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KSP2 Release Notes
Everything posted by Zaryulenko
Today after a few months not playing i decided to update the game(Im not really active but im playing again to get my YAK 7B ) I like the new Skin creator The Mighty seal is ready for flying!
One day a friend told me that he wanted me to get a photo of the kerbal temple, so i accepted the challenge and started my wait home (I was in School that moment) Once arrived i started KSP and then got directly to the SPH, I need a plane capable of sending 2 kerbals there but i had no plane for that, I took 1 hour to develope a plane capable of doing the task then i started the flight During this my plane almost crashed into the mountains behind the KSC i lost total control of it for a few seconds after leaving the continent (There was an specific angle of inclination that could cause it to become a flying stone) But when i finally got into the Desertic continent (Im going to call it Tungstenistan because i had always set that nation there ) It was starting to be night so i decided to land but i had no lights to see were i could land, but that didn't stop me from landing there... then i waited for the day. At the morning plane engines started again and i gained all the speed i coudl! i nearly completed a full suborbital flight (I got up to 1100 m/s) above the mountains of the desert looking for the temple! It took me about 30mins of flight to realise that was NOT the mountain i was looking for, Then i started to look for the mountains of the desert AGAIN. 25min Later i was almost going to give up then i move the camera down and i say WHAT?!!! (I was passing just above the temple) instantly i changed my course to a descent there and after a few moments i was there whit Bill and Jeb ready to take a photo! It was fun to say that i found it by accident!
Does anyone else feel guilty when playing a video game?
Zaryulenko replied to Brethern's topic in The Lounge
It reminds me a mission of GTA IV were i had to choose between Francis McReary or Derrick McReary, And i really didn't want to kill any of them, i decided to kill Francis because he was evil (He just wanted to protect himself so he could become a police chief) and curiously only his mother was really sad on the funeral, the rest of his brothers didn't care. -
There goes 2 years of waiting... GAHDAMNIT!!!!
Tungstenistan above all! *Papers, please Victory song starts*
What's your favorite Kerbal names?
Zaryulenko replied to thereaverofdarkness's topic in KSP1 Discussion
Halsey Kerman Too stupid to be alive, good pilot, Better Kerbal. Im still trying to get another Halsey on my actual save, I really miss him... -
I have no Officcial Page but mine is the ERI: Eskalento Rocketeer Industries And i have a separate one for spaceplanes called Entonov Aerospace (And yes, its a name alteration from the Antonov company) Edit- I added flags of the company, However i decided to do a rework to ERI Classic one, im no longer using this one New Flag 100% More national pride! ERI : Duna program including the Glorious Tungstenistan and other 2 nations Entonov Aerospace flag From Glorious Tungstenistan! Were deserts remain hot as HELL during the night! (And winter too!)
It looks like the capsule on the second image was built in Jebediah's Kerman garage using only things found lying around the road
a Duna return Vehicle
Zaryulenko replied to Zaryulenko's topic in KSP1 Gameplay Questions and Tutorials
So i finally came up whit a good design of lander (Because the prototype rocket plane crashed) And it was made "Apollo Style" I like how its small and still be able to carry the amount of kerbals i wanted, too bad it will last only 10 crew transfers due to spare chutes from RealChutes but i could keep sending new landers to duna so it could be affordable What do you guys think about it? Should i switch back to a taller lander using the engine of the Failed rocket plane? or i should keep this one and go ahead to start transferring crew? -
"A new Centaur XB has arrived!, new crew for the OSK!"
I must say that from Metal Slug my favorite album is by far The Metal Slug 6 OST and my favorite Soundtrack is "Aim High Chase Fast" (AKA Mission 4 Plane/Mars People's Leader part or AKABM (BM = By Me) THE HELL! Cause i always suck at the start of that mission )
One day during a planetary transfer i was thirsty but i my bottle of water was empty, so i took it to the kitchen to refill and when i was back to my desk i was just in time to stop my engines from burning. I felt like "Woah its really funny how i could go for water during an entire maneuver!" BTW Im almost all the time listening to Mega Man X 1-6 Special Album or Metal Slug OST's
a Duna return Vehicle
Zaryulenko replied to Zaryulenko's topic in KSP1 Gameplay Questions and Tutorials
For crazy it sounds, I think its the best solution for my need for a Descent vehicle, It could also be much more precise as i could do a powered glide to my destination. Too bad i can't test it well on Kerbin Atmosphere, so im gonna send my Prototype to Duna and see what happends. (Obviously Unmaned because Jebediah is on Duna Orbital outpost) The Quetzatcoatl-D1 Is my actual Prototype, Whit an incredible Isp of 774.2 on Duna Surface! Edit- Im happy to say that the best Spot i can exploit at the moment is Confirmed to be Flat enough to land a spaceplane!, I Scanned the planet whit a SAR array. -
a Duna return Vehicle
Zaryulenko replied to Zaryulenko's topic in KSP1 Gameplay Questions and Tutorials
I started to build it but i think Realchute doesn't let you repack all the times i want, so im going to test an drag-based passive slowing system built whit the B9 air brakes. Could it work well on duna?, its supposed to be a powered landing anyway -
a Duna return Vehicle
Zaryulenko replied to Zaryulenko's topic in KSP1 Gameplay Questions and Tutorials
Finally im back to see the replies but i think i wasn't clear enough... Im planning to start a base on Duna surface, I got a space refinery at a 150x150km orbit around Duna and i need a lander capable of doing a round trip from station to surface and viceversa. At the moment i got this on mind: "Build big or go home!" so maybe im gonna make a combined cycle lander (Whit high thrust during ascending start and the mighty BMNT Nuclear engine). and my main Design would be like a Space X Dragon. thanks for the help guys -
Hey, I need some help for my current project on Duna, but before anything ¡SAFETY FIRST! so i need to be able to return all the crew for this. To be more descriptive im settling my first base for Khetane Extraction on duna, and I need an entry vehicle i could re-use during the crew transfers to ground from a orbital outpost But here comes the problem: I have been there 3 times, every of them using TSTO (Two Stage To Orbit FYI) vehicles to perform the trip back home, but i just dont know what to do for a duna lander i could keep using for every crew rotation so i need tips to build one myself. Thanks! PS: I also need to know how to do spot-landings to land close to that base im gonna build, Im not really good when there's atmospheric conditions during descent.
A day of success / Failure! The Obris sub-orbital shuttle first official launch whitout payload! (It was really hard to balance this to fly) Aaaaaaand! i created two flags from new kerbal countries! Carbonistan (Or Coaltistan in english) : Nation of the cheap Coal and flatlands! Cobaltistan! Where Kerbals use their hat BACKWARDS! Im also starting a space station on Duna but i had 5 lightspeed Kraken attacks today, Thats must be my new record!... but GAH i cant even do any progress whit that!
I started to play this wonderful game after watching some of its posibilities making me want to try some of them, i was bored from my old life style that used to be from playing FPS all the day. This game has changed my way to see things, and it teached me more than what i could expect. i wish i never forget this game because im used to forget things often. Now i would like to see a man from my generation on the moon before i die.
"potenciado 30% menos por motores implosivos y totalmente libre de grasas trans!" Hoy el diario "El nacionalista del desierto" tuvo el orgullo de presenciar la exposición aérea de la compañÃÂa Entonov, la cual se dedica a fabricar aviones de gran tamaño (Y comúnmente usados solo 1 vez por la falta de seguridad...). Como primer demostración, el avión turbo-hélice "Cessnom-1 Corsair" Descripción: Según ingenieros del prototipo y mas precisamente el jefe de diseño Bobfred Kerman, el C-1 Corsair originalmente seria destinado a ser un avión de transporte de personal ligero convencional de propulsión jet, pero prontamente tras que este ingeniero recordara haberlo dejado cerca del alcance de su hijo de 6 años el diseño fue alterado dramáticamente al diseño que vemos ahora como un turbo-Helice de 3 colas. Bobfred nos asegura 3 cosas que estarán por venir en este concepto 1-El corsair iniciara su producción en masa para el próximo año fiscal 2-Bobfred mandara a construir en su casa un lugar donde guardar sus planos de diseño y 3-Jimmy Kerman tendrá su contrato asegurado por ERI y el buro nacional de avionisticas aplicadas o la BNAA (Por favor no decir Avena, nos cortaron el 17% del presupuesto por ese chiste ) Periodista del "NDD": Impresionante cacha-*Cough* *Cough* Inovacion de nuestra nación! ese avión vuela como toda un ave... pero de metal. Pasemos a la siguiente demostración: "El Eskandi 2X" Descripción: El Eskandi 2 era un buen avion, maniobrable, seguro... regularmente, y bastante rápido para despegar y aterrizar (Porque siempre se desintegraba a alta velocidad...) inclusive aparecÃÂa una águila como sombra!. Pero un dÃÂa los ingenieros superiores decidieron tomar en cuenta el famoso dicho del astronauta y héroe nacional Jebediah Kerman "MAS ACELERADORES!!!" pero adaptado a motores turbofan... Creando eventualmente y luego de 3 incendios por equipos de soldadura sobrecalentados en el KSC el primer prototipo 2X. Despega en menos de 7 segundos y es mucho menos eficiente en combustible que cualquier otro de su clase "Totalmente inutil, Totalmente Cool!". Periodista del "NDD": Personalmente creo que es magnifica la adición de esos 8 motores nuevos al modelo antiguo pero hubiera sido lo máximo con 32 motores para superar el récord nacional de velocidad hipersonica del B-50. pero bueno, se vale soñar. Ahora sigue la próxima demostración y esta se ve mucho mas interesante es el "NOSTROMA AB700" Descripción: El NOSTROMA es el primer diseño exitoso de la serie de modelos SeagullCOM al no haber implosionado en el despegue o haberse volcado por el centro de levantamiento desplazado. ERI ordeno este diseño para fabricarse como acelerador atmosférico del MACKERS-2-30-60M que seria un modelo Mini Klippe de transbordador de tripulación ligero, por cortes de fondos el MACKERS se cancelo pero curiosamente el AB700 persistió, el caso se debe a que en el programa espacial de los Titanes Sigma seria requerido un transporte viable de combustible a lo largo y ancho del planeta con capacidad de llevar Khetano, sin embargo los modelos regulares no ofrecÃÂan un centro de masa favorable tras estar cargados del material asàque se les ideo usar el viejo concepto del AB700 el cual fue diseñado para pertenecer a la linea de los aerotransportadores Top-lifter o aviones que cargan cosas por encima de ellas mismas. Periodista del "NDD": No creo que hubiese visto una avión con alas mas anchas en mi vida, es decir, Solo mÃÂralo! se ve claramente como los ingenieros lucharon por evitar que fuera inestable y vuela tan alegremente como un pelÃÂcano. Bueno pues, pasemos a ver al ultimo avión que se presentara. El "B-50 Espiral" Descripción: Cuando los cientÃÂficos se dieron cuenta de que habÃÂa algo raro en una de las fotos de una sonda de saturacion y cartografÃÂa vieron un raro templo pero no sabÃÂan donde, entonces estos presionaron a la ERI para investigar con uno de los "Super aviones" del KSC, lamentablemente Jebediah Kerman los habÃÂa accidentado todos el jueves por la tarde posterior a la recuperación de la sonda, por tanto luego de tantas soluciones sugeridas y una orden legal impuesta Accidentalmente por el presidente Tuetanin Von Kerman el B-50 se construyo, hecho con con ingenierÃÂa de la mejor calidad en búsqueda aérea (y facilidad de volcar sus nociones aerodinámicas) este avión destaca como explorador de larga distancia ya que pudo recorrer mas de 40,000 Km de terreno sobre el abrasador desierto de tungstenistan sin recalentarse gravemente gracias al "GLORIOSO TUNGSTENO DE TUNGSTENISTAN!!!" y haber logrado encontrar el templo perdido del lago sequillo del monte de Popocatepepepepetl, lo curioso es que antes de hacerlo visitaron 4 sitios erróneos antes de llegar y en el quinto sitio si no hubiesen mirado abajo jamas hubiese sido vuelto a ver por el mundo, y todo porque Jebediah no quiso oÃÂr a los cientÃÂficos cuando le dijeron que debÃÂa primero aprender el rumbo de vuelo de la misión antes de iniciar. Instrucciones de Vuelo: 1-Haga arrancar el motor 2-Despegue 3-No gire como si estuviera loco los controles 4-En caso de incendios use el extintor para romperse la cabeza, esto asegura 100% menos dolor por quemaduras pero un 200% mas daño cerebral o si lo prefiere habrá la escotilla y use el extintor como mecanismo improvisado de descenso propulsado. Periodista del "NDD": Muy interesante como es que la misión casi fracaso no solo por lo de los sitios equivocados, sino porque Bill bebió demasiado jugo de naranja antes de salir, asàque tuvieron que aterrizar en la noche en el desierto puesto a que todas nuestras ciudades importantes se encuentran cerca de la costa y ya iban por el centro del desierto... y sobre lo de las ciudades, es claro que el desierto arde como el diablo ¡INCLUSIVE DE NOCHE! el Clima de Tungstenistan no es tan bueno como solemos decir... Fin de Articulo. Espero les hubiese gustado mi pequeña historia que se me ocurrió de repente me he tardado 2 horas en escribirlo y la verdad trate de hacerlo lo mas kerbal posible, porque solo un kerbal dejarÃÂa llamarÃÂa avena a una rama del gobierno para... NOOO!!! AHàVA OTRO 17% DE NUESTRO PRESUPUESTO EN RECORTES! Pero ya enserio, fue divertido mirar a mis creaciones improvisadas de aviones, porcierto el AB700 es B700 en realidad pero pensé que sonarÃÂa mejor AB, y ademas realmente no creàque podÃÂa volarlo pero irónicamente es mucho mas manejable que el otro 70% de los que he logrado usar.
Every time i watch this no matter how many i almost cry when looking that thing going up.
¿Que planeta me recomiendan ahora?
Zaryulenko replied to Camarada Anonimo's topic in Spanish (Español)
Por mi opinion es mejor aprender con el poder de las maniobras, es exageradamente simple y ajustar la orbita planeada siempre logra un avance en encontrar el ingreso perfecto a la transferencia ademas de que tambien ejercita bastante la capacidad de uno para tantear lo necesario para una mision -
I'm sure there's a symptom for this situation but just because im kinda superstitious about things i feel safe having KSP on mute since i like listening music.