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Everything posted by ZodiusInfuser

  1. There's nothing more that can be done our side, but the ATM guys are finally aware of the problem so will look into it when they get chance: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-1-0-Release-5-0-April-28-2015-Active-Texture-Management-Save-RAM%21?p=1951095&viewfull=1#post1951095
  2. Is KSPAPIEL needed if just TweakableStaging is being used, for example with my custom parts? I've tried without and it seems to be OK, but thought I'd double check.
  3. Not much else to show at the moment. Been trying a few ideas but my main focus has been on updating to KSP 1.0.2 and adding these wheels. Its likely that after the release I'll need to have a break to focus more on my IRL robotics work.
  4. That's the plan . I have two versions, one for 4 wheels and one for 8 wheels like in the video. It was actually Ziw who wrote the scripts for me, because I too am not familiar with kOS. I may throw in some example crafts as well when release comes.
  5. Do you apply rotations to your meshes in Unity by any chance? I think I remember having an issue with 4 of my parts where they were rotated 180 degrees and as such got moved in the wrong way when in-editor. In flight they remained fine. In the end I had to apply the rotation in Blender before passing it to Unity. The resulting part was the same but IR liked it from then on. I'm very pleased with the result, especially considering the motion is caused by the physics rather than some plugin trickery. .
  6. Here's a teaser for people The addition of acceleration to IR has made this a whole lot smoother than the I posted back in January. Also kOS integration greatly simplifys the control, which before had to be done by stacking 3 rotatrons behind each wheel. And in case you missed it, here's how the smaller versions look: http://gfycat.com/CanineWellinformedAsiaticmouflon
  7. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/84566-WIP-Magic-Smoke-Industries-Station-Parts-%28Infernal-Robotics-required%29 If that's what you were describing (will eventually get a rework). Other inline parts are planned but have a low priority. I've been thinking about this recently as it is on my long todo list. I'm yet to come up with a design I'm happy with. Also there'll be five additional parts in the "rail" form-factor that I'm having to factor in. I may just have to accept that I cannot get them to fit with the current style.
  8. I assume it's this? http://www.twitch.tv/kerbalfoundries I definitely encourage people to attend this. The last one was what made me actually understand wheel colliders Be sure to test it this time. I remember the echo on the last one was rather frustrating. Will there be facecam?
  9. I consider complex geometry to be anything with multiple boolean operations and sweeps. The most recent time I used it was for the landing foot in the center of this image: http://i.imgur.com/lLOqy49.png. I was wanting the legs to smoothly hinge out without colliding with the base, which I couldn't easily figure out with the polygonal nature of Wings3D. I used Solidworks to get the creation process of the part figured out, imported the .stl, then managed to model it fresh in Wings3D as usual once I learned that the intersection tool was a thing. Similarly I used it to figure out how to model these mecanum wheels: https://ws.cubbyusercontent.com/p/_871222a308684b9ebaa928843d2c1062/IRMecanumWheel_Final.png/1311734429. So I guess I don't really use Solidworks to produce the final in-game models, but I've found the meshes it generates to be invaluable for getting my head around these sorts of real-world mechanical devices.
  10. Related to the above, myself and the other modders for Infernal Robotics are getting tons of posts complaining about black textures (sometimes both on parts and icons). Members have posted various ideas to fix it but nothing seems to completely solve the problem. Can you look into this? If not I'm inclined to put a disclaimer on our mod saying we no longer support players who have ATM installed.
  11. If it's an old IR bug then it's one I'm certainly not aware of as none of the legacy or rework parts suffer from it. Maybe there's something in your Unity setup that is special and IR doesn't yet account for? -------------------------------------------------- Edit; Oh, and on an unrelated note, these wheels will be coming soon (Large, Small). The larger one is around the size of the stock rugged wheel so they should fit in well with your frame system . Here's what they can do: http://gfycat.com/CanineWellinformedAsiaticmouflon
  12. I use Wings3D for modelling all my parts, but the older 1.0 version as I prefer how it handles meshes. I then use Blender to deal with edge normals before passing to Unity. On occasions I have resorted to Solidworks and exporting as .stl to figure out some complex pieces of geometry.
  13. Yes, Soon -------------------------------------------------- Edit: To tease the mecanums a bit more http://gfycat.com/CanineWellinformedAsiaticmouflon This is using a KOS script written by Ziw to allow for control with WSAD+QE.
  14. If you haven't watched it already you should probably check out Lo-Fi's wheel tutorial on YouTube too: I found it very useful for getting all the wheels in my mod working (some of which are quite awkward).
  15. Anyone else noticed you can no longer detach grappling hooks via the right-click menu? I don't know if this is a new change or if it's been in KAS for a while, but I certainly remember it used to be possible. The detach action group is still present though.
  16. The issue with the Grasper is that they renamed KASModuleGrapplingHook to KASModuleHarpoon. Until I get a fix out your best bet will be to edit the CFG of the IR_SurfaceGrasper (located in GameData\MagicSmokeIndustries\Parts\Rework_Utility\Probe\Misc\IR_MechanicalGrasper). There is an issue with KAS at the moment though where grappling hooks no longer have a right-click option to detach them, so be sure to assign Detach to an action group before you launch any new craft. I've messaged KospY, so hopefully it will get resolved soon.
  17. I'll look in to this tomorrow. It could be that they changed some of the definitions. Fortunately the have a working grappling hook and magnet part I can look at to see what's changed.
  18. Thank You!!! The mecanums are coming along very nicely now. Not easy to drive though, but I'll leave that for KOS users to solve
  19. Is there any way at all to have KAS without KIS? I've got two parts in my Infernal Robotics pack that use the Magnet and Grappling hook modules from KAS, and do not need the rest of the functionality. Can't there be a way to have certain functionality just be disabled if KIS is missing rather than have it preventing all parts from loading as it currently does?
  20. Thanks for the heads up, I hadn't checked its status today. In which case those two parts should now work without issue. Nah, I don't buy it Here is the smaller mecanum in-game . Lots of tweaking left to do.
  21. The Movatrons, Landing Foot, and RoboStrut (Lite & Pro) are completely fine in KSP 1.0. The Surface Sampler needs me to do more testing of the new dll, and the Grabber and Grasper are waiting for KAS to update. Also as Ziw teased, I've got a few new parts I'd like to add to the Utility pack for the next update (hint, they're something that I've shown off before, but not a replacement for a Legacy part).
  22. I'm not quite sure what you're asking for. This pack doesn't contain any docking ports, and IR has problems with them anyway. Ah you unlocked the special Golden parts mode! Congratulations . As for the black parts issue, are you using Active Texture Management? If so look back a few pages (and over in the IR release thread) for user suggestions of how to overcome the issue.
  23. I experienced this today for the first time too. I would suggest posting over in the IR release thread (here) as this is almost certainly going to be a plugin rather than a part issue. Also when over there post your output_log file so the team can identify any issues.
  24. The grasper uses Kerbal Attachment System which as far as I know has not been updated to 1.0. Normally there'd be a right click option to release the grasp if it was working.
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