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Everything posted by aNewHope

  1. Why should Jeb need a plane in space? He wouldn't have enough power to push it in an orbit anyway.
  2. Hi there, I was experimenting with planes when I had a glorious idea: If more booster and more struts make your craft better, more air intakes couldn't be that bad! So I built the Soundbreaker Mk3â„¢. Packed with 20 radial intakes feeding into one turbojet it is capable of producing thrust over 30km up Mid flight I found out: It can get you to space So I did the most kerbal thing I came up with: Because jetpacks are there for a good reason Jebbediah approves ! Now I have to save him.
  3. Every of the 6 handles represents one of the six fundamental maneuver directions in orbital mechanics: The green ones are prograde and retrograde vector. The blue ones radial in and out vector. The purple ones are the normal and antinormal vector. If you use one of the handles, KSP will show, what effect a burn towards this direction (blue maneuver node maker on the navball) at this specific time (position of the node) of exactly that change in velocity (∆V), would have on your orbital trajectory. Every possible maneuver in KSP, from circularization burn over inclination change to hohmann transfer, can be planned/recreated using maneuver nodes. They are very helpfull at planning maneuvers to other bodies and almost obligatory for rendevouz. For better explanation you can look up tutorials on YouTube. Scott Manley or Kerbal Rocket School are very good.
  4. Nope. The engines and/or fuel tanks don't even need to be overpowered. It is just the fact, that u only need about 4,500 m/s of ∆V. In real life it is about 9,500 m/s. And even with this little ∆V requirements it's not that easy to archive orbit. Sooo.. KSP is way easier than real rocket-science, but it's also just a game. it doesn't need to be 100% realistic.
  5. For example the neutron bomb and other fusion powered nuclear weapons produce very little fallout in comparison to their explosive power.
  6. I got my first spaceplane to space and was able to land it at the runway (partially)!
  7. Sorry, but I can't get a manned rover to Moho in 10 days.
  8. For best use of the oberth effect I go for 75x75km parking Orbits. Space Stations @ 150x150.
  9. Raumschiff Orion! Wie geil ist das denn? My dad introduced me to it when I was a child. Awesome series! I personally enjoy the "Sunshine" soundtrack. Best tracks: Adagio in D Minor Capa suits up Mercury
  10. You have to think about it this way: The Death Star is so big, that Luke and Dath Vader need their thrust to counteract gravity. And besides: They have ranged weapons of planetary destruction and still fight with what? Exactly! With Swords.
  11. Just out of curiosity: Is there a good skybox of our real nightsky?
  12. The planets in KSP don't actually orbit Kerbol (The sun). They move on rails. The rest is a simple use of orbital mechanics in the physics engine.
  13. Never before I have realised, what crazy %&/$ u can do with changes in the skybox. Made my day. Both of you!
  14. This one is pretty efficent and can get a full Jumbo Tank to Minimus and beyond (with some luck maybe to Duna/Eve).
  15. Duna for sure! U only need a bit more delta v (200m/s) than to get to Minimus. U can aerobrake (Pe at around 13 km) and land mostly by parachutes. Also it is very easy to take off from Duna and to get back home. I once built a minimalistic Duna & Back 1 man mission and the craft was smaller, than any mun-rocket I used before.
  16. launching at terminal velocity it not that hard. All my rockets simply have a TWR of about 1.8 -2.2, which means that flying at full throttle u automatically travel at terminal velocity. (because terminal velocity is the speed u reach in an atmosphere by accelerating at 1 G)
  17. Kerbington of course! It would be positioned at the west-coast of the KSC-continent, so you could see its lights from your launching spaceships.
  18. Yeah! I would really love to see the smart A.S.S and the landing predictions from MechJeb implemented in a stock-part (most likely the old A.S.A.S).
  19. I have MechJeb installed, but I don't use it that often. When I build/test new ships, it's very helpfull and I also use it to get precise orbit/aerobrake/landing info. The autopilots have their use aswell: When I have to launch the same ship over and over again or want to do 10m burns with some ion-probes, I can activate 'em and go do something else meanwhile. Docking is always manual. MJs Docking autopilots uses WAY to much RCS in my opinion.
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