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Everything posted by Zaryulenko

  1. I like all those variants of the 737-800 I used to make pixel art frequently but i had to stop when minecraft changed the texture pack format to resourcess pack (I was too lazy to convert the entire works to the new format so i also stopped playing minecraft, but i recently started to play it again) Those days were when i did most of what i had. I started with a poorly drawn pixel art of my best character Thokova, Its sad that most of my works aren't on this computer but the only things i have are this: Soul Man its the newest iv'e made This one is poorly drawn, i had to rebuild this one from scratch on my old computer due to an error whit Paint.NET I also made this Light-house Inspired guy! (I just had to make the other frames and then animate it)
  2. Thats the story of me trying to launch ONE fuel tank to space today..... Nothing could lift it and it wasn't even big.....
  3. Welcome to my humble return! i finally got time, motivation, an idea, aaaaaaaaaaaaand a Minecraft crash im not gonna fix soon , for KSP again! Today i present you two records of the test grounds of the next video Note: R&D is having weird results we apologize for the family of the kerbals who died in the name of SCIENCE! ANIMA R&D: LES..................... The worst EVER! We need some...... MOAR BOOSTERS! *Jeb takes off his shirt and starts launching lots of SRBs to the air* ANIMA R&D: Lander Vehicle Today i made a new weapon: The Phys-warp Drogue bomb, Just what i need when my kerbals refuse to follow my orders. I hope you guys enjoy. because i am.
  4. After reading about your post on Near Future thread this is pretty much similar in essence to a cinematic i did a month ago, Its called ANIMA-M, im planning to do another called ANIMA-EOS. Im definitively going to watch this when its done, i like the alternative thruster power!
  5. KSP is actually a tool that NASA created to start developing new gen rockets taking our spacecraft and sending them to their headquarters, but they disguise as SQUAD to prevent them from being compromised.
  6. 7, But only on sundays, the rest of the days is 257. How can i steal a alien spacecraft on area 57?
  7. Creo que Lack el dueño de Lack Luster Labs esta por terminar un Saturno V hecho Stockalike deberias encontrarlo en addon development y para lo de la transferencia de combustibles selecciona un tanque luego pulsa y manten pulsado ALT y luego selecciona otro tanque y te dara la opcion de bombeo Y para lo de las camaras si no me equivoco es el de Raster Prop Monitor, si es asi tienes que asignarles un numero a cada camara y luego buscar en las opciones de las pantallas el control de camara y elegir una (El control de camara usualmente esta en los botones de abajo del recuadro. Porcierto, el FASA a la larga tambien tendra el Saturno V pero en mayor calidad. digo a la larga ya que apenas lo habian anunciado hace unas semanas.
  8. Well it sounds good but i forgot to add more info, Im looking for a freeware for composing (I have heard MIDI compositions of megaman themes and thats my inspiration and the reason i was looking for this first), And even if i cant find a MIDI composer i was also looking for a software that had realistic Instruments, just like famitracker! (Im bored of using it because im really bad for 8-bit music) Aaaaaand... Im a newbie at this but i wanna learn!
  9. As the title says i'm looking for a good MIDI composer but i'm having trouble finding something good ATM, But i think i could get a little of help here . The only problem is that there are many of them but, ¿Which one should i try?
  10. Eso me recuerda que perdi 40 minutos de mi vida viendo como se escaneaba con ISA Kerbin..... QUIERO MIS 40 MINUTOS DEVUELTA!!!
  11. Second mission to Duna, this time i was able to let everyone go to the surface !
  12. Nice Job! it would be great to see more parts added
  13. Yo te recomiendo que te cambies a ScanSAT, este tiene un desarrollo mas abierto que el de ISA ademas de que esta actualizado para tener compatibilidad con el Career
  14. The small Rocket engines are the OMS, i call them the Multi-purpose Support Ascend-Maneuver Engines or OMS-CE90. The im going to do the last step of work at this moment, im preparing a mix of glue and water for extra covers (For the nose but i decided to use it somewhere else like the bottom and the cargo bay to match the heights, no pics for the next 2 hours .
  15. In my opinion they should stay as how they are, Those Engines are still hard to get and cost really much but their cost is well paid with their high ISP And mass cost (From fuel tanks mostly)
  16. I really want to see this movie! Its ads on internet are the only ads that really convinced me to click on since a old advertisement of Combat Arms Also LEGOs are the best toys i had when i was younger the last thing i did whit them was a Big Battleship, but the thing i always liked to do was Space fighters based on Starwars ones
  17. The only 3rd person shooter that can scare me almost every time i have met is Dead Space, Its scenarios are amazing. Some friends have wanted me to play it, i seen almost all the entire campaign of Dead Space 3 (I forgot to see the last 3 parts but the last one was live-streamed) And i completed my inspection on the game. I'm not going for Dead Space 3 (Because its not available anymore here ) . I wanna see the first part where i can use Isaac and have to see the necromorph things in action..... And see how they pull my organs out while trying to kill them . this game or Manhunt 2 are the survival horror games that i would like to complete, but i almost poop myself on Manhunt 2 Aaaaaand Now i wanna try if i finally do it on the "Every-time-thrilling-levels". Im not used to play scary games but i want to start with this, i enjoyed the game totally but i never got able to play it As additional note if i win (Just because its on both Origin and Steam) i would like the Steam version.
  18. My Left leg...... YAY time to kick people to survive FALLOUT Edition!
  19. Well ill give it a 3rd test for today and see any difference (I use Fullscreen) and about the Log i forgot to check that.
  20. Well, the plugin still doesn't let me choose a template or even move the sliders of the UI
  21. Well it was useful information but now buttons appear to be locked, ill test this on a less-modded version and tell you if something else happens
  22. WTF is going on today, i just revised that communications probe and i see this.... I think Kraken cloned it for fun.
  23. two sheets of shell paper put together for extra resistance. I recommend you to be REAAAAAALLY careful at the cockpit, Its the most complex part of all (Just see the abuse of paper tape)
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