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Everything posted by KvickFlygarn87

  1. I believe structural updates work correctly, yes. Alao, regardless of whether it works or not, doing that makes you a douche
  2. Can you make procedural engines? That'd be really useful for non-standard fuselage sizes.
  3. According to Game Theory, it's around 10 minutes.
  4. Lavender town theme....
  5. They are honestly the least used parts on my end; the command pod is redundant and adapting them to the 1.25m or the 2.5m one (which you have to since there are no Mk3 engines) looks ugly as crap. Summarizing, either more or less Mk3 parts.
  6. And, why exactly are you posting this here?
  7. Definitely not RAM. You barely have any mods. I have 50 of them and my game runs fine on half textures.
  8. Meh. I flew to Thailand this winter; they had a game console embedded into the seat in front of me. I was the on-board master of the pacman ripoff game they had
  9. I'm guessing yes. They didn't break with .23 so they shouldn't with .24.
  10. Single stage to orbit from eve to low Earth orbit? Those are two separate universes, pal
  11. I'm 13, but grown up inside. I also find it silly that they block out cursewords and others. One even more odd is the word "six" but with an E. Why? It's perfectly natural and even so, it doesn't have to describe the act. It can also be used as an alternative to "gender". I would quite like an explanation there.
  12. That's not the same. This is a thread dedicated to posting your conversations, that was a thread dedicated to two lines.
  13. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/66130-Space-shuttle-Working-cargo-bay-stock-parts 'nuff said.
  14. When you do test it, make sure to get it on tape; I WANT TO SEE IT.
  15. I've made a plane, or more specifically a dropship. It is absolutely humongous. (Is that how you spell it?) However, it doesn't seem to like taking off? I have FAR, and in the "Calculate stability derivatives", all is green. Thank you in advance!
  16. Great job, now my eyebrow is on my headset and won't come down!
  17. Looks awesome, throw some KerbPaint on there and you're set! BTW, did you know that "Falken" is Swedish for "The Falcon"?
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