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Everything posted by worir4

  1. Wan't to get a car but don't have the money? Steal one. You get the car you want and you don't loose any money! It's fool proof.....
  2. I bet he/she gets exited and thinks that he/she got loads of likes only to find out that he/she is being disturbed to this meaningless thread. @HoloYolo @HoloYolo @HoloYolo
  3. A kerbal is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to. Like now,. Come on @HoloYolo!!!!
  4. He dropped it so i picked it up. Give him another chance @legoclone09
  5. Man you got me there. That post deserves all the Likes on the forum.
  6. I was summoned here for the first time! Thanks @WinkAllKerb''. Sorry i missed it. I call @Frybert!
  7. I was tempted to report your comment for being rude about another forum member. But then i realised, i would only get my self banned. Your Iron Crown rules with an Iron Fist. *Please don't ban me*
  8. In these situations, there is no time for caution....
  9. I am pretty sure there is a thread for this in the forum games section if you are interested.
  10. The day KSP dies is the day I kill all the Kerbals on Kerbin after numerous failed space programs.
  11. This is what happens when you watch Chicken Run too many times.....
  12. - Not being able to tell what on earth @WinkAllKerb'' is saying....ever.... -Loosing internet connection randomly
  13. Maybe to have fun with otheres? I think it would be awesome to build a space station or race some one to the Mun or something like that with my friends. You may not be into it but i am sure many many others are As for the OP i also remeber SQUAD saying somewhere that they would implement multiplayer. My best guess is after 1.2 and the concurent hot fixes?
  14. Yes i agree. I have always wanted a mode with just funds but also experiments that work.
  15. Iowa? I am not from the USA but thanks anyway
  16. Yeah i know for the air force you can't fly with glasses but it is different for commercial. I am pretty sure i saw on the news there was a pilot that had a prosthetic arm and it fell off during flight. (The co pilot had to land it)
  17. I have pretty bad eyesight also, but i checked. For British Airways at least, your eyes can be at any level as long as it can be corrected to 20/20 by glasses or contacts. Not sure about colorblindness rules but i don't think i am. Also for a private licence, the rules are even less strict if you just want to fly for fun. (Laws in UK, not sure about USA though,)
  18. Well i went to my first day yesterday and it was pretty fun although i havn't started classes as this week is just a welcome week. The real learning starts next week and i get my first flying lesson next Wednesday which i am looking forwards to.
  19. Yep, I have 2.6.7 Edit: oh wait a second. I see how this works... Thanks man i will update it. (I thought that .7 was after .25 (decimal system stuck in my brain))
  20. I can't seem to get any of it to work. I can place the parts but that's all. Non of the keys seem to do anything. I am playing in 1.1.3
  21. What happened to the old thread? I will just leave this here again....
  22. That would make a great forum avatar....
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