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Everything posted by 1D-1()T

  1. Okay, on the navball (the blue ball on the bottom of the screen when your flying) it shows your speed in meters/second. So if I am going at 25 m/s I go 25 meters a second. You probably already know that, but just so I know you know. Now, your dV shows what potential speed you have. So, if my rocket had 1000 dV it means I can accelerate to 1000 m/s. Gravity and atmosphere will slow you down, which lowers the speed you reach. That's basically it (I think). Edit: Apparently you need roughly 4500 dV to get into orbit from kerbin, but while you are still getting the hang of it it will probably be a bit more. When you get to more advanced stuff you might like to look up "dV map" here on the forum. They tell you how much dV you need to get to places, like the Mun, Minmus, even other planets! But this is only one way of doing it, generally i just add MOAR BOOSTERS!
  2. I like the Ion powered interplanetary stage. I never thought of something like that. Also, congratulations for your first SSTO!
  3. That's a real nice base. Love the workshop, you've got some nice interior design going on there. How did you attach the connections between the command centre?
  4. I'm working on this at the moment, mostly for an excuse to use the Kethane powered jet. If I get anywhere I'll post it.
  5. The setting are changed, you should be allowed in now. Once again, sorry for the delays.
  6. Okay. Before I start, sorry for all of the delays. /incharacter Previously, we of the magnificent Kerbal kind, have been bound to this world. Then, we stepped foot on the mighty Mün. We established a presence on Minmus itself! But today, dear Kerbals, we have propelled are machines to another world! /endincharacter I'd just like to thank Kaelen for making this. I had a lot of fun. One such moment was when I had undocked the rover and had it on a course to land on Eve, but I realised that since it was spinning I would land in the ocean. And I didn't have anything I could do to change that. But then I realised I did. I had ditched the fuel module, as it was empty, and it had some rcs on it. It was enough to dock with the rover and push it enough to land on solid ground. Boy was I relieved. Also, the tug is still in orbit around eve, with a Kerbal in it, so when we hit the next window would somebody bring them back? The imgur album http://imgur.com/a/thTw0#0 The save https://docs.google.com/file/d/0Bwc13keR5i17Zk91Z3c2N19Ucjg/edit?usp=sharing
  7. As part of the Krak continues universe thing I need to install this persistence file https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6828vVl_-ZoZEo5MEVXYk11ZjQ/edit?pli=1 and upload it once I'm done. So, just how do I do that?
  8. Okay, how do I put all of the stuff into KSP? As in, what do I do so I can use the persistence?
  9. I probably could save weight, but I'm too lazy. And using the big wheels gives it a LOT of stability.
  10. Thanks. I have all of my ships ready, so now I just need to do the mission. Sorry it didn't happen on the weekend, but some stuff came up. Hopefully it'll be done today or tomorrow.
  11. Wow. Just, wow. That was inspired. Thank you for sharing that with us all.
  12. http://imgur.com/a/rGG3S#0 This is a quick imgur album I made. It shows the rover, and the deployment of a weather station. You may notice the large docking port on the bottom, to which I will attach a tug. That's all for know. By the way, I don't think I will land any kerbals' on eve, but I might bring one to orbit.
  13. Anyone have any suggestions for what site I should use to upload the save? It should be written up and uploaded sometime this weekend.
  14. To work! I might do some experimenting with an eve return, see if it's within my abilities, before doing the mission. If I can, great, if not, good thing we have probes.
  15. Granted, but you are burnt at the stake for owning an unregistered Deep Space Kraken. I wish for a high end computer.
  16. I think we will return to the Moon, and i think China will be the one to do it. I am actually kind of expecting them to land at the Apollo 11 site. And then when they get back they'll return the flag that was their to America.
  17. This sounds like a tech tree, albeit a very detailed one. Other than that, this sounds like a great way for R&D to work.
  18. If you are still on KSP try throttling up on the science module, press esc, and press go back to the space centre. If you are in luck it will say unable to save now, you will be reverted to 10 minutes ago. Something like that. Maybe to launch. Then you could re-run that mission. Make sense? Had to do this with my first duna landing(it took me back to orbit).
  19. Just read your Mün base write up. If this is as good as that we are all in for a treat:D
  20. That was a really good read, thank you very much for sharing that. May I ask how long that took you to do?
  21. Manned Duna landing complete! Edit: How do I make imgur albums work? For now here is the link http://imgur.com/a/PRxqI#0
  22. This is how I normally do it. 1. Straight up, till about 25 thousand m, and level off 2. Keep an angle of around 5 degrees 3. At flame out lower throttle until engine re-starts 4. Repeat 3 until you aren't getting any speed from the jet 5. Start rockets, thrusting either straight up or prograde, your choice 6. Get apoapsis to 80000 m 7. Warp till you are there and circularise Hope this helps
  23. Just thinking, isn't stupidity and courage, at least for Kerbals, the same?
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