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Everything posted by Fellow314

  1. Going to Duna with the bonus that the landing craft is still there.
  2. I am forever getting that wrong! That's the cookie, thanks.
  3. Can't stop messing with DW BD Armoury. My favourite creation, the Twinbug budget air defence fighter. Available in standard 'XR' version or the 'XR DT' which adds drop tanks, doubling fuel load.
  4. More dogfighting... Well, more pictures of the kit used to dogfight...
  5. That dogfighting using BD Weaponry is really fun. That three cheap fighters tend to beat one expensive one. That getting good pictures of dogfights is really hard.
  6. Well, I didn't say I looked very hard...
  7. I know what you mean. I figure it's quantum. Oh, everyone's, I think. I tried to find a thead but couldn't, so any 'infinite range' mining ships here.
  8. My 'go anywhere' Mining vessel. So far it's only been to Minmus and Ike but with careful refuelling, shoulf be able to get into orbit almost anywhere. https://www.dropbox.com/s/xb8avbdc255a690/Mine%204%20%20NMJ.craft?dl=0
  9. Duna lander. For landing on Duna https://www.dropbox.com/s/2d3tp8o290lprec/Duna%20Lander.craft?dl=0
  10. I'm not quite sure what any of it's for. Discovered I need way more solar panels.
  11. Two stage reusable rocket. Well, I say reusable, I just need to build a runway in the middle of the ocean...
  12. Thank you. No actual mining has taken place yet...
  13. With the minor niggle that the actual drill unit vibrates itself to death and flies across the terrain like a missile if one tries to deploy it, the transfer vehicle for the mining 'train' did spontaneously disintegrating shortly after landing (after successful delivery) and Bill sneacking aboard when he wasn't supposed to be there till later, the mining operations on Minmus are going surprisingly well.
  14. >4Km/s, three auxiliary verhicles of varying usefulness, this one might even work
  15. Work continues on a very long range mining vessel. I hope I'm learning a little more each time. The current incarnation has an outrageously complex procedure for pulling the scanner out of the overpacked cargo bay.
  16. My go any where mining rig. In many ways I should have checked the docking worked before I got to Duna. Work goes on...
  17. My Munar station/Refinery/Automated mining operation complete with automated Mining drones (which dig very, very slowly) and Munar transfer/return shuttle.
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