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Everything posted by RabidMonkey

  1. That would be me abusing Google Translate and Monty Python for our collective amusement.
  2. Why do I suddenly have a vision of an asteroid-capture ship that is actually bigger than the asteroid?
  3. Is there anywhere one can find the lifetimes of the different reactor types? It seems like they're running out of fuel faster since 0.10, even when newly launched.
  4. I really wonder why, when asked for a picture of a craft for troubleshooting purposes, 99% of people post the craft in total darkness. I can tell that there are some radiators, a transceiver, and what looks like a plasma engine that's falling off. Maybe some generators, but I wouldn't swear to it.
  5. Will the asteroids only be present in the mission pack, or will they be in career/sandbox modes as well?
  6. Not to be a Mr. Demandy-pants, but is there any way you set it up as a .zip instead of .rar? For Windows, the default compression method is .zip, and using it makes it so people don't have to download a whole other program so that they can load this.
  7. I've got the hotfix installed, but I'm still seeing duping. The difference is that if I catch it in the Tracking Center, I can delete the duplicate vessels.
  8. Use the DP-10 antenna for launches. It doesn't break from atmospheric pressure, is omnidirectional (so no need to target), and has a range of 500km. Once you're out of the atmo, then extend other antennas for more long-range operations.
  9. Would it be possible to get a CP calculator or performance calculator for rockets similar to the one provided for planes? I'm horrible at aerodynamics, but I enjoy the challenge FAR provides when building rockets. It would be nice to see a plot of how stable the rocket is through various angles of attack (starting at 90) and various speed regimes. Or is this possible with the existing calculator?
  10. Make sure that fuel flow is possible between the drills and the kethane tanks.
  11. Would it be possible to add the ability to specify a particular amount of allowable error in the "Land at Target" routine? It seems like if I'm coming in for a landing site and the path crosses a cliff, my ship starts oscillating between "correcting" for a difference of a couple hundred meters and starting its coast toward a landing within millimeters of the target location.
  12. I like the lack of ambient light in camera mode. What I would like to see is some kind of "virtual" lighting in map mode so I can accurately plot landings at night. Even if it's something as basic as a wireframe showing basic elevation and land vs. ocean areas, such a thing would be a great help.
  13. Is it overheating in space or in atmo? What kind of radiators are you using - radial, in-line, or the ones that unfold?
  14. After some trial and error, I figured out that what you need to do is point the dish on the active vessel to a craft with a dish targeted to "active vessel". It's a shortcut for making the necessary two-way connection so you don't have to manually target both ends, but it is only present when you're actively flying the "active vessel". When you go to something else, the connection is severed.
  15. To underscore the pure distilled awesomesauce that ran through the veins of the Mercury 7, it must be noted that there were no manual controls. When Gordo Cooper had to take control of his craft, he did it using his watch, the window, and powering things on and off by unplugging and plugging in the wires that led to them.
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