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Everything posted by MrPopcup

  1. alright! I'm back from a short trip! oh I see somebody else has done it... well nice job! quite a big rocket ! ( mine is 640 tons on launchpad.. ) NOTE****************: I've done this challenge in 6/8 ( Yesterday ) First Picture: After refueling the ' hotel ' , the space tug carries it to the mun ( very long burn.. ) also note*: the space tug can refuel itself using the jumbo tank on it. ( not the main craft's one ) Second Picture: After achieving an Orbit, I did like I said before, 30x15km orbit, then use the mainship engines from 15 Km to the ground. Third Picture: Making the braking burn, this is where I finish de-orbiting and be close to the ground. Forth Picture: Finally Landing on the Mun! ( look where I landed.. VERY FLAT TERRAIN! )
  2. @ Lindy- No, I didn't try it wide and slow, but I will right now! thanks for advice! @ Capi3101 thats a great rover! I didn't put ASAS module on it because I heard it will screw up the turning around, but I'll use your advice, and I'll reply if it worked with pictures @ lammatt I play ksp since 0.17 , I have no problem with landing speed or anything, I can even achieve a VERY soft landing ( 0.5m/s ~ 3/ms ) usually I land at this speed, again I have no problem with this, and I've deployed MANY rovers, it's just gravity. but yeah, problem is that when I speed up say ( 7m/s ) and do a SLIGHT turn the rover with flip to it's other side, I have a low center of mass but i'll make mine wider and lower to the ground with ASAS, Can anyone provide some pictures with some rover that has a really low center of mass? note**: I play a vanilla KSP and I don't want anymods. just stock parts!
  3. The tittle says it, I'm trying to make a rover that doesn't bounce off on minmus, I always make rovers that are pretty good on Moons and atmospheric bodies, but it doesn't work on minmus ( also Pol,Bop and gilly ) cause of the low gravity, so if anyone can help me? I tried making the center of mass close to the ground but that doesn't help!
  4. Nice job buddy! keep practising! glad I helped! mark this as answered! go to your first post in this thread, click on edit post and go advanced in top left you should see unanswered, change it to answered and click save!
  5. Quite a nice base actually! Try this if your interested, then post pictures here! - Make a ramp, say 2x2meters panels ( 4 by 6 ) and put varius docking port on it, test your rover and it's height on kerbin ( don't forget to angel 2x2m 3 in front of it to actually make rovers can get up on it, ) I'm gonna give you a tip: your gonna experience alot of unbalance issues with sky-crane. but once I did this and landed it near my base ~500m , I smiled and was very proud of it! because it's hard, completely worth it! OPTIONAL!: attach some tanks for it, so transfer rovers can transfer fuel from this ramp to another craft, or to dock landers with it and refuel, then head over for other stuff! happy launching! you've got an awesome base there!
  6. 1st method -It's simple, once your in sun's orbit, time warp until your close to Duna , then make the view in map show you how your path will be near duna, setup a maneuver node and play around with ( in general the blue ones, they are on left and right ) until you see it closing to the planet, also adding Velocity ( pro-grade ) or Decreasing your velocity ( retro-grade ) will however help you out. Hope I helped you! 2nd method - do it only once in ORBIT!-- say your appoapsis is 45 Million km and periapsis of 40 million km ( or any other altitude, it doesn't matter, really. ) time warp until you reach apoapsis ( in this case 45M ) and burn retro grade to make your periapsis go lower, keep retro-burning until ( say 120 km ) then press X, time warp until periapsis and retro burn again to decrease appoapsis to 120 km ( again, just for example, you decide with your throttle level and when you cut the engine off. ) and hurray! you got a fine perfect orbit around Duna!
  7. Knas, listen, I know what your going through, but you must do this: Once in Kerbin orbit, make sure that Duna is in correct angle to make your burn there, ( imagine that kerbol is a dot, and your planet is the circle around the dot, then you gotta imagine this as a clock, Kerbin must be at 3 O'clock and Duna must be 2:30 or 1:30 O'clock, at least this works for me with EVERY planet. ) then do your maneuver node, press M to view map, and bring the navball up ( in middle of screen, look at the bottom you'll see an arrow, press on it ) then follow the node marker ( blue ) and while your in map view, zoom out to see your trajectory and MONITOR IT yourself, once you see that you got lines moving ( yellow,Pink ). you said you went to mun and minmus, when you encountered them you saw those, so you probably know what I'm talking about, after you see those, press X to cut engines. and time warp, once you get out of SOI of KERBIN'S there MUST be a change in the direction your going, so once your in orbit around the sun, make a maneuver node and adjust untill you see an encounter, again monitor it until you see the encounter lines, then press X and time warp, once you reach Duna make your periapses low and time warp until you reach it, retro-burn and your in orbit! Please excuse me on any grammar mistakes, english is my 3rd language and i'm trying my best to help you out, keep in mind it's 1:01 am and i'm sleepy.. NOTE**: I think this is by far the best explanation for you to understand, do this: get a pen and paper, write everything in steps, put it infront of you and follow them. you'll reach duna in one try, again DONT GIVE UP!
  8. Ohhh Nice! you're really making your way up! go for laythe next time!
  9. Wow, that's a nice thing! @ Felsmak, happy launching with your mission! if you want help post here!
  10. Hello! I LANDED YEAHHHHHH!! yep, I landed that 140 ton thing on the moon, I will post pictures as soon as I can, I must go now, Excuse me! NOTE**: thanks for making my head blow up while thinking to bring that to the mun.
  11. you'll have no problem with landing a spaceplane on laythe, as far as you do like I did.. make a shallow trajectory, say you want to land on that island above, you must be in the dark side of laythe while in orbit, Retro-burn untill periapses get's before the target ( that way when you time accelerate the planet rotates so you'll exactly be above your target) then after re-entry you can handle anything pretty well if you have jet engines, or glide all the way to land ( you won't land PRECISELY on target, but more or less.. )
  12. Hey, Back from testing stuff.. I've got it in orbit ! yeah.. smile.. after exactly 14 launches to make it up in once piece .. lol here's some pictures during launch - gravity turn - and finally orbit.. tomorrow i'll continue -> what i'm gonna do tomorrow is.. -1 Send a refuel ship to refuel this one ( I used the outer tanks, not the jumbo or the one underneath it ' in middle ' ) so yeah, refuel those. -2 Go dock with my station SPICE S1 (shown in pictures below, which is a massive Space station with lots of fuel.. ) dock with it. -3 Send a mainsail with jumbo tank, dock underneath the middle tanks on the main ship ( i Put a docking port there ) -4 Then head for the moon, go for 30km x 15km orbit then use the main spaceship engines. and boom it's done! NOTE: FML I FORGOT TO ADD KERBALS !! AM SO ANGRYYYYYYYYYYYY!! some pictures.. any yeah, silly gravity turn, it's just to make this rocket go up to a really high altitude then use the main engines to circularize, not anybody can do this.. very precise moves are required
  13. May I have like the default flag above? but with POPCUP instead of Kerbal ? please
  14. Awesome stuff-- here's what i've got for now, and really, the biggest project for me now and has the highest priority is laythe base - some pictures-> my Habitat Module during Re-entry After touch down, Rodan Kerman- the commander checked if everything is fine. my un-manned rover got it's wheel damaged, I sent a kerbal from the habitat module all the way up to the mountain and fixed the wheel. he saw this and was impressed! NOTE**: the purple label is a command module laying there.. previous tries reaching laythe.. After they landed the habitat module on laythe, Rodan opened the window by mistake, but he discovered that laythe has oxygen! he sent data back to kerbin, and Mission Control decided to send an aircraft to laythe. ( anyone got a special name for this aircraft? I didn't find any that good. ) During Re-entry ( after entering the atmosphere but at a lower altitude, I got the super sonic effects, which is kinda impressing. the plane handles very well and won't stall by anyway! A moment after I planted two flags on two islands on laythe, which took me alot of fuel to. then I decided to check up the north pole of laythe, because in space I saw that it's kinda ' sandy ' and not true white colour. I found out that it's grey-ish and very cold.. BONUS PICTURE : Here my kind of space station around Pol , took me 4 launches to assemble this in Pol's orbit. one of the landers is departing to make a research on Pol's surface, they found out that the rocks are ' Poop shaped '. they said it's the krakin's poop.
  15. I'll post more pictures from mulitple Jool missions, now I gotta go to the city.
  16. I landed this on Duna, Phew!! was hard to achieve this one, because I landed on the mount Olympus analog ( it's 6850m high, where I landed ) ! used the load feature about 8 times! but here it is! also I sent a base module like this to laythe, with manned rover, 2 airplanes and one unmanned rover! yay! this game rocks! Keep the photos rolling everyone! let's make this topic blow up!
  17. I didn't understand quite well, but if I got what You mean, try using LSHIFT+W/A/S/D/Q/E ( Hold shift and press on any of these buttons ) If that's what you wanted, let us know.
  18. I heard of this game from Kurtjmac, then I subscribed to him and he kept posting videos for this game, I fell in love with it then downloaded the demo, ( I think it's .13..? ) and never knew even how to orbit, but I kept trying, untill I got the game ( 0.17 ) and that was epic moment.. with planets and stuff.. the thing is I never reached anyplanet back in 0.17, but in 18 I reached duna and all that.. and here i'm.. pro at ksp ;D!
  19. Oh shiny things you guys have! really amazing creations! those big stations that carry stuff and goes interplanetary are amazing! going to build some like this but the problem is the center of mass..
  20. Hello there guys! I started this thread just to let everyone share with me what ' big project ' he is working on . I didn't want to post this in ' Show off your awesome pictures ' because everything will be missed out . anyway, i'll start this up! My big space station orbiting the mun ( 95x100 km ) started from space station core and now it's the biggest one in 0.21 ( apart for kerbin's one, but that's missed up, I don't have everything lined up like this . ) It's called Station of Glory ( S.O.G ). still working on it
  21. I usually make something up in my mind, for example , I have a spacestation around the mun, I simply call it J.R.S ( Jebidiah Refueling Station ) but for land things ( when you put flags ) I choose to name it on the kerbal who put it there, for example I have Shirwig Kerman - I landed on a crater on the mun, then I name it Shirwig Crater. and so on.. also depends on location/mission/spacecraft - if it's important I name it something unique and easy to remember.
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