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Everything posted by Codey737

  1. So I completely reinstalled KOS(.23) and added the Archive folder. I placed a text file into it called "Roll". I opened up the game: and nothing happens afterward. I also tried "run Roll." but it said file not found.
  2. I tried both of those. When I type "edit blank" it goes to the next line and does nothing. I also tried making the Archive folder and placing a file in but it did nothing as well.
  3. Where do I start to write scripts? All I have right now is the 1 line at a time terminal but I can't find out how to get into the ingame editor. I keep seeing people say "make a text file out of game and put it into archive" but I can't find archive,where is it?
  4. I never thought of this,great for Eve return vehicles
  5. I have a small problem,why is my altimetry map in gray when color is enabled?
  6. Can we have some Unmanned flight countdowns? I want to launch a rocket without it saying "Astronauts feel good" or something similar like that.
  7. I made a SpaceX reusable type of rocket:
  8. Hurray! Version 1.5 is here! 1.5: New Bodies- SAS Probodobodyne RoveMate: SAS in your rovemate? sure! Flatter Probodobodyne RoveMate: Flat(er) mate for your liking The Stock rovemate has a built in probe core and has 150 Electric Charge(Remove the BetterRoveMates.cfg if you don't want this) Nuclear Probodobodyne RoveMate is now known as ThermoElectric Probodobodyne RoveMate Updated Textures Note: This change may/may not break your .crafts! Download v1.5 Here If you have a problem just tell me,enjoy! -Codey
  9. I figured out the first,the second one may not happen in the near future. Bertha,don't make fun of her
  10. Hi guys! Sorry for not updating or posting anything for the past few days,I've been sick . But! I've been working on something special! Nuclear Rovemate is now called "Thermo Electric Rovemate"(This may break .crafts,sorry :/) and a better texture for it as well, Bigger Rovemates(2m! 3m?!?! 4m!?!??! Who knows! soonâ„¢) Expect the update within the next few days! -Codey
  11. Well lots of stuff! 1. Testing Rover Designs for a Moho mission 2. Planning Moho mission with lots of Eve and Moho flyby's to slow down 3. Testing new Rovemate parts (Yay self promotion ftw! ) 4. Trying not to go broke with MCE 5. Avoiding Kessler Syndrome with 24+ satellites in low orbit
  12. Has anyone seen NASA's github page? https://github.com/nasa
  13. Why does this 2 part weld stick outside of the part box? Is there a way to fix it?
  14. Thank you! I never thought of using that instead of 'ElectricalCharge'.
  15. I agree on the Nuclear change. I most likely won't do the heatsinks since I don't have experience with modeling. Perforated surface, I may/may not do this,I'm not the greatest texture creating person( ). I'm currently working on the Welded pilots seat, I'm running into a few bugs with this. The part icon is misplaced in the part box,don't know why yet. Battery capacity and probe core for the stock rover(via module manager) will come soon as well. Science storage as in an operable cargo bay type thing?
  16. Nope,doesn't work. The Commandmodule shows up but it still shows 25 charge instead of 150.
  17. Those are some great ideas! Cockpits: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/67450-WIP-IVA-PLUGIN-ProbeControlRoom-x-y-IVA-All-the-things%21 It should work with my mod, I may try it out later today. Parts:If I knew how to model parts then I would add different sized mates. If anyone wants to help,thats fine with me Engine: Slot as in an attachment node? How about when the nuclear rover body is in use that the rover 'overheats' as the amount of power being used at one time increases? More power = more heat
  18. Version 1.3 Has been Released! 1.3: New Body- Nuclear Probodobodyne RoveMate -Holds 150 Electric Charge and Generates Electricity @3.5 Per second All bodies now have command control to them, No need for probe bodies! If you find any problems just tell me!
  19. Shhhhh don't tell the guys in accounting,they might get a bit jealous. Who need solar panels when you can get hidden energy? And if you get close enough you can grow a second head!
  20. I'm trying to give the roverBody a command module and more electric charge. The Unmanned module shows up ingame but it has 25 electric charge. @PART[roverBody] { MODULE { name = ModuleCommand minimumCrew = 0 RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 0.02777778 } @RESOURCE[ElectricalCharge] { @amount = 150 @maxAmount = 150 } } What am I doing wrong?
  21. Why not make the contracts have competition bidding? IE, The highest payment will be 100000, a competitor bids 99000 so I bid 90000 to get the contract. But only make this for high paying contracts so I don't go broke.
  22. Click the spoilers? I hope to make this next version(sometime in the next few days)
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