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Everything posted by Zaryulenko

  1. ALL Realistic designs, Some exceptions for the DOS-9-7NV (Model 7: 3 Asparagus stages. Model 9: 1 Asparagus stage) Abort system on most of designs (We cant lose kerbals!) DONT KILL KERBALS! (Mostly) Make a debris belt ! (I want that as challenge) Career Be fair Dont leave behind our kerbals! Save D/v to return home (After a little mistake i decided to enforce this) Sandbox Revert can only be used during testings or mistakes during building Jeb Bill and Bob Will NOT be the first ones to fly
  2. After a failed landing i had Bill walking over 12Km to reach its rescue capsule, Poor Bill he has nightmares about Mun now
  3. Es a travez de un kerbal, en EVA los módulos científicos te dan la opción de recopilar los datos.
  4. Probably the best ladign at KSC ive ever seen in my life and the only i will be able to see
  5. I would like to do my best at textures (Because it could be entertaining doing) But the links to the textures dont work (Also the preliminary pack doesnt). Could you Fix them?
  6. Title: Flying Miracle This is the CTP-1 Bulldog A, This is one of the best planes i have and a miracle of flight because its hard to take off whit it but handles pretty well, you will end crashing those engines if youre not steady at landings.
  7. Im gonna start a research on shuttles, i need to change my actual standard use shuttle for cargo purposes, Because i must start a Communication system that will need too many ComSATs, And after that i will do some of the basics of a KSP save (Mun & Minmus Landing) and maybe a Duna orbital outpost so i can achieve my second landing
  8. Se ve impresionante, Me recuerda a cuando jugaba GTA San Andreas Multiplayer, Yo había creado lo que yo llame el Proyecto "GTA 5 Awesome City" Que incluía cambios a helicópteros por los de la serie Hawk (existe el WarHawk el BlackHawk y muchos mas ) Ademas cambiaba los aviones y personajes, La luna era atacada por alienigenas, Los soldados eran como del Modern Warfare 2 y todas las armas eran diferentes, en fin esa cosa era totalmente random y era tan inestable que lo que podías jugar eran unos 45 minutos antes de que muriera el juego , aun así seguía siendo divertido. Animo en tu proyecto
  9. If this refit project adds fuel tanks and cargo bays this will be perfect and if they have heat tiles much better
  10. I throw you toilet paper making you explode!
  11. Nice start, it was a nice idea to set Jeb Bill and Bob than any other on the service for the first mission, im currently busy on not dying during reentry or getting captured
  12. I like the patch, i had done a flag-based mission patch of my first mission on duna.... If i only had it on this computer i would show it. anyway nice patch i would liek to see one for a Eve tour (I mean a complete tour Eve-Gilly)
  13. I TOTALLY agree whit you...... KILL THAT WITH FIRE!
  14. WTF is that! is the only thing i can say............ Back stroy!!!
  15. Thanks!, cureently im on the middly of the film and this will ot have game sounds, instead im planning to make it fit to a soundtrack to be more specific to this one: Note: If appears on a list made by lulzthecombine (my account) you will be able to see the other songs i was going to use incase it was good enought.
  16. Hello! yesterday i started to make a 2-4m long video based on the first mission of the ANIMA-M (No spoilers of what it is for now , you should guess) Today i present a small video of a vehicle that will appear at the complete video, i expect to have this done in 4-6 hours (Im not kidding, i have done longer videos than this and took less time and im sure this is not hard.) Well here it is: NOTE: Youtube lowered a lot the quality Guess where all the plot goes ! ^ *UPDATE 1* Guess whats inside the fairings! Its finally here the complete video, it took a little more than expected to do some scenes and had to swap between video editors but is finally here! NO MORE TO SAY NOW WATCH !!!
  17. Kerbals exposed to Minmus gravity can hold (and lift) one or more kerbals on their heads, even absurdly big payload! On Gilly gravity this effect is much bigger a kerbal can hold its entire ship! (DISCLAIMER:Results may vary from the spacecraft applied to the Kerbal)
  18. Testing a Skylon-based SSTO is serious business when you have no idea how to set the landing gear..... "Hey Stupid Skylon-based SSTO align whit the Runway... I SAID ALIGN *Then the whole plane goes to the left* NVM TAKE OFF TAKE OFF I SAID!!!! *Suddenly the poorly balanced weight on the wings start to make everything wobbly* NOOOOOO!!! *Crash*"
  19. What?!..... okay this is not a lifter but atleast its a sub-orbital mid range Satellite-based Missile. (I was launching a mapping satellite whit a underpowered rocket, Anyway i decided to keep it as a low range Ground-Ground missile) AEROBRAKE MORE! wait.... AEROBRAKE LESS!!! *Suddenly the entire ship that WAS NOT meant to be captured is captured unable to escape from Laythe and explodes due to the lack of parachutes*
  20. Endless Struggle from Megaman 10 Why? the title of the song matches whit my program campaigns, they are always an endless struggle and i always finish cancelling them or having much more problems!
  21. Lo que dice Caid me recuerda que tengo pendiente el ingreso de frenado de una subestación en Laythe, aunque por culpa de como 5 intentos frustrados me volví loco de tanto tirar y fallar, ademas con mi falta de disposición a quitar el plugin de Deadly Reentry para hacerlo hace que tenga que usar el motor nuclear como escudo En fin, espero se la pasen bien estos días, yo estoy a 3 días de por fin conseguir una nueva computadora mas capacitada para jugar KSP aunque ya no aguanto la espera. Saludos desde México! y ojala Santa le hubiese pedido lo que le pidieron..... Yo no recibí nada pero eso ya es porque no pedí nada aunque se compensa con lo que ya dije.
  22. I was messing around using Bobcat's Soviet pack then i decided to send a Soyuz to mun, after getting on its SOI i made the Soyuz pass the lowest safe distance possible. at the Periapsis Whermery Kerman decided to look at the Mun but the guys at the Soyuz decided to rotate as fast as they could while Whermery was close to it, HE GOT PUNCHED BY THE SOLAR PANELS! aaaaaaaaaaaaand hes now travelling away whit a wrecked EVA suit........
  23. Dres.... so dead that i wanna send a pointless satellite called Spectre, Ghost, Soul, Phantom..... Just things whit names ghost themed so i can call Dres the graveyard. (And possibly let some kerbals die there whit a ship that gets wrecked before they could escape and make them die and make horror stories about that, Dres makes me think like a evil souless monster).
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