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Posts posted by Kerbonautical

  1. Highly doubt it, but I ended up removing the KW fairings and bases anyway since all I use now are these. What's the problem, are the parts just not showing up in the VAB?

    Yeah just can't find them anywhere in the VAB. It just occurred to me though that I may have installed it after starting my career playthrough, so perhaps that's the cause? I'm gonna try it in sandbox anyway and see if they appear

    Edit: Huh, re-installed again and it seems to be working. It's all from the same RAR file I installed it from last time too. I can't quite figure what was causing it, the only thing I did differently this time was installed the Keramzit folder too rather than just the Procedural Fairings folder.

    Oh well, just glad to have it back, it's one of my favourite mods!

  2. I'm adding a vote for just put the money towards a new laptop. The performance gains of the upgrade would be noticable, but a modern laptop can actually perform reasonably. My friend plays on an i7 (can't remember exactly which one, something like 2.4 clock speed) and it runs ok with low settings, v sync on and a bunch of mods running without a GPU. If you're not already using it, I suggest trying the mod Active Texture Management to up your performance a bit in the meantime and at no cost.

    Also a new laptop would really help with the DDR2 situation. I haven't actually had DDR2 in a long time personally, but I'd hazard a guess that the lower speeds are really not helping much either. Also remember that Unity is being updated for multi threading support in the future and KSP will be too, so the extra threads available in a more modern multithreaded CPU will be available to you down the line whereas a core 2 will only benefit so much

  3. I installed HyperEdit and attempted to use it. But failed to, never installed it since either.

    I performed my first ever landing on another body using MechJeb.I really regret this one, the first landing was still rather magical, but my first manual landing was even better and I can't help but feel I kind of ruined it for myself the first time round. I still use autopilot when I don't have the time to fly everything by hand but it was a mistake to rely on it so much early on.

    I hate going Interplanetary. I'm awful at planning manual intercepts and it seems MJ also hates planning them for me too as it always gives me a target windows that's years away even if I'm right on a supposed window. It usually just results in losing Kerbals or waiting hours in timewarp. I really wish we could see our trajectory when we leave the SOI while planning the node, rather than having to wait until we're well past the point of no return.

  4. I found it really hard until I found the option in the corner to switch to docking controls. I have no idea what I thought I was using my RCS on before that. It's just like flying a Kerbal though, which I'm pretty used to thanks to runaway ships. I suppose if you like to mess around a lot in EVA you might have an advantage when it comes to docking. Either that or some people maybe forget to switch targets, that makes the world of difference.

  5. I'm having a lot of trouble with this mod. The spherical command pod is causing all staging to stop working and whenever I use any of the parts on a ship it spirals out of control instantly. Is there some sort of patch I've missed somewhere? I'm using the latest version.

  6. Did you do that after starting the career mode ? Thing can get a bit messy when you change the position of a node and you load a save with other position.

    I could investigate the problem if you put your save and modified AR202 somewhere like dropbox.

    But you want the AR202 to have all the features unlocked for start ? Then I'd do a ModuleManager patch like that :

    name = MechJebCore
    !MechJebLocalSettings {}

    It will remove the MJ tech requirement of the AR202 and you'll have all features unlocked ( if I did not mess up the patch :P )

    Hmmm, I may have actually swapped MJ for a slightly newer build after starting the career, which may have had an effect. I could have also tweaked it after starting the Career too. I'm gonna go back and double check the .cfg and start a new career to see if that corrects things perhaps. If not I'll have a shot with the ModuleManager patch. Just to check is there anywhere specific to drop that code within the module manager .cfg? Sorry, like I say I kind of only half get what I'm doing in these things.

  7. Ok, realised I didn't put in the version number when asking last time so my bad. I'm using Mechjeb 2 for version 23.5 via the last successful artefact on the website you host it on as of yesterday, very recent version.

    I'm having a basic issue with compatibility within Career. I had edited the .cfg of the AR202 so that I would have access to all MJ's abilities off the bat. I did this by changing the tech node they should all be unlocked with to 'start' and the EntryCost to '0'. I didn't mess with anything else while in there but I cannot get MJ to offer me more than the first set that unlock. As a test I decided to add the subcategory 'control' one of the sets of abilities that would typically be unlocked later in the game and this added a second AR202 to my parts, so it is technically unlocking, but it's not stacking the abilities on top of the single AR202.

    Any ideas what's going on here? Sorry to bother you with these problems by the way, I'm sure you get enough on your plate in a day. I've tried everything I can to solve the problem in the past two weeks including entirely fresh installs of the game and mod but just cannot get any succes. I should clarify I only have a low level understanding of what some of the stuff in the .cfg even means, but if I don't understand it I don't touch it. The only things altered are mentioned above. The mod also works perfectly in Sandbox, it seems to just have some issue with the tech tree.

  8. I have a strange problem happening in Mechjeb. All of the different tiers unlocked through career are all set to start with an entry cost of 0 yet I don't actually have access to any of the tools like ascent guidance etc. Has something changed in 23.5 so that we can't force MJ to unlock all abilities in the first tech tree node?

    Also to the suggestion of having MJ's sidebar out of view and relying purely on the toolbar is a great idea, that woul get me a fair bit of screen space back on my laptop.

  9. Anyone else having a small problem with the Kethane options not actually showing up in the toolbar mod? I have the option to add Kethane to the toolbar but it never actually appears so I'm locked out of the controls. I have the toolbar file in my Kethane files too, and no problems with anything else on the toolbar. Any pointers?

    Also sorry if this should have gone over to the toolbar mod, it just seems exclusive to Kethane's compatibility.

  10. This sounds like you didn't install Kerbal Alarm Clock at the right location. Please see your output_log.txt and check for any "button texture not found" messages.

    Yeah that's exactly what I did, been a while since I made such a simple mistake of not checking the folders before installing. Thanks man, got it working now. Just noticed the Kethane controls are also not showing up so I'm guessing I probably got lazy when installing that too, need to check that one next.

  11. I'm having a little trouble, but I want to clarify I'm not entirely sure that it is being caused by the mod, it's affecting it though and I figured someone else here may have also encountered it and could point me towards a fix. So the Toolbar works great, I really love it. However one of the icons appears to be causing problems. My Kerbal Alarm Clock is working fine, but the image in the toolbar doesn't load and if I add the alarm clock to the toolbar it causes the toolbars shape to randomly change, adding one single icon on a row alone below the rest which seems to react to mouse movements making everything really hard to target.

    Has anyone else encountered this issue?

  12. Yes, it should be added. Don't want to spoil the personal fun of guesswork? Then don't use it.

    What we could also use is a simple launch window chart: it shows a list consisting of each planet, with a simple chart showing the year and day in which each launch window opens/closes. It also shows two launch windows: the departure window from kerbin to x planet, and the return window from x planet to kerbin.

    Yes Please! I never tend to bother with the interplanetary stuff that much myself as it requires too much hassle and guesswork. I'm sure there is some actual way to work it out easier, but I figure the average KSP player will not have access to that information

  13. Personally I do similar things without intention. I tend to pack extra fuel which of course makes the landing heavier and prone to explosion so I usually perform controlled re-entries as a means of burning off the excess fuel, plus over time I got used to doing it this way and can now make relatively close returns to the KSC. Downside is that sometimes I seem to return without the speed to get the flashy light show of re-entry. I couldn't say how much this reduces the G forces because I've never really thought to check but I should imagine it cuts out a lot when there's no re-entry effects.

  14. My latest is JebEx. Thanks to the awesome people from these forums for offering to provide the less artistically talented of us with cool flags to complement our agencies too by the way!

    JebEx has a simple target, be the first company to provide an interplanetary/interstellar parcel delivery. We haven't had much luck yet due to a lack of beings to sign for anything, but we did attempt to coax the Kraken into signing. Unfortunately he was extremely uncooperative so we had to abandon that plan. Upon returning our ship decided to spontaneously disassemble itself so we advised any future missions to refrain from trying to extract a signature from the Kraken.

  15. Personally I'm gonna go with yes. In all honesty I thought this was coincidence that we don't have them yet rather than a design choice. I consider the addition of one mod that can support such readouts as Delta V and horizontal/vertical speed etc.

    The idea of trying to fly without them just seems incredibly silly to me. I wouldn't want to play a flight sim with no readouts other then speed and height from sea level, I wouldn't feel too comfortable playing an FPS without at least an iron sight, so I don't see why we're expected to be flying blind. I don't know much about NASA, but I'd hazard a guess that they rely on more than orbital/surface speed and distance from sea level. In fact I have Scott Manley's video's to thank for even bothering to discover KSP properly, if it wasn't for that I never would have found the extra readouts provided by MJ.

    Without that data the game would have been shelved permanently within the first 20 hours, so yes to me it should be stock. the game was practically unplayable to me before it. Also I like to fly from IVA, you can't do that without substantial data about your Delta V, speed, height etc.

  16. Actually the opposite is likely to happen. Due to the imposed restrictions of Unity due to having no multi threading support or GPU offloading the devs are clearly being extremely careful in the power required for these new additions and balancing it out with code optimization along the way, if anything KSP performance has been increasing lately.

    Add this in with the fact that the next iteration of Unity will support multi threading properly this time and we should all see a noticable bump in performance. Computers of low end and high end specs should all get a respectable increase in performance. I couldn't say which will feel the greatest benefit but both should have access to a considerable amount of extra power from your CPU that currently is unavailable. If your running a highly modded version of KSP you might even be exceeding the requirements the final version will ask for, and I'd imagine there are a number of people out there running so many they have shot well past it.

  17. I love the idea but the framerate would become unplayable pretty quickly, especially with a city. I should think attempting to build a city would actually be stepping into the realms of burning out your CPU.

    I've built a number of bases varying in different sizes however I generally find it's best to keep it small for my own tastes in performance. Furthest I go is a mining module, conversion module, solar power module and habitat module. I usually leave some ground transport and a small return ship in the area too which can be used to ferry them around the planet using the mined resources. This leaves me a tiny bit of room for a small vessel to land if they need anything dropped off, but even then I'm pushing the boundaries a bit. Unfortunately when I'm using extraplanetary launchpads I have to put them at least 2.5Km away otherwise it truly becomes a slideshow. Even without it, performance is less than desirable with a build this size.

    I wish you luck, but I pity your CPU :(

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