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Posts posted by Kerbonautical

  1. I REALLY like this mod! This is something I've always wanted in the game. One observation though. The game can easily turn into a slideshow in the VAB creating something with the parts, yet when I put it on the launchpad it runs fine. Two things that would be cool is if the camera could be locked within the ship and some way to recreate an artificial gravity field at a designated side of the ship.

    Just to clarify I'm not requesting or begging for those features. I'd imagine the first is likely extremely complex and the second completely impossible. Thanks for making this, I know I'll be spending the whole weekend employing new stations and bases for my space program.

    Edit: Upon actually spending a day with the mod I've stumbled across a number of issues actually. As other have said some of the IVA's are not positioned inside the vessel, The VAB lag as mentioned, but also the extended use of a vessel with HSH seems to be causing me crashes. The last one I really can't wrap my head around, it has the RAM to run it fine for about half an hour, after which point I get a crash due to exceeding the memory capacity. It's behaving like memory leak as I can just sit at Minmus staring at my 8m base in all it's glory and after about a half hour it will crash by hitting the memory overhead. I thought parts were loaded at the beginning so would have expected the crash sooner :S

  2. Cheers guys, I guess I've always had a desire to be able to program anyway, quite a while before I took an interest in KSP too, so perhaps I shall stick with that and see if modelling is even something I would be interested in once I get to grips with stuff. I'm finding coding strangely satisfying though. Of course I'm only working with basic level stuff here, but it's oddly fun watching a string give the correct feedback of what primary colour combinations would make what secondaries. (I thought I'd start about as easy as I could lol)

    I'm only working with basic True/False conditions and ifs/elifs/else or whatever the non Python equivalent names would be, but I'm surprised by how much I've picked up with only an hour or two to read up so far. I've always assumed that the complexity of it would be well beyond me, hence I've never tried before. Of course I have a long way to go before I can do anything to KSP and even a good way until I could write an app of any form, but it's a better start than I ever expected.

  3. I think I'll probably start with programming and modifying the game since that will give me a starting point with less to take on before I can see some results. I would like to make new parts too though, I haven't got any specific ideas in mind just yet but I wouldn't mind expanding upon rovers etc, since they often feel a bit overlooked. Perhaps attempting to add parts that allow us to do some science that's closer to real life (rock samples and such) if I were to get good enough at it. I guess for now it would probably be best to focus on one so I'm not taking on more than I can handle, but I will definitely keep an eye on Blender too when I start to get to grips with programming.

    Cheers for the links!

  4. Well, I found that a good place to start is to learn the basics of Blender3D. I've had the advantage of over 2 years of experience in this program. Other than that, you are right about the "a lot to learn" bit. You also need Unity. That's the backbone of any extra part or particle effect (which I still can't get the hang of!).




    Then there are the config files. If you've had any experience with programming, they're a breeze; all you have to do is "learn the language". And even if you haven't, they're pretty straightforward if you take some time to look over them.

    Perhaps we could collaborate: I am creating a mod, and am also still learning the ropes. Do you have any skill at image creation (for textures)?

    Unfortunately artwork is where I really fall short. Despite taking Art throughout school I've always struggled to create anything worthwhile, I figure it's just one of those things that I'm just not wired for. Otherwise I'd be happy to collaborate, but since I need to learn the ropes with all three (though I have dabbled with programming, I just need to learn the language properly) I would likely be of little to no use for at least a considerable amount of months. I'll be happy to help though once I know enough to contribute!

    Out of curiosity which do you think would be the best to start with? learning the programming or getting to grips with Blender3D? I will likely have to improve on my image creation skills but will likely save that for the last since I know I will struggle a lot, and I could always palm it off on my gf if needs be :)

  5. But I don't know where to begin. I'm guessing that I need to learn C# but I have no experience at all. Can you guys suggest a good way to start teaching myself? I don't have either the time or finance to be able to attend a class for it, otherwise I would have done many years ago, however if anyone knows a good place to start learning the basics and where to go from there I would love to learn it!

    I have no qualms with learning a whole bunch of new things before I can even begin to think of how to mod as I've been through the same battle teaching myself audio engineering, I just literally have no clue where to start. I have attempted to use CryEngine and Unreal for about 5 minutes each to test the waters, but with no understanding I got as far as putting textures on a square, so I'm guessing there is a LOT I will have to learn as yet

  6. I think you could delete the SmokeScreen plugin folder, and keep the HotRockets! FX. But I didn't try it before, be careful.

    Close, taken from the Hot Rockets thread via the dev (Nazari1382) and user federally.

    go to the MP_Nazari folder, open the file squad hotrockets. (copy this before you do anything to it)

    scroll down a bit to this part:






    name = smokethrust

    modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/smokebooster2

    transformName = thrustTransform

    emission = 0.0 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock

    emission = 0.07 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock

    emission = 0.2 0.4 // Curve for emission like stock

    emission = 1.0 1.1 // Curve for emission like stock

    energy = 0.0 0.2 // Same for energy

    energy = 1.0 3.2 // Same for energy

    speed = 0.0 1.0 // And speed

    speed = 1.0 0.8 // And speed

    grow = 0.0 0.0 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )

    grow = 1.0 0.11 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )

    scale = 0.0 1.0 // Rescale the emitters to +0%

    scale = 1.0 1.0 // Rescale the emitters to +0%

    offset = 0.0 0.0 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters

    offset = 1.0 0.5 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters

    size = 0.0 1.0 // Rescale the particles to +0%

    size = 1.0 1.1 // Rescale the particles to +0%

    renderMode = "Billboard" // Render mode : Billboard / SortedBillboard / HorizontalBillboard / VerticalBillboard / Stretch

    collide = false // Collision active or not

    collideRatio = 0 // how the particles react on collision. 1 is a mirror bounce, 0 is go parallel to the hit surface

    fixedScale = 1.0 // Fixed rescale of the particle emitter (for when you rescale the model)

    sizeClamp = 50 // Limits particle size. Default to 50

    // ***************

    // From here the value are not the default anymore.

    // ***************

    angle = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the angle between the emitter transform and camera is lower than 45°

    angle = 45.0 1.0

    angle = 50.0 1.0

    distance = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the distance to camera is higher than 110

    distance = 100.0 1.0

    distance = 110.0 1.0

    emission // Modulate emission from mach and density curve. You can add other section for size, energy, speed, grow, offset and scale


    mach = 0.0 1.0

    mach = 0.8 1.0 // don't display until mach .8

    mach = 1.0 1.0

    density = 1.0 1.0

    density = 0.4 1.0 // don't display over .4 atmo

    density = 0.3 1.0

    density = 0.002 1.0

    density = 0.001 0.0 // and stop under .001


    Then delete everything after the { after powersmoke and before the closing }, so it looks like this






    and inside the close brackets add in this




    prefabName = fx_smokeTrail_veryLarge

    transformName = smokePoint

    emission = 0.0 0.0

    emission = 0.05 0.0

    emission = 0.075 0.25

    emission = 1.0 1.25

    speed = 0.0 0.25

    speed = 1.0 1.0

    localOffset = 0, 0, 1


    Just deleting the SmokeScreen folder will delete the hot rocket FX all together

    Edit: By the way, was anything changed with the oceans for this mod? I still seem to find the planet Kerbin has a considerable effect on the framerate but the clouds don't seem to be the culprit as my FPS is fine flying through them. Just looking back at Kerbin from orbit while in the SOI seems to cause the issue. It's strange because it runs smooth as butter once I'm out of the SOI.

    Also could I ask which files are dependant for killing the white atmosphere? I'm definitely using all the latest versions of EVE, Texture Replacer, ATM and Chatterer which is all I have in action from the mod right now, but I also have a white edge to the atmoshphere after updating stuff to remove the bug adding an atmosphere to moons etc. I'm wondering if maybe I accidentally wiped something that I shouldn't have. Edit 2: Sorry, seems I skipped over RSS too thinking it wasn't needed since I don't use the mod

    I love what this mod does to the solar system so I really don't want to give in and return to the standard EVE after being treated to such a blue planet.

    Also sorry if it seems like we're throwing a bunch of problems your way that aren't your responsibility. A couple of my own stupid mistakes were definitely not down to your mod but myself. I truly appreciate the help you offered and would not have had an easy time figuring which mod the issues were stemming from so thanks. I think for a number of us here this is one of the mods we will have most heavily customized before applying, hence the problems. But as you say, they're not your problem to fix if we're tweaking it. Personally I'm gonna do a factory install today if it doesn't improve a bit since otherwise it could be stemming from anything.

  7. Generally I only do this if I'm designing a large orbital power plant for Interstellar mod. Btw, the select root mod is useful for designing space stations this way

    I tried Interstellar the other day and really didn't get along with it. So many parts, so little explanation. It seems all encompassing but it needs better descriptions. Plus the Alcubierre is step too far from reality for me personally since it's supposedly more or less impossible in practice for many many reasons.

    On topic: my stations get designed on the fly. Just last night I realized that the Munar station I placed in a polar orbit to scan for Kethane would be of little use to me now that the Kethane has been mapped, so I sent up an engine to push it into a horizontal orbit since it didn't have any form of propulsion.. I like having to try and work around my short sighted failures personally so I never over think it. Though I do have a number of template designs that I regularly return to such as the one-size-fits-all docking module that has something for everyone.

  8. Na, that's about right...my CPU never works too hard for KSP either (even when the physics is pushing hard)...I think all Physics calculations are currently limited to a single core of your 8 core processor. You likely have 1 core pegged out max and the other 7 are at near idle.

    Ahh ok, I can't wait to see Unity release version 5. Also I just found what was causing a lot of performance problems for me when heading towards LKO. I also installed the recommended Atmospheric Sound Enhancement mod (which is really cool by the way) but unfortunately that was messing with my FPS more and more the further I was getting into the vacuum of space, it was also the place where those atmospheric effects were coming from. It still stays locked in the yellow when looking directly at Kerbin from an LKO of about 80,000m but a quick change in camera angle can give me back a lot of those frames. I can totally work with it from here. I might even see if I can squeeze Hot Rockets and Cool rockets back in just without Smoke Screen.

  9. Ahh ok, I'm guessing that would be the folder in there labelled particle then, everything else seems to be related to clouds and planets like the auroras you mentioned. Ill back it up and take it out to see if that removes them. They look kind of cloud like too though hence backing them up. I've also never actually checked this before, but I also just noticed my CPU usage from KSP never even hits 5%. I know it can't go too high due to Unity but is under 5% a sign that I should perhaps consider starting all this from scratch?

    Are you running at a reduced graphical level at all? Any effects turned down in the options? Because that's almost what that looks like to me. The way my game looks, even planets and moons with no atmosphere have a slight 'glow' to them where the sun is shining on them, but it's never harsh enough to look like atmosphere.

    I have everything maxed out as far as I remember. I only tend to lower things on my laptop to keep it stable

  10. I wouldn't think so...if you're staying underneath the RAM limit, removing mods that just include parts shouldn't have any affect on your framerate.

    Another thing I just thought of...how much debris do you have up in space or around the launch pad? Each piece of debris has to be calculated if it is within a certain distance, and Distant Object Enhancement MAY (not certain if it does) push the limit out further so it can render certain objects (debris, space stations, orbiting items). Super-high debris count could cause this issue if it's within the render distance I would think.

    Currently I'm testing from a fresh Sandbox whilst I try and optimize the performance on my PC so there's nothing in the game but my ship. As another test I switched to my Mining module and Habitat Module on Minmus from my main save and performance was absolutely perfect despite there being at least 150 parts parked right next to each other in total. To add to the confusion I also just launched a 100+ part ship and discovered my performance is now higher whilst in the clouds than at around 30,000m.

    Does KSPRC also add any atmospheric effects that typically wouldn't be in the game too? I already removed the rockets mods but I'm still seeing new atmospheric effects that weren't in the stock game and I get the feeling taking them out would also get me an extra nudge to the performance. I really need to stress the beauty of this mod again though. Even the nights on Minmus look breathtaking now.

  11. Your best bet would be to drop SmokeScreen rather than Hot/Cool Rockets. The flame and cryo textures aren't affecting the framerate, it's the persistent smoke from SmokeScreen that is causing the issue (and perhaps the clouds from EVE, but I've got an i5 2500k and a GTX550Ti [crummy vid card and very mid-range processor from 2+ years ago] and I run just fine on best settings available). You may need to remove hot rockets, however, to get rid of all the SmokeScreen effects.

    I tried taking off hot/cool rockets and smokescreen along with the Squad retetxures. It has freed up even more performance to the point that a 26 part ship is not launching too bad now. It really does seem I've hit a performance overhead but stayed within the RAM overhead. Would removing parts mods make much of a difference if it's performance that I'm struggling with rather than crashes?

  12. I hope you remove the old foldersbefore reinstalling :wink:

    Always, but it appears that I may have opened the wrong RAR folder when installing EVE. I think I may have applied 7.2 instead at first. The bugs around the planets are now gone and it's freed up some more performance too. Though I'm still getting low performance with even 26 part ships. I'm going to drop all of the Squad retextures as they seem to be displaying at a much higher rez than most other parts on my install, and remove hot and cool rockets. At this point it feels more like I'm just hitting a performance wall so will trim the fat and see what results I get.

  13. I'm pretty sure I had at least a reasonably new version of EVE, I've been on a big spree of reapplying and testing new mods for the past few days so almost everything is new. The only out of date mod I've stumbled across so far was Raster Prop Monitor which probably has no way of affecting this and is also now up to date. Just to make sure I'm going to go back and completely wipe Chatterer, EVE and Texture Replacer again and make sure I didn't open up an old rar file instead of the latest one.

  14. Tried a reinstall again and I still appear to be getting performance issues regarding Kerbin and I think possibly the clouds which cause the game to render at single digits when I look square at them. I'm not sure why but they appear to be drawing a lot more power than usual for some reason. Also there was a couple other things that I'm not sure are supposed to be happening so I took screenshots to see if this is correct behaviour.

    First off is Kerbin, I only included this since other bodies seem to have unusual auras around them and since Kerbin is the one causing me some trouble I figured I should include a screenshot to make sure it isn't suffering from a similar thing. Does this look all ok here?


    Next up is the mun which has a dust cloud up to around 50000m. I didn't see any of this in your screenshots which made me wonder, is this supposed to happen?


    The same is happening at Minmus too, just not as dense


    And finally it looks like maybe the effects of the Sun on Moho are doubling up on mine? Again, I'm not sure if it's supposed to behave this way, just trying to find some signs of the mod not behaving correctly since I can't seem to boost the performance.


    Just wanted to check all of these are common behaviour since some didn't match the screenshots on the first page. I cant try starting from a clean install and applying this compilation first too if needs be

  15. Mods, Lots of them. Here's my current list that I can recall off the top of my head.

    Editor Extensions - It makes building easier and opens up a lot of new ways to build

    Module Manager - Needed by so many mods

    Toolbar - To remove a LOT of screen clutter

    KAC - To keep track of all my mission and get transfer windows

    Active Texture Management - to brace my PC for what follows

    B9 - The plane parts are awesome

    TAC Fuel Balancer - To keep those awesome plane parts nicely balanced in flight

    MechJeb - That all important Delta V calculation, and if I'm too busy to fly

    KW Rocketry - Because I enjoy a uniform look to my rockets and with the addition of larger parts to stock I don't have an issue with KW's

    Raster Prop Monitor - Those lovely IVA's

    Hullcam VDS - So I can have more to look at from those IVA's

    Procedural Fairings - I like having my payload hidden, it makes the whole journey look so much better

    KAS - This one gives me reasons to revisit other ships and things to do while I'm there

    Kethane - To give me more reasons to re-use my ships, this and KAS work in tandem for me plus it gives me a reason to have satellites

    Infernal Robotics - Moving Hinges!

    Habitat Pack - It makes space stations look really cool and you can even squeeze them into a fairing

    Scansat - More for IVA's and more reasons to have satellites again

    EVE - To add clouds!

    Chatterer - Because space is too quiet

    Atmospheric Sound Enhancement - Because space should be a tiny bit more quiet

    Hot Rockets - For cool rocket effects

    Cool Rockets - Ditto

    DOE - I was initially skeptical of this mod, but it makes things feel a lot more authentic in the game and I've come to love it

    KSPRC - this is new to me but it looks amazing! it tweaks Hot Rockets, Cool Rockets, EVE, DOE, Chatterer and a couple of other mods I'm not using so I deleted the related files from KSPRC, but wow, the solar system never looked so good.

    That's all I can think of right now, there may be one or two I missed but that's most of them

  16. Huh that is kind of odd then. I can't remember whether I actually had HD or low res EVE installed at the time I added KSPRC, but I haven't had performance issues with either in the past. Could there be any problems if this mod was installed over low rez EVE or would it just correct itself manually? I also noticed that the orbital paths of the moons surrounding Jool show through the planet but I couldn't decide whether that was a sign that something was going wrong somewhere or a design choice since the planet has no solid surface.

    Outside of that the only thing I messed with was removing the Kerbals EVA suits etc, since I'm using Greenskulls. The only other thing that I can think of is that I have a rather large amount of mods that add parts, particularly B9 and KW, and that it could be causing the issue but then I would have thought the game would just crash from hitting the RAM limit. I can always try a re-install tomorrow anyway and trim the fat from some of the other mods somewhere if needs be too. I can see myself dropping a few of the regularly used mods to squeeze this in. It really does make everything look fantastic. I love the dust effects around the moons and the heat blasted Moho!

    Edit: Also to note, the ship I used to test the mod with was only 50 parts, and typically I could hover comfortably around 300. Hence I figured I may have messed up the install.

  17. I'm getting huge performance drops at Kerbin with this mod. Is Active Texture Management compatibility functional for aggressive mode too? My PC isn't exactly weak so I wasn't expecting it to be permanently in the yellow, i7 2600k for reference with gtx 580. I actually decided to add most of the mods in the end aside from soundtrack editor and the navball one, so perhaps that's not helping? I don't know though, it's kind of exclusive to Kerbin so far as things run fine at the Mun.

    Otherwise I really love this mod, It looks absolutely beautiful in action and makes me want to spend more time with it, but unfortunately I may have to revert to the standard EVE mod for the extra performance. I expected it to ruin performance on my laptop but not on my rig. Is this standard for the mod or is something acting unusual for me?

  18. All the internals appear to be intact :s. Also I found a bit more out about the bug, it actually causes the staging to be hidden off to the left an completely unfunctional. However activating an engine bring the staging back into view, but also removes all stages and dumps them into a single stage. Any ideas?

  19. Is there any way to get the Visual Enhancements parts without tampering with the rockets? And without killing the display of stars in the sky while planets are showing? Both are cool effects by the looks of it but I don't want to tamper with too much especially since I use a lot of other mods. Plus I like my very starry sky, realistic or not. I really like your atmosphere's though, they're by far the best I've seen so far.

  20. That's probably why...I think the mod relies on it being inside \GAMEDATA\Keramzit\ProceduralFairings\

    I've found out with other plugin based mods that capitalization matters too. I once capitalized a folder and it broke the mod it relied on until I changed it back.

    Ohh ok, yeah that makes sense. Seem to have hit one other small hitch caused by myself though. Since I already unlocked the nodes that would contain the fairings and now they're showing up in the VAB but are blacked out. Anyone know a fix to this? I can always start another career but I really don't want to lose my Mun prison for bad kerbals.

  21. I use MJ for all sorts but it depends how I'm feeling. Sometimes I'll land by hand and others with MJ. If I'm a bit busy I let MJ do almost everything. If I want a specific precise approach I'll set the node and let MJ handle it and if I'm making small tweaks I fly by eye in the map mode without nodes.

    I think MJ really helped me to learn how to do these things, because I find occasionally the autopilot can become confused (usually involving timewarp for rendevous) leaving you to fly it yourself. Thanks to already knowing what to do I found it really easy to perform my first manual docking attempt once I'd figured out how to actually use the RCS the right way.

    It really didn't help with learning how to land however since MJ is rather brave about it. I learnt in the end it's a lot easier to kill the horizontal speed at a reasonable height when landing manually as the computer is a LOT better at judging height than me. I use it for the greater part of a 70:30 ratio, but there's a lot I can do that MJ can't, or at least not that I know of, such as free returns and gravity assists

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