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Everything posted by worir4

  1. Let's keep it pollite guys. I swear every day this forum gets more and more polluted. Why don't we just stick to discussion about space flight like our opinions on the Apollo program. sorry i will stop now.
  2. 1337 m/s is my favorite. xD
  3. MoAR Boosters/10 Jets need more boosters.
  4. Nice avatar. I guess your flying quite high. XD

  5. I guess i'll just climb on the front again.! CHOO CHOO!
  6. Your poem, it was so beautiful!  *Tear drops from eye*

    1. sal_vager


      Thank you, maybe I missed my calling? :)

  7. Your LGMs will stay in our memories for ever. When ever we see anything about space all we think of are kerbals. Good luck with your degree!
  8. KSP Grand Strategy game: Event: Dev note Wednesday -100 Forum Happiness. (Ends turn) {Next day} Adviser: 'M'lord, there are thousands of angry green people with pitch forks and spare f5 keys on the forum, if this continues we will have the 501 error event!
  9. Mine is non other than Mr Mustachio Kerman, himself.
  10. I am planning on doing my first PC parts upgrade. I just got a 1440p monitor and my old graphics card struggles (AMD HD 7870 2GB). I am thinking of getting a AMD R9 390 8GB. The cheapest I have seen is £240. Does any one know where I can get it cheaper, perhaps even a used one?
  11. Just a simple sunrise on the launch pad. With Scatterer installed of course.
  12. Good luck with your channel. Could you post a link here when you have made it so we can watch it.
  13. worir4

    I quit.

    Hey come on guys, @Xyphos is a valued member of this community. There must be a valid reason for he/she to stop playing KSP so no need to be meanies about it. Sorry to hear you are having problems Xyphos, perhaps you could post a report in the bug reports and maybe you can get a solution and if you are lucky recover your craft.
  14. SQUAD always seem to release a new update when ever I have exams or essays to give in soon. Normally I will procrastinate by playing KSP but it is not enjoyable, I find it helps to do the work first and then play KSP guilt free!
  15. The only time i ever use them is when I have unlocked the science tree and need more money. But that is rare. So I never really use them.
  16. Those messages are nice. I think every one here echos them to you Felipe. Good luck in the future!
  17. No one cheats. When you mod your KSP folder, you are in fact changing the very laws of Kerbal physics in their universe and so you are not breaking any rules.
  18. Thanks for creating my all time favorite game, you will be missed. Ever since i saw the original KSP thread on the Orbiter Forums, I have been hooked to the game you have made and it has taught me so much about space and has captivated my interests into what is beyond Earth. Your game has inspired me to try become a pilot, a job i will enjoy very much thanks to KSP. Once again thank you! Wish you the best in the future.
  19. Perhaps your batteries are low? Try replacing them and see if the problem persists.
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