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Everything posted by KvickFlygarn87

  1. Got it. Suckin' it. A lot.
  2. Actually, I believe they have taken the first steps to an Alcubierre drive. Don't quote me on this, but I seem to recall this from a science newspaper.
  3. Yeah, GameSpy shut down, leaving many games destroyed.
  4. Can someone explain to me why it lags like bloody heck when I look at the sky?
  5. Yikes. Well, I may need backup! EDIT: Actually, put me on yellow team! They're only two and I'm solo.
  6. Right, so KNSA Scientist has gone MIA. We may need a replacement. As for the base, I'm trying to work it out with Deathsoul. Edit: Also, is one team's playtime 1 week?
  7. He was merely getting the message across trough exaggeration. No need to get mad.
  8. I don't think neither performance nor design will be an issue - what about mods?
  9. This would be quite useful, not least for planning rendezvous-es. P.S. Try to divide your text into paragraphs
  10. Here's a doubtful idea: Turn on clipping, place cube struts through the jet, attach stuff to that
  11. You think sniping is camping, WAIT 'TIL YOU SEE MY TENT, BRO.
  12. Theoretically, it's possible. In practice, the requirements for the tether are too huge.
  13. I may be able to nag my dad into setting up a server, he has quite a few and a tiny virtual game server would do naaathin' to his stuff.
  14. But, may I ask why we're going for turn-based instead of multiplayer? I find multiplayer much more exciting.
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