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Everything posted by RabidMonkey

  1. Interesting plugin interaction that I'm not sure has been mentioned: When using FAR, the "Limit to terminal velocity" tick doesn't seem to do anything - I had a medium booster with the main engines running full throttle going mach 3 at ~5km before it disintegrated. With FAR not installed, my main engines throttled back and let the boosters do the pushing as I expected. Am I missing something, or is there something different about how FAR calculates terminal velocity that MechJeb doesn't like?
  2. In my use of the 'jeb, it seems like "Land somewhere" puts a priority on survival. "Land at Target" puts all priority on the location, happily either slamming me into mountains or sending me out on an escape trajectory after burning all remaining fuel trying to get the landing point *just* right. This has been true for both the 2.0.9 and the patched versions. Not saying this as a complaint, because I treat MechJeb more like the AGC/PGNCS from the Apollo days: I give it a program ("land at these coordinates"), and it will do its best to do exactly what I told it to do, no matter what. I still have to keep one hand on the "disengage" just in case it decides that a particular part of the landscape is permeable to spacecraft.
  3. Awesome - thanks! So far, I'm working through a basic Kerbal-centered spaceflight program with single-kerb capsules and small satellites. Got >this< close to a kerbosynchronous orbit with my first satellite launch.
  4. Scott Manley and a return to basics has definitely helped. Now my only question is: How do I get my signature working on here so I can put up ribbons?
  5. I've been messing about with KSP for a couple weeks now, and I'm working on getting an all-up space program going. I've figured that the NERVA is the best exoatmospheric engine in terms of fuel efficiency, but I'm having trouble getting my stuff into orbit without it either falling apart or burning so much fuel on the ascent that by the time I'm up, all of the fuel I was planning to use for transfers ends up getting used for establishing orbit. I use asparagus staging, but I'm having a lot of difficulty getting clustering working without my lifters either flying apart in midair from floppiness and/or flipping all over the place because they're unbalanced in spite of what the CM and CT show in the VAB. I've tried using MechJeb, but it doesn't seem to handle asparagus staging - the discards seem to impact the rest of the rocket about 80% of the time, and the whole thing wobbles like a fnoodle in a hurricane. Are there any good tutorials out there for the current build that take the reaction wheels into account and might give some good pointers on design?
  6. I tried clicking where the icon should be, and it does bring up the map window. Still not sure how I can get it to start scanning. I tried putting it into an action group, but there's no action associated with the dish in the VAB.
  7. I'm running the 0.21.1 build and the latest dev version of MapSat from the blog, but I think I'm missing something. When I get the satellite into orbit, I'm not able to turn it on. There's no icon other than those that were there before I installed MapSat, and right-clicking on the dish does nothing. The parts are all present, and I think the DLL is in the right place (Plugins folder), but they just don't seem to work. My only other plugin is MechJeb (nice for automating tedious processes that I've already done), and it works fine.
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