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Everything posted by Dogface

  1. I am confused, because you seem to have a picture of the ship in the deployed position, so you've done it once. I landed my base vertically, with a lander stage underneath. After touchdown, I raised legs one at a time until the base tipped over. The Mun's gravity is so low that you rarely get damage. This came as a surprise to me, as I did all my testing in Kerbin gravity. Doh.
  2. you should probably post a picture of the craft, for a question like that. obviously, the craft will react differently in the gravity of the Mun. Have you put big crafts on the Mun before? I spent a long time testing my base in Kerbin gravity, only to find the problem didnt exist on the Mun
  3. South pole station, that's funny. That actually happened. I dont think training is fully implemented. You might want to suggest firing now, while they are still designing training. EDIT: Excellent video in your Sig, thanks!
  4. has anyone noticed a range difference with the different antennas?
  5. Is there a map of Biomes? if not how do we put probes in different biomes? trial and error?
  6. what planet are you on? did you run the rover on Kerbin first to make sure everything is set correctly? I have had rovers on Duna and Mun and I generally have to keep them at a low speed (5-7m/s, 10 max) or else the lack of gravity makes them hop up. I have had rovers the size of a base or as small as a probe, and get the same problem. Its not necessarily the design but the gravity.
  7. Mission Ribbons V 6.0 http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/missionribbonsv60/
  8. I saw news about the .22 update and I was wondering when it is due out. Do they announce the release date beforehand? If so, where should I check for that info?
  9. ^This. Excellent answer! And thank you so much for the parachute calculator!!! OP: Duna has lower atmosphere, but it also has lower gravity. The heavier and faster the craft, the more chutes and engines you will need. Chutes are effective on Duna. For more detailed answers give more detailed info.
  10. KSP needs two new parts, an elbow hinge and a pivot hinge. It has been mentioned that in future updates the aerodynamic model will be more realistic. When this happens, ship designs will have to have a more compact frontal area. A real-world solution to this, is to collapse sections and deploy them in orbit. This solution requires hinges. Also, these parts would allow players to create a more stable center of mass on many of our ships. Which would be a big help during the boost phase.
  11. Cool, I did not know about clicking on the warp indicator. Still, I use the keyboard to increase warp, I would like a key to kill all time warp. I could map it next to my increase and decrease keys.
  12. I have played a lot of games with Time Acceleration (Warp), and most have one button that kills ALL time acceleration. Rather than tapping furiously on the "decrease time warp" button when you are about to overshoot your destination. I think a single button that kills all time acceleration would be a welcome addition to KSP. ty
  13. Dogface


    Hi. I love KSP. I like that we are supporting development, and I like the sandbox version.
  14. more Nassault Videos http://www.youtube.com/user/Nassault630/videos
  15. Frickin AMAZING!!!! You sir, are the Stanley Kerbrick of KSP. Thank you
  16. nice job. I am on the Mun now and Duna next
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