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Posts posted by Fr8monkey

  1. Playing in 1.8.1 .  Is there a way to leave everything the same; but just randomly change the angles of the planets on loadout?  Eve, Duna, Jool and the like have the same orbits and apogee and perogee , just change the place or angle in orbit when the game starts.

  2. Playing in 1.8.1.  Have had the mod installed with no problem before; but had to do clean install. Now hangs on Hanger/parts/bighanger/hanger2


    Any Ideas?  Looked around and no help.  Is there another mod that messes with this?

  3. I load a ship from VAB; and the game hangs and crashes every time. Checked the task manager and memory doesn't spike or go over 50% I have mods; but have had no problem before about a week ago. Also have verified files at least 3 times this week. Any ideas?

    P.S. am playing version 1.8.0...


    Also, can anyone explain what to search in the crash file so I can figure it out?  I can open it, but don't know what I am looking for.  Thanks.

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