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Posts posted by Thiagobs

  1. Don't know if this may help but...

    In the game settings, in the "Input" tab, there's a place there where you can switch the keyboard layout.. It may have detected a wrong layout...

    Don't know if  the game bases it on the OS's location, but a similar thing happened to me, the keybindings where all weird and I noticed KSP set my layout as a Brazilian keyboard (which matches my OS's locale), although I have a US-International keyboard (correctly configured in Windows)

  2. I have no idea, you may want to ask on the threads for EVE and other mods that use such texture and see if their authors are willing to tell..

    Buuuuut... If I had to guess, or at least try to do it myself, I would find a "cloud map" on google, there are several, taken from satellites, they have black backgrounds and just the clouds showing, and then remove the black background, making it transparent, leaving only the clouds...


    (note: if you do this, make sure you find an image where license allows usage/editing/redistribution!)



  3. razark is right, proper beta testing is incredibly boring...

    Usually,  those open betas we see around are meant to test systems and server loads, not the actual software/game...

    I did some beta testing in the past and, oh boy, it is annoying :D

    Beta testing KSP would be something like "add 200 gigantor solar panels and hurl the craft towards the sun and carefully check if EC ratio goes bonkers... then repeat 100x to be sure and write a report of your findings"

  4. 17 hours ago, Crzyrndm said:

    v3.0.3 released, fixes the missing icons for the fuel tab. I don't know what the issue is with the science icon as I cannot reproduce locally.

    Did some quick test here and the Science icon issue seem to happen only under OpenGL mode..

    Checking the files, looks like ScienceParts.dds and ScienceParts_selected.dds are the only ones using DXT1, while the others use DXT5.

    I've opened them up and re-saved them with DXT5 and the issue is gone :D

  5. 5 hours ago, TMasterson5 said:

    There is a license included and has been this whole time. Please do actually look before deleting links......

    There is not, actually...

    There is a "readme" file in the link, containing the license, but there's no license included with the downloads (inside the zip files) or on the forum post itself :)

  6. 2 hours ago, felcas said:

    Did you discover what this is about?

    A search on google only return your comment.


    Saved .craft files gets a "tag" stating the craft type based on where you saved it, "VAB" for  the Vehicle Assembly Building and "SPH" for the Spaceplane Hangar.

    Now, if you go to your savegame location and move, lets say, a VAB type craft from the VAB folder into the SPH folder, now you can load and launch that VAB craft by clicking directly on the runway. KSP will see the VAB tag and popup a warning about it being the wrong type and asking you to confirm if you really want to launch it.

  7. While I don't agree with making Jool 'landable', the idea as a whole is quite interesting...

    IF Squad add weather, maybe we can see something like that in Eve... dense clouds, covering everything and making it harder to land... (well, its already a pain to takeoff from Eve, why not make it 'the worst planet ever' by making it very hard to land on? :P)

  8. You can see Minmus in stock... what you have there is pretty much the ideal condition to see it, dark skies, right after sunset and Minmus on the horizon...

    If you look hard enough and know where to look, you can even see it during daylight, but it will be a lighter blue pixel on the (darker) blue skies :D

  9. 1 hour ago, Kerbart said:

    Explain to me how the current game will be "ruined." Will TT delete it from my hard disk? Will GTA content suddenly show up on Duna?



    Grand Theft Rocket -- A game where you go around hijacking rockets and causing mayhem...

    Red Kerbal Redemption -- Set on Duna's Wild West

    K-COM -- A team of capable Kerbals fight off invaders from Eve

    Civilization K -- Exploration game where you colonize Kerbin...


    ... Ok, sorry... I'll stop now :D

  10. A bit of mixed feelings about this...

    Here's my guesses (I may be wrong) of what may happen...

    - KSP improvements will be halted. We may consider KSP "as is" now.
    Not that this is a bad thing, it was bound to happen eventually.
    I suppose there won't be any further "improvements" to the base game, apart from bugfixes and more language options.
    Any further improvement will be in form of paid DLC (previous SQUAD commitments with old players notwithstanding)
    (So, I'm guessing there won't be any rocket parts art pass)

    - Further DLCs. This is pretty much how TT will regain their investment with KSP.

    - More games using Kerbal IP. Since TT now owns the IP, I guess this pretty much guarantees future "Kerbal" games.
    Hopefully they'll stick to the "building blocks" style.

    - Future games may not have Mod support.
    I don't speak from experience, but from what I understand, TT is adverse of modding, so future games may do away with Mod support.

    - Future games may have DRM.

    - Future games may use proprietary engines instead of Unity.

    Well, that's pretty much what I can think of now...
    Overall, I hope this acquisition will be good for KSP and Kerbal franchise.


  11. Don't specifically remember which one was the very first game, but back when I was 3 years old, I played (or tried to) "Demon Attack", "Atlantis" and "Enduro" on my uncle's brand new Atari 2600...

    Later he gave me that Atari, which I still have it and it's working perfectly :D 



  12. 55 minutes ago, Kerbonaut257 said:

    I don't know what you call the wings that go ahead of where they're attached. It's like the opposite of swept wings. I'll call them attack wings. Attack wings look dope. I've always loved that style.

    They're called "Forward-swept wings" :D


    Edit: Ninja'd by kraden :)

  13. During my mid/late 20's (I'm 34 now), I had so much going on with work and a bunch of projects that I would slowly sleep later and later, until I was going to bed at 8 - 9am...

    So, every now and then I would just stay up to 'reset' my sleep pattern, getting really tired and sleepy and going to bed at 9 - 10pm, and crashing for 10 - 12 hours.. effective, but eventually it puts a toll on you. I was often getting cranky, gained weight and had some (luckily minor) health issues...

    Now I really prioritize my sleep over work/projects

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