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Everything posted by Happybone

  1. I am sorry if this has already been answered.... Does this work with KSP 1.6.1? Or has it not been updated yet? Thanks
  2. In my original post you can clearly see that I stated that I have installed the latest version of KSP 1.04...NOT a x64 bit version but the standard version directly from the KSP website. I have NEVER had the x64 bit version in any previous version of KSP version for that matter as well. Did you read all of my post or did you just read the part concerning what I was having the issue with? Thank you.
  3. Hey guys, I have been playing KSP since ver 0.16 and kept up with it until around 0.23. I had to take a break from it for a few months because I got a new job and had to move to a new city and the new job had me on 3rd shift instead of 1st so it took my body a while to adjust. Anyways....I've just got back in the loop of KSP again and installed the latest (1.04) and all my favorite mods (not really that many...FAR, Life Support, B9, Tarsier Science, TweakScale, BlizzyToolbar) HERE'S MY ISSUE: Whenever I'm in the Hangar or the VAB or EVEN IN FLIGHT!!.....I have to Right-Click on whatever part that I want to manipulate or use about 5 or 6 TIMES before the contextual menu appears beside it! What gives???!!! This was never an issue when I played before....AND....just to prove my theory correct, I went and installed an older version of KSP, (0.18.glad I keep those old installers) and I had no problems I only had to Right-Click on the parts ONE TIME for the little menu to appear. Is this a known bug? Is there a fix? Is one of my mods causing it? Any suggestions, workarounds, anything would be greatly appreciated. I have always had a great time and the KSP community really is a a unique gaming community they are smart, knowledge-seeking and very willing to help out those that need a hand and I've always been very grateful for all of you guys' help. Cheers!!
  4. Somebody call and wake them fools up......It's the weekend and these are the only days I have to get my Kerbal on. I'm about to start TWITCHING here!! TOO LATE!!
  5. lajoswinkler, just curious, I know that the RCS thrusters are outside of the space craft. But wouldn't the astronauts (kerbonauts) inside the space craft hear the thrusters operating? I realize since there is not an atmosphere in space there is no way for sound to be produced, but inside the craft there is an atmosphere. So wouldn't they at least hear the sound of the monopropellant being pushed through the pipeworks and nozzles; or the sound of the pumps operating that are inside the hull? I'm honestly asking because I am not an expert on these things but your post definitely got me thinking.
  6. Where can I go to download previous versions of RemoteTech2? (for ex. 1.2.1)
  7. Would you mind posting the .craft file of this ship so I could try it out please? Also, please list all of the mods needed to complete it. Thanks so much!
  8. "*writes "ran out of space" on a space simulator forum*" Ziiiiiiiiiiiing!!!!
  9. AtleSt, very VERY cool stuff. I am a big time history buff and I think it's very cool that you took the time to pay homage to our American Space history. Please keep going. Maybe try some Gemini or Apollo stuff? I have downloaded all of your stuff and will continue to. Big time cred points!
  10. What do you mean by "the blue line only shows the path currently being used for communication--it doesn't show the entire network."? Im kinda confused by what the blue line means now. How do you know what is in the entire network? Sorry if I seem ignorant. I just really want to use RemoteTech to its full potential. What are some of the cool things one can do with a full comms network. I want to send out interplanetary probes...will I need to have a local Kerbin comm network established first? Do I have to have one particular satellite that is pointing toward my interplanetary probe that isalso part of my Kerbin network? Thanks so much for your help in advance,man. Cheers, Happybone
  11. Hey guys! I have been trying my hardest to build the RemoteTech Aeroprobe. But, first of all, I don't even know what the darn thing is supposed to look like when it is properly put together! I have googled it and looked for it on YouTube and everything an I cannot find a picture of it completed or a video of it anywhere. Can someone please point me in the right direction. Thanks so much!! Cheers, Happybone
  12. Com Sat Network Question: Dish Orientation Greetings Kerbonauts, I am having a really tough time in setting up a communications Network on Kerbin via RemoteTech. I am starting to understand the whole getting my satellites spaced out evenly around the equator. But I am having the most trouble in getting the signal (the blue line) to go around to all of my satellites. Do my dishes need to be pointing straight inward toward the center of Kerbin? Do they need to be pointing at each other? I have looked on YouTube and other places for tutorials but honestly I can't find one that goes over RemoteTech and satellite orientation once in orbit. I think that RemoteTech adds a really cool sense of realism to the game, but I really want to utilize it but am having a really hard time with it. Thanks ahead of time for all of your help. Cheers, Happybone
  13. Hey guys!! Thanks everyone for all of the advice and help. Last night after many trials and errors I finally figured out the "sweet spot" to perform the burn at right after attaining a 100km orbit after launch. Essentially, if you set up the maneuver to go to 2868.75km just a tad to the west of KSC right after you circularize a 100km orbit, your geostationary orbit will be over KSC. My problem was....(and I feel like an idiot to admit this,)....I had not discovered how to "quicksave" and "quickrestore" in the game until last night, so it allowed me to do lots of trials and errors when previously, I was hitting ESC and reverting back to launch!! (I wasted so much time, sheeeeesh) Anyways guys, I sincerely appreciate the input, and hopefully my trial and error and little discovery last night will help someone else out in the future if they have the same question I did. I really love this game and think that it attracts a pretty intelligent audience base by it's nature. And a really nice and sharing one too. Thanks again, folks. Peace, Happybone
  14. I guess I should clarify: I probably don't need to be directly over KSC, just enough that my satellite will always be getting a signal from KSC. I've attempted to go into orbit at around 100km on the exact opposite side from KSC and then do a burn so that my altitude above KSC will be 2868.75, BUT, by the time I get there to circularize, KSC has already rotated ahead of me. What I think would be great to know is,: "where", (along the orbit), if you're at a 100km orbit, and did a prograde burn to raise your altitude to 2868.75km, would you end up over KSC. (Sorry if that is confusing....I had to re-write it a couple of times to make it as less-confusing as possible to ME. )
  15. Geostationary Orbit Over KSC Greetings fellow Kerbonauts!! I have been playing the game for a little over a month now, and I absolutely LOVE IT!! I have been doing my best to try to not use MechJeb as much as possible. (just to see if I can, I have one install with it and one without.) Here is my question: Try and try as much as I have, I cannot seem to find a way to put a communications satellite in a geostationary orbit above KSC. I know that the elevation is 2868.75, from watching videos on YouTube. (Scott Manley, etc.) But I cannot find a tutorial or even figure out for myself through many many attempts how to consistently put a satellite directly above KSC in a geostationary orbit. If anyone out there could please help me out or at least point me in the right direction, I would be very grateful. Thanks so much for all of your assistance! Happybone
  16. I just wanted to give a shout out to the guy that posted this article. Very, very helpful indeed!! I can honestly say that this game has totally blown me away with every single aspect of it. It is unbelievable how realistic it is. I have been in the RC Plane hobby for years and also have had my Private Pilot License for 5 years now. This is a wonderful simulator and this article has really let me enjoy the game much more than I ever could without it. I am only about halfway through the entire tutorial and each day at work I keep looking at the clock and can't wait to get home and learn more and more about playing this great game. Cheers and Kudos to everyone that has contributed to this article. Keep up the superb work. I hope one day I can return the favor to a newb like me! Happybone
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