I had made a thread asking whether Youtubers influenced the decision for people to get the game, and that made me wonder. When did you first hear about KSP, when did you get KSP, how active have you been since you got KSP, essentially, what is the story that got you here today to 1.0? I suppose I'll start with my own. I originally heard about KSP from a friend (who had the game since 0.7.3) who described it as "a game where you use rocket parts to design rockets and watch a simulation of their performance." To which I replied; "That sounds really stupid and boring, and unrealistic". Luckily for me, he eventually got around to actually showing me it, at which point I downloaded it immediately (this was in 2011, back when the game was free). I don't remember which version it was, though the atmosphere only extended to 35,000m or something. I updated the game once in a blue moon, usually after several updates had been available, and each time I (now regretfully) deleted any previous version. Eventually the 13.3 demo came out, which I played for a few weeks, then mostly stopped playing the game. A couple of weeks after 1.8.3, I heard about the update and got the new demo, and made a forum account which I only made a couple of posts, and either forgot the username and password, or it was washed down the drain in the forum april shower. I managed to actively play the demo (squeezing out every last drop of content) until June (I made airplanes, rovers, SSTO's, submarines, even replicas), at which point I decided that KSP had come far along enough that I was confident that they would finish the game (I procrastinated), and bought myself a full copy for 20$. Shortly after I made a new forum account, and in the years since, I have enjoyed being active in the community, following the progression of KSP. Since then I have made at least 10 people buy them game, and I only wish I had bought it earlier (and hadn't deleted every version before 1.8.3). While I knew a lot of the mechanics to playing the game (how to get into orbit, change periapsis, etc.), the visual concepts, and hands on approach of KSP has vastly increased my fundamental understanding of how space works. Now hopefully, my all of our KSP stories will continue for a long time, with many more updates to come. Thank you Squad for making something this awesome!