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Everything posted by bartekkru99

  1. Yeah i'ts annoying sometimes. You just need to rotate the camer and then pick up the part when the camera is closer.
  2. I always wanted to play someone online on ksp. But Im in GTM + 1 (Poland) so i cant do that.
  3. How about joining your two mods into some kind of space station part pack?
  4. Nice mods for a beginer!!! I hope you'll become a famous modder in the future.

  5. 1. You don't need to add 6.000 boosters to make rocket fly. Just make things simple and it will easily take you to the moon 2. If you don't know how to dock you will never make any big space station, or go behind minimus with manned vessel. 3. You dont need to use nay autopilots to go to the orbit, you need to know what does every indicator on the navball do. 4. When building a plane make your center of lift a little behind center of mass. 5. Don't place your front landing gear in middle of you aircraft, because it makes your plane flipping on start. 6. Lift is more important than thrust when building your space plane - without enginesyou can glide for very long time, without wings you fall like a brick instantly. EDIT: Sheesh, my English wasn't that great back when I wrote it...
  6. Sorry. didn't read the end, but about tech trees, you could do the same as you did with parts - if someone draw new tech tree that is better than the old one you souldn't close it. And i know that "What not to suggest" isn't here to tell what will not be implemented.
  7. Ok, I think two things in "what not to suggest" should't be there. First thing: links to the mods. If devs couldn't add things, that are already in mods, there wouldn't be any rover parts, space station parts etc. or any progress, because everything is already added in the mod. Second thing: New parts and tech trees: some of them are really orginal and could improve realism and gameplay.
  8. "We forgot to take service module!"
  9. I had about 2000 m/s airspeed with my plane, it was very easy to fly and stable. I havent got any images, but, it was so fast, it was making re-entry effects and had only 4 engines.
  10. It's sometimes hard to get a big payload on orbit, so I'd like to see 3.75m and 5m fuel tanks and engines.
  11. SSTM - Single Stage to Mün About the challange: I'd like to see space plane, that will be able to reach the Mun (or other celestial body for greater challange) and come back with single stage. Rulers: You can't use MechJeb or any auto-pilot mod. You can use Kethane if you want to go beyond Minimus. Your space craft cant be unmanned You need to land on any celestial body (except of Kerbin). You need to get your plane back on Kerbin. You need to tell me if you used any mods. Send me some pictures or video. Rewards: My respect. Nothing else for now. Good luck!!!
  12. I have no idea for a forum thread, can you help me?
  13. Add some better textures and it'll be awesome.
  14. Maybe they're something like asari in Mass Effect and they can reproduce with other species.
  15. It isn't really my first post because I had an account on KSP forum, but I stopped visiting it few months ago and they deleted my account, so i registered there one more time.
  16. Ok, I went to the astronaut complex and what I saw? I saw eleven Kerbals with "Kerman" surname. Why can't you add some more interesting surnames like "Kaldrin" or anything? Ok there's a list of surnames I came up with: -Kerstrong -Kaldrin -Kerrins -Kekerin -Kermeshevsky
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