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Everything posted by 1D-1()T

  1. FAR gives a more realistic aerodynamic model, but I haven't heard of any mods that add decaying orbits. But, I agree, it would be pretty interesting.
  2. With all the RCS on there you might be able to get back to orbit by just turning off the rocket that's uneven. Or you could use whack-a-kerbal to knock that part off, and just pretend your brave kerbals MacGyver'ed it off using a spare oxygen tank and a bobby pin. Also, if you try launching with the rocket turned off, move the fuel in that tank into the others, to keep the centre of mass as close to the centre as you can. With the lower fuel and thrust you may not be able to get all the way back to Kerbin, but if your lucky you'll make orbit, which will simplify any rescue missions, as long as you can rendezvous.
  3. Welcome. Normally there are more people saying hello, but they're all playing the new update. So, enjoy your stay!
  4. Well, I kind of inherited a fascination for space. My dad used to take me out to look at the stars through a Dobsonian he made. So, space has always been a thing for me, I almost took it for granted. Then I found KSP. Space became a major interest for me. Now I'm hoping to take that interest and make a career out of it. So, nowadays I play KSP to test ideas, and to keep fresh in my mind why I love space (and also so I can feel like a nerd/badass).
  5. I think I'm gonna have to give this challenge another try. Looking at the other designs it looks like I'm gonna have to step up my game. Oh god, what have I got myself into?
  6. Now I feel weird not having used it. To be honest, I've never felt the need, either I can do something, or I can't, and if I want to I'll work it out. Although, part of my not using it is because I've watched Space Cowboys a few to many times...
  7. Your wife decoupled you? I told you that you needed more struts! -Said no one ever Or You keep using that word, I don't think you know what it means. -In regards to anything involving planning or the rocket equation
  8. I've just come back from a break from KSP, and what brought me back was looking at the maths behind it. At first I was just idly working out how far you would fall in 10 seconds in 1/s/s gravity, and then I worked out an equation to do it for me. Before I knew it I had made a program to calculate the delta V of a rocket, that used my own rocket equation (the other one made no sense to me), and a plan on how to colonise the entire solar system. I decided I really needed to play some KSP. Yeah, so for me just totally nerding out about space works a treat.
  9. Congratulations, both of you. You've just opened a door to a whole new level of this game. By the way, did you find the rendezvous or the actual docking harder? My first time I got the ships to within fifty meters, zero relative velocity, with ease, but couldn't dock them for the life of me. But from what I've seen on the forums it is normally the other way around. I thought it would be interesting to see which was easier for you, while the experience is still fresh in your minds. Edit: Having read over my post, I realised that some parts could be taken in a fabulously dirty way.
  10. It is a lovely community, isn't it. But then again, it's hardly surprising, (amateur) physicists are hardly a militant lot.
  11. Wow, I thought you just had that there for roleplaying or something. Now I just need to work on my DIY skills.
  12. Well, depends on how they're playing. I mean, it doesn't take a genius to go MOAR BOOSTERS! Anyone can do that, and some people get something out of that. But for the more serious play, I think it's a matter of interest. So, as long as they're interested in the underlying mechanics and have means to understand them (say, understanding the three laws of motion) then anyone can play the more serious way, including the 'Junior Gamers'. But then again, when they start wanting to play games involving rocket science and maths they can hardly be called a 'Junior Gamer'.
  13. I don't play in IVA, but I would if I could get KSP to link in with this: http://gizmodo.com/oh-man-i-want-this-diy-mission-control-desk-so-so-bad-1526858580
  14. I've been to the Mun. And other places. I still drop by every now and again, to brush up on all my skills. I mean, if you can conduct a Mun return mission, or better yet an Apollo-style Mun return mission, you can do anything in the game. You need to be able to design a working spacecraft, achieve orbit, adjust that orbit for a Mun intercept, capture, land, rendezvous and dock(if it's apollo style), and re-enter into the atmosphere. Also, the Mun works as a good analogue for testing missions to Ike and other such places.
  15. I think you hit the nail on the head. Or, another way of putting it, but heading to the same end, is when you can pioneer a new area in the game. Either through experimentation, or through re-applying skills you already have in this new context, and then to refine these techniques, until they work well. Hate to put the spotlight on you Geschosskopf, but you make a good demonstration of my point. Not that long ago planes were extremely rare on Duna, maybe nuclear powered things that were more like rockets. Geschosskopf created, by both experimentation and use of prior knowledge, a solar/kethane powered hybrid aircraft, which brought aviation to Duna. So, to me, those who find a new problem, that has its own unique challenges, and can find a solution that not only works, but is elegant, are the real experts of KSP.
  16. That is one heck of a plane Fengist. I must say that combining the Kethane jets with props was a stroke of genius. Gotta love some afterburner-y goodness
  17. I seem to send most of my craft to Duna and Ike, and I'm always happy to get a new tug, for ferrying Kethane, or bringing Kerbals back home, or just rearranging space stations there.
  18. Wow, you must have a cool family/partner/roommate to let you do that. Now you've got me thinking about all the possible ways of incorporating Kerbals' into festive event things. Hmm... Just imagine Guy Fawkes day!
  19. There's a mod for that:P Have you seen kOS? Ever since I found out about it I've been nerding out, thinking of the possibilities, but I hadn't thought about automated rover. It can be found here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/47399-kOS-Scriptable-Autopilot-System-0-9 Mmm, roving that doesn't require you to hold a button for an hour.
  20. I guess since there weren't any new posts we didn't notified. Nice work though.
  21. Man, even if it is pareidolia it is damn creepy. I like it!
  22. The Eve return craft I'm making has a rather unique abort system. It was on top of the launcher, which fell to pieces, I staged to try and get clear, and ended up getting down to my last two stages. This was all under 500 meters, by the way. Instead of risk attempting to land I just went up into orbit. You've got to love it when you have OVER 9000 delta-v with just the lander.
  23. My jaw just fell to the floor, fell through the floor, to the core of the earth, smashed out the other side and entered solar orbit. 800 TONS! I probably couldn't do that with a normal rocket.
  24. Wouldn't it be more efficient, since they don't drop parts into the ocean and since they kinda force you to think small and efficient?
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