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Der Kosmos

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Everything posted by Der Kosmos

  1. Why? It's not a Zubrin drive. A smashed warhead shouldn't explode.
  2. "Hey guys I'm having trouble on my OSX version" "Just copy the parts into _A_file_that_only_exists_in_the_windows_version_" Made my day
  3. Awesome. You should make a PPM mod http://www.astronautix.com/craft/ppm.htm so people can build the IMIS http://www.astronautix.com/craft/imis1968.htm
  4. Alright, the dev build works just fine! Loving the new features, thanks!
  5. I just installed 2.0.7 but there seems to be a problem. I'm getting windows removing themselves from the menu, most importantly the Delta-V and vessel info windows, and the only thing that fixes this is a complete re-install of KSP and all my mods. This seems to happen when I edit existing probe parts to contain the, MODULE { name = MechJebCore } Line so they function as Mechjeb cores, and then load a stock spacecraft containing one of the parts. But other than that I have no idea what's up.
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