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Everything posted by plainawesome

  1. Banned for spelling Brazil correctly.
  2. 409: Run in the store wearing a ski mask and holding a loaded Nerf gun up high screaming "THIS IS A ROBBERY! GET ON THE GROUND!" (extra points if you get some friends to come along with you!) 410: Play a game of baseball with a friend, in the store, with just the batting part of it. (extra points if you knock out one of the lights and/or smash one of the TV's that are on display!)
  3. Buy 500 Kerbal Koins for only $94.99 during our BIG 1 hour sale!
  4. Europa KSP 0.17 alpha or KSP 1.00 final right now?
  5. We don't even have KMP yet, but people are already debating over modded servers? Me gusta!
  6. We all know that a currency is going to be implemented into KSP sooner or later. Although when they do implement it, what would you like the currency to be called? Me, I would like it if they called them Keroleons as in Simoleons form The Sims and Sim City.
  7. Banned for being an escape pod tester.
  8. BIG CITY! Eat poop or drink pee?
  9. Banned for having less than 50 posts.
  10. I don't know about you, but I need to subtract some calories.
  11. This will be preserved, unless we have another Grand Forum Derp, which between now and Jan, 2017 is somewhat likely.
  12. Granted, you take off the helmet to see the screen better, and your head explodes. I wish for cake.
  13. Banned for being on the roof of the VAB.
  14. causing "Once in space there was a pirate named BaconMaster McShnazzlehauffer who went over to NGC 7032, where he attached twenty large koalas to his pendulous nose with eighteen staples/apples from Dres. However/ unfortunately, he stepped on luminous frogs. Thus, he squelched to eat - the koalas drank bleach. This killed several hamsters which were on top of the sun. This killed several Jebediahs while he danced to dubstep, causing him and Sophia to suffer horribly without Bill, who was punished by God For treason Against kraken Mcpuffin. Henceforth, trilobites tossed children emphatically under ground where they imploded into nothingness then somethingness maximus horse meat, loathing the orangutans who postulated why they require boosters betwixt two, now exploded, Kerbals named Phyllysiumb O'Explosiory and Hnrrngh Eggbertoodison. With wrenches and rovers, kerbals decided that jelly could be used as monopropellant to adjust the orientation Kraken. Feared, Jebediah The Great Duckerbal gained Superpowers that medwedianized parents causing...
  15. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/1/1d/Commando-Matrix-Firing_Rocket_Launcher.png For pic war.
  16. It tasted like battery juice and dog poop. Will the government print me a bajillion dollars if I ask nicely?
  17. Banned for having a weapon in your avatar.
  18. Seems like it's time for a NEW TOPIC: Food Trust me, you guys will LOAF it!
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