the landing wheels when landing at high speeds. Also, eventually some sort of options menu might be something to consider. That way we can have quick and easy way to change a few variables, like effects size, and the speed thresh-hold for sparks and what-not, to our individual preferences.
  5. Argh! Still no luck poking around on my own. I think I might try asking around and see if anyone has already figured out anything pertaining to this.
  6. Hallo there! Figured I'd leave you your first visitor message. :)

  7. I feel like mining part should be similar to the role of the Mobile Processing Lab, in that it's big, heavy, and only really needed if you are planning an extended mission. I personally would love to see scanning added, It's fun and provides a bit of change from those boring low inclination orbits.
  8. Well since you asked. I really like the ideas floating around here. One thing I think should be considered is scaling time/progression to game-play. For instance, let's say that players are not likely to play a particular save for more than ~1000 hours (a bit high there, but it's an example), then the progression in-game should be scaled with that in mind, so that most people don't get sick of it before they finish most of the tech progression. Of course, it's not nearly that simple, there are many different personalities and even more play styles, but it may be something to eventually think about.
  9. Hello! What rocket is in your profile picture?

  10. And how could we all forget Santa Claus Conquers The Martians? Seriously, how did you guys forget about this? I have been trying to erase it from my mind since I saw it.
  11. That LIGHTened up my day. Fun Fact: April 11th 1954 was pretty boring.
  12. Hmm, I have a few ship designs, I'd need to modify them and fix them up, but I think they'd make for a fun battle. Just wondering, how do submarines fit into all this? As far as I can tell, they'd be immune to pretty much everything.
  13. Banned for bad banner bantering!
  14. I remember my first launch.. couldn't even figure out how to start the thing (hold shift). My second launch was much better, made it all the way to (a messy inclined, elliptical) orbit.
  15. Hullo Rune! Surprisingly, it would seem no visiters have left you a message, so I have remedied that. =)

  16. Hi there Spartwo!

  17. Ival70

    Hi there Ted!

  18. As long as I'm not it.

  19. Hullo, It would seem no visiters have left you a message, so I have remedied that.

  20. Ival70


    Welcome! We could always use more fanart.
  21. Hi there! I believe this is what you would want to do: 1. Find and download the B9 pack, forum link here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25241-0-22-B9-Aerospace-Pack-R4-0c-New-pods-IVAs-engines-fuselages-structures 2. unzip it and install as per usual. If you can't find the files for KSP, just right click on the KSP.exe and open file location. "Double-check whether you are using KSP version 0.22 or higher. Your root KSP folder should already contain GameData and Ships folders. Overwrite them with folders from the archive. Do not, under any circumstances, extract just GameData/B9_Aerospace/Parts folder alone, the mod won't work this way. With a proper installation, you should have multiple new folders in GameData alongside with Squad folder that was there originally. Do not try to move the part folders elsewhere or sort them by category subfolders, that will break resource linking in all configs. You don't need the Source folder for the mod to work, it contains source code for all the plugins." If you are using a mac, you may have to manually copy and paste all of the folders inside the B9 gamedata, and add them to the KSP gamedata Also, as a side note, I don't know which version of KSP you are using, but parts or all of B9 may be incompatible with KSP .25, and likely .24 as well. (I believe some manual fixes can be used to get it to work on .23) 3. Once you do that, I believe you can simply go through the parts folder of B9 and delete all the parts you do not want. Congrats on your first post, welcome to the forums! Let me know if this helps. =)
  22. That thing was a behemoth, I think the A-Team should have been picked to go on to the next round. (Certainly not biased here.. hehe). I'd say one of the coolest things I've done was help make this: Specifically, sending that huge Space carrier at 0:06 into orbit (those wing parts do not help), refueling and sending up it's fleet of mini-ship-fighter-things , then going to Laythe. Also that explosion at 0:58.
  23. All of the APollo CSM thruster blocks I've seen have that feature. As for why, I haven't a clue. My best guess is that such a placement would allow for very precise orientation adjustment.
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