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Everything posted by aNewHope

  1. Thanks! I never thought of using the mass-change to detect stage burn out. I'll try it out. PS: kOS .85 is still quite buggy. For example there is no way of getting this piece of code to work (Always gives an error message): when eta:apoapsis < (DV/(2*acc) + 30) then {set warp to 1. when eta:apoapsis < (DV/(2*acc) + 15) then {set warp to 0.}} DV is the ∆V needed for a burn. Acc the acceleration my craft has under full throttle.
  2. The problem with asparagus is, that when one stage is out of fuel, all engines are still active --> maxthrust gives the value of ALL engines combined, not thrust of currently working engines. Also there is the problem with turbojets, whose thrust is also dependent on speed and IntakeAir. In theory it should be quite easy to get the real thrust, due to the fact that by right clicking the engine you get the exact current thrust. Yeah, I have worked with some of the equations as well (probably not quite as many). For example, it's very easy (and accurate) to do the maths on prograde and retrograde burns. I use this to calculate my ∆V for Hohmann transfers and orbit circularization: Hopefully Kevin will add post-node readouts soon. It would save so much work.
  3. Compatibility update for 0.22 ? Niiicee! If my SSTO launch program still works, I'll upload it soonâ„¢. Which features will be added next? I really'd love to see actual thrust output of your rocket (would solve all asparagus problems and'd be very helpful at all). Getting more info about your post-node trajectory would be very cool as well (Pe, Ap, etc...). I really love this mod. Keep up the good work Kevin! And don't stress yourself tooo much.
  4. He is using a mod to get these awesome shots. I think it's called Kerbcam or something like this. And obviously he edits the video afterwards. PS.: Even on lowest settings you can get awesome shots in KSP. You only need the right angle and moment.
  5. Found the mod ! On page 2 of this thread there is a radial mounted drogue chute linked! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/28063-Radial-Drogue-Parachute?highlight=drogue Have fun! Edit: I know it is not my creation, but this is the link to the download: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/32080904/ParachuteRadial_Drogue.7z
  6. Someone released this part in a mod. It's simply the radial chute, with drogue values and orange stripes. I don't know where this mod is but given some site to upload I could share the part (have it in my ksp folder).
  7. Also it's good to know, that that 1 unit of liquid fuel / oxidizer mix weights 5kg or 0.005 t. If you want to find out your vessels mass, just switch to map view and click on the button to the right.
  8. Since the 0.22 update I play stock. Eyeballing missions to the Mun, Minmus, Duna and Eve is totally possible. I even got a probe to a close flyby with Moho and returned it to Kerbin (I really don't like the repeat-experiment-and-send-data way of playing). But now I want to try a mission to Eeloo with landing and return. Guess I have to get the engineer again.
  9. I had the same problem with my Moho - probe. Right when I came in, I realized, that you need insane amounts of ∆V to circularize. The only way to make it easier, I can imagine, would be a gravity assist from Eve on your way to Moho. PS.: The points achieved by a flyby are not bad either.
  10. Reverting your flight will just act like a quickload to the beginning of your missing -> Launchpad/VAB. Therefore everything you accomplished in the meantime is gone for ever. Except the case you quicksaved before reverting.
  11. I got a question: Is there any good way of finding out, how much ∆V you will need to circularize your Orbit? I want to know this because I already programmed almost perfectly working launch programs for SSTO-spaceplanes and rockets. (Altitude error < 10m, eccentricity < 0.001, rocket inclination error < 0.5°, SSTOs only equatorial orbits) The only problem there is left, is that there is no easy way of finding out when to start your circularization burn. (And the SSTO inclination) Has anyone found a good solution to this problem?
  12. Next thing would be either Duna or Gilly. Duna is very easy to reach. It only needs a little bit more ∆V than Minmus and has an atmosphere you can brake with. Gilly is easy, because you need virtually no ∆V to get to it's surface and back (As far as I know, a kerbal can EVA his way back to Kerbin from Gilly).
  13. Any ship can only be controlled by a kOS unit that is directly attached to it.
  14. I currently use a workaround to be able to use eta:apoapsis: Simply lock a variable to eta:apoapsis and one to eta:periapsis and use these instead. This fixed all my problems. PS.: Works perfectly fine in my new SSTO-spaceplane - Autopilot. I gonna be posting it soon. (Best SSTO ascend I got yet).
  15. Yup. While the throttle is fixed, the steering is still broken.
  16. My good old Soundbreaker Mk3 - N. Doesn't look bad and gets to Minmus and back.
  17. Yeah. I have the same problem. Somehow kOS doesn't care about locked variables, if you are in a loop. Its pretty annoying. I also got the weird bug, that I can't work with some values. Whenever I try to use variables, created by trigonometric function, kOS freezes. Same thing with <IntakeAir>. Hopefully this will get fixed soon.
  18. Since a few days I'm working on an optimal launching script, that suits any rocket. And finally here it is (almost) ! You simply type in 5 parameters (Orbit height, Turn start, Inclination, Nr. of stages, Fuel crossfeed (y/n)) and there you go! This program is better at orbiting than me or MechJeb (I'm not the challenge, but MJ is not bad at efficient orbiting). //rocket launch system declare parameter Ap. // Orbit height [km] declare parameter Ts. // Turn start [km] declare parameter An. // Launch angle [°] declare parameter St. // Stages declare parameter As. // Asparagus? [1=yes,0=no] set ro to 10. // allowed SMA - Error set rc to 1. // allowed Eccentricy - Error clearscreen. // set gs to 175. // set os to 2280. // set La to 90-arctan(os/gs). // set La to An+La*sin(An). print "Target Orbit: " + Ap + " km" at (24,0). print "Turn Start: " + Ts + " km" at (24,2). print "Orbit angle: " + An + " deg" at (24,4). // print "Launch angle: " + La at (24,6). // print " deg " at (44,6). print "Current Stage: " + St at (24,8). print "Flight State: " at (24,10). print "Countdown" at (24,11). Print "Flight log:" at (0,0). set x to 3. until x = 0 { print x at (0,2). set x to x - 1. wait 1. } If As > 0 {print "Fuel crossfeed detected!" at (24,15). print "Please stage manually" at (24,16).} lock acc to maxthrust/mass. set An to 90 - An. set Ap to Ap * 1000. set Ts to Ts * 1000. set y to 90. // lock steering to heading La by y. lock steering to heading An by y. lock throttle to 1. stage. set t to maxthrust. print "Liftoff !" at (0,2). print "Vertical climb" at (24,11). Until Altitude > Ts{ if As = 0 { if stage:liquidfuel = 0 { if <LiquidFuel> > 0 { stage. print missiontime at (0,3). print " stage " + St + " detached" at (5,3). set St to St - 1. print St at (39,8). } } } if As > 0 { if maxthrust > t or maxthrust < t{ print missiontime at (0,3). print " stage " + St + " detached" at (5,3). set St to St - 1. set t to maxthrust. print St at (39,8). } } } print missiontime at (0,4). print " turn start" at (5,4). print "Gravity Turn " at (24,11). Until Apoapsis > Ap{ if As = 0 { if stage:liquidfuel = 0 { if <LiquidFuel> > 0 { stage. print missiontime at (0,5). print " stage " + St + " detached" at (5,5). set St to St - 1. print St at (39,8). } } } if As > 0 { if maxthrust > t or maxthrust < t{ print missiontime at (0,5). print " stage " + St + " detached" at (5,5). set St to St - 1. set t to maxthrust. print St at (39,8). } } set y to (1-(Altitude/Ap))*75. lock throttle to (0.1+(Ap - apoapsis)/2000). } print "Coasting to Apoapsis" at (24,11). set warp to 1. print " s " at (10,7). when eta:apoapsis < (1000/acc) then { set warp to 0.} until eta:apoapsis < 800/acc{ if apoapsis > Ap {lock throttle to 0.}. if apoapsis < Ap {lock throttle to 0.05.}. print "ETA circularisation:" at (0,6). print (eta:apoapsis - 800/acc) at (2,7). set y to (1-(Altitude/Ap))*75. } print "Circularisation burn" at (24,11). print missiontime at (0,6). print " circularization" at (5,6). // lock steering to heading An by y. lock throttle to 1. lock dif to ((apoapsis+periapsis)/2)-Ap. until abs(dif) < ro{ if As = 0 { if stage:liquidfuel = 0 { if <LiquidFuel> > 0 { stage. print missiontime at (0,7). print " stage " + St + " detached" at (5,7). set St to St - 1. print St at (39,8). } } } if As > 0 { if maxthrust > t or maxthrust < t{ print missiontime at (0,7). print " stage " + St + " detached" at (5,7). set St to St - 1. set t to maxthrust. print St at (39,8). } } if eta:apoapsis < eta:periapsis { set y to (Ap-apoapsis)/20.} if eta:apoapsis > eta:periapsis { set y to (apoapsis-Ap)/20.} lock throttle to abs(dif)/10000. } lock throttle to 0. print missiontime at (0,8). print " Optimisation" at (5,8). print "Optimisation " at (24,11). set y to 90. if verticalspeed > 0 { set y to -90.} wait 4. until abs(verticalspeed) < rc{ lock throttle to abs(verticalspeed)/(2*acc).} print missiontime at (0,9). print " completion" at (5,9). lock throttle to 0. Print "Orbit complete" at (24,11). print "Use AG 1 to end program" at (0,12). on ag1 {set x to 1.} wait until x = 1. I hope you like my program and hopefully somebody can help me with some asparagus code.
  19. Will there be a feature to create lists, where values can be accessed using variables? I picture it like this. l2(x) -> list two; line x Also it would be very useful to be able to print at positions given by variables (gives an error right now). This would open up a new world of possibilities. print "testtest1212" at (x,y) And last but not least the feature to read out the thrust currently put out by your rocket, would solve almost all problems with asparagus staging. (When an outer stage burns out, you thrust suddenly decreases --> your program stages). Gotta love your mod. Keep up the good work!
  20. At least the hitchhiker storage must be pressurized, because the Kerbals don't wear helmets inside. Nope. At least in the SPH and VAB the workers and scientist DON'T wear space suits.
  21. I have a problem with the coordinate system you are using. I am trying to program a cruise missile system, that can hit targets tens and hundreds of km away. The altitude control already works very well, but only either in the east-west or in the south-north direction. lock throttle to 1. set a to 20000. set r to a*0.5. stage. until target:distance < 1.5 * a { set h to alt:radar. if h = -1 {set h to altitude.}. if h < (a-r) {set s to 0.}. if h > (a+r) {set s to 180.}. if h > (a-r) and h < (a+r) { set s to (h - a)/(r/90)+90. }. lock steering to up+r(0,s,180). }. (a: flight altitude; r: flight corridor width; h: real height; s: angle from up-direction) But due to the fact, that both, the pitch and the yaw coordinate, are measuring a vertical angle, it is impossible to hold the altitude while flying in the target's direction. Unlike ordinary coordinate systems, which provide a horizontal angle and a vertical direction angle, your system doesn't allow easy height control. I really like your mod and it opens up a lot of cool opportunities, but this really bugs me.
  22. First: I would really appreciate it, if you cared a bit more about your layout. It would vastly improve the reading experience. Second: I hope I can solve your problem. If I got it right, you are trying to rearrange your space station and struggle to undock a vessel. To undock you simply have to right click on the docking port your ship is attached to and press "undock" (As seen in your upper image) . The "locked" status only shows, that the shielded port is locked in the opened or closed position. It is nothing to worry about. Have a nice day and keep kerbal ^^
  23. I was able to land on the Mun first, dock with the fuel tank and get back to Kerbin. Sadly I landed in the ocean which ripped the rocket apart (2 m/s surface speed). PS.: They are all alive and happy!
  24. Hi there, I have a problem with the dismountable docking port. I have a big refuel station in Minmus orbit that uses KAS, but many of my spacecraft don't. So I wanted to use the reattachable KAS port to upgrade them to the new system. And that's where the problem comes up. I'm perfectly able to pick up the connectors with a Kerbal in EVA, but somehow the port won't attach to any part. I even edited the part file to "allowEva = True", but when I try it the pointer stays yellow and nothing happens. Pic:
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