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Everything posted by DigitalProeliator

  1. Besides Spanier and I is anyone else having problems with FMRS not saving updated states of other crafts?I can switch to sperated crafts correctly but if I switch back to the main craft its status resets to separation.
  2. I took a quick look in some of the cfgs and it would appear that some of the nodes have not been updated to reflect the change squad made to attachment nodes. From what was explained to me in short nodes are now directional and will only work one way and need the opposite node to connect. Example: node_stack_whatever= 0, 1, 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 1 will only connect to a node_stack_whatever= 0, 1, 0, 0, -1.0, 0, 1
  3. What happened if I may ask? Ive been keeping my own version I update on the side and know I will eventually come around to updating most of the cfgs of the HOME parts eventually. I wouldn't mind sharing them when I do but I don't want to risk a ban.
  4. When you say KIS integration do you mean like we could get just one part to replace a broken rover wheel, or a newly unlocked experiment? If so that would be epic.
  5. Are you telling me I can potentially ship full sized vehicles like Roverdudes Packrat mod?
  6. Also having the same thing here. Disappointing as this is awesome when it does work correctly.
  7. Wow then I guess its a good thing I hadnt started yet. Messing with mass, fuel levels ,and nodes sure no problem I got that, but aerodynamics is a bit over my head.
  8. They are definitely legacy. Some of them would work fine in sandbox and would be relatively easy to update to work in career, but I cant remember offhand which ones.. Did you have one or two particularly in mind? I could see what I could do.
  9. Your welcome. Thankfully I'm a bit of a pack rat when it comes to mods.
  10. Im a bit late here but Ive got I think all of Waylands mods saved in a drop box folder. Here is a link. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/qja77pro8n6mh8w/AADYa5QehQdv076_Wgv6PkeEa?dl=0 Ignore the tweaking folder, I was experimenting with things.
  11. I couldn't find one either, but I did find this. Its an interesting read so far. The TES-3 (or TNP-3, for Transportable Nuclear Plant) is half way down.
  12. Maybe mug the LLL for the yellow truck cabins as a temporary solution. Scale it up to 200% and it fits perfectly for the FH sections. Speaking of tweak-scale is it also coming to this? It could be a bit useful. Also not sure if this is a glitch but if you take a FH21 and FHWwh21 turn the extra nodes on they will snap vertically but not connect, staying transparent as if there is a clipping issue. Is this on purpose? I was trying to make a pickup truck style bay out of the two.
  13. Sure it would be a good way to see if its something on my end causing the odd glitch. The only mod that would be required would be LLL, but KAS and Karbonite will be also if you want to check out the sub-assemblies. https://www.dropbox.com/s/dz4ucpkgg3p0aru/Eagle%20Shared.7z?dl=0 As for the resizing it was very minor. Like from 0.6-0.62 barely noticeable overall.
  14. Logan ironically I spent most of the last week doing tweaks to the cfgs of the Eagle to make it usable in campaign and trying to remove any lingering bugs the original craft had. Ive gotten it balanced so you don't need mech-jeb or massive amounts of RCS to fly, fixed the odd center of mass for the command pod and overall adjusted it slightly larger so any pods made with LLL can be exactly 2 tanks, docks and end caps. Just minor offsets with CBMs needed. If you want to take a peak at it let me know. Just trying to nail down an odd glitch with the command pods nodes when switching back to it after l return to space center. BTW If anyone knows what would cause a parts nodes to shift when reloaded it would be of help. Yea there are a few issues with the craft files, LLL has changed up his parts alot, and the craft file with the Scansat parts actually locks up the game.
  15. Nice. I always hated sticking sensitive stuff on the outside of a rover. First little bump and you break 2-3 experiments off... I'm already thinking of an idea of a scientific bay with experiments you can activate internally using a camera.
  16. If Im reading this correctly this is for making more realistic rovers instead of cylinder tanks with wheels? If you have some kind of trailer/box so I can mount my parts on the inside instead of slapping them on the outside I'm on board.
  17. Hmm well sort of. I think I can get this to work on what I want to do. To give you an example of what Im wanting to do, with Waylands Eagle ship the MK 3 main engine is really off center and with RCS balancer you can center it with the offset tool. But I want to know by how MUCH I have to offset so I can save the change permanently to the CFG. With this I can tweak the node, see how much the balance has changed, then tweak again with-ought having to reload the database over and over again like I have been. Thanks for the help.
  18. You may want to look at LLL extending CBM. It can extends out around 1.5 meters or retract on command and acts as a docking port. Mod also has alot of other useful parts for making nice looking bases.
  19. Im not sure is something like this has already been made but I have been going through alot of parts I had from old mods updating them adding or moving nodes and it would be a great help to be able to know exactly how far I have moved a part to permanently add the change to the .cfg file but there is no way to know from in game and reloading the database . Anyone know of something that will help?
  20. Sweat! Glad to see that you finally decided it was worthy of an official release. Any idea on what direction you plan on taking next? More features like upgrading buildings, working hangers ect, or do you got ideas for a new project?
  21. Sure np. I totally understand crazy work and life schedules. A clear guide will be worth waiting on rather than bang my head for several hours in confusion.
  22. Great mod, having fun with the hangars but was wondering how I could set up my own. I tried to look at the hangar parts for how to create my own as I wanted to try and make a "helipad" for use with an airship mod but cant see how you set the allowed mass, volume, docking site, ect. I thought I saw a few pages back where you added the ability to a MK 2 cargo bay, so I thought it would be possible. Is there any kind of documentation on how to set them up or did I over looking something?
  23. If you want me to take a look sure. Im guessing your trying to make some Scansat Parts or is it something else? If you want to, you can send me a PM or an email through my profile page. Id rather not clutter up this page with unrelated things.
  24. Its how the Weld mod saves and how I started off but then I learned how to make my own. Once I understood how the Model {} section works, it was much easier. If you want to experiment a tip I picked up was to make a game folder stripped down the the minimum you need for testing, and when editing save your changes, use the reload debug option from the space center, and go back into the SPH to see the changes. It saves a HUGE amount of time. These where a bit finicky because even small changes made a big difference. I have no idea why the part spins around off centered on the Goo one though... There is no real difference between it and the Mat lab.
  25. Well since no one said it was against the rules Ill post the welded parts. These are just Boxsat and stock models so no textures needed. I wanted to try and keep them a little more balanced so they still have the normal weight but come in a smaller package. Kas modules are already in place. If there is any issue with them being up just let me know and Ill take them down. https://www.dropbox.com/s/435ggi780r2ck2p/62cm_Boxsat_Goo_Module.cfg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/oziqmj2fcyd7bhw/62cm_Boxsat_Mat_Module.cfg?dl=0
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