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Everything posted by Lucchese

  1. Known bug Cmdr. Zoom It's the propulsion particle bug reffered to in OP. I've came here because the Kerbpaint mod seems to have broken on me. It worked before but now when I press P nothing happens. I will check tomorrow if I still have the particle bug (to see if the mod is still active somewhere?), really need sleep now :')
  2. Hi guys, I feel like a proper noob because i can't figure it all out. Where do I get MegaJoules? (My generator, directly attached to a reactor only increases Electriccharge, no MJ) Why does my science stations research stay at zero? If someone has a guide which part belongs to what, that would be awesome Edit: Ah, Scott Manley has one and I figured out what I was doing wrong. Awesome mod!
  3. Download link does not work for me. (spherical tank ones, the Toroidal dl link does work.)
  4. Please zitronen, please enlighten me
  5. Too bad. Oh well, thats what i get for making a 11t buggy Here are some screenshots: I also made 3 other version, one 3x3 and tried cambering the wheels with both the 2x2 and 3x3 models. It helps with body height but not with stability, in order to keep the 3x3 version from doing wheelies I had to increase the weight to 15.33t.
  6. Hi guys, I may have somewhat of a stupid question but I'm new to modding and I'm currently building a air defense buggy with the Kerchelin Extreme wheels. Because it's a bit heavy I would like to know if there is a way I could stiffen up the suspension on these wheels?
  7. Im experiencing a bug with MechJeb and SAS. Try the translatron and use "keep vert". At this point toggling SAS will still work. Now, check "Keep H/S" and then uncheck it again. From this point forward neither MechJeb or the player can turn the SAS back on.
  8. Is there supposed to be sound, because i am not hearing any when firing the gun?
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