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Cap'tain Kerk

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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I tried this mod but I cant even reach the mun b4 radiation kills pilot. I got training to 60% and radshield up to 1.5 but didnt had any effect.
  2. The plane: Sophia III, 20 intakes, nuclear engine edit triing to put an albun instead of all the pics edit2 if someone could tell me how to do it would be nice the whole set of pics here: http://imgur.com/a/y8Qle#0 the 3 'proof' pics
  3. I have a trick for that. If you have monopropellent you can veryfie it easy, when rcs auto mode is on, when u engage ascent autopilot, the monopropellent start to be used even b4 launch. To fix that, just open smart ass panel, press RAD + once and put it back to off, then re-engage auto-pilot. Im sure it will fix your problem too let me know.
  4. i know its not ksp related but look at this serie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSEuI3IZP-I
  5. Geo sat delivery. Time to g-rove Trying to send a base to duna.... miscalculation results...(cool effects) I always laugh at kerbals faces lol
  6. I have that issue where my 3rd rocket always fail, i can see this when i engage ascent autopilot and monopropellent is used while still on the launchpad. I found an easy solution for thoses in the same case, just push RAD + in the smart ass menu, only one click and close smart ass. You are ready to ascent.
  7. It did that to me only once and it was because I was playing with conserve RCS fuel and smart RCS translation maybe next time that happen u can try to toggle it to see if it helps. It is options u can add from custom menu thing.
  8. im having 3 issues: 1- I fly my rocket, everything is fine, then if I revert the flight, the same rocket will crash a few meters from the launchpad. I noticed that in theses cases, monopropellent is used even b4 launch once autopilot is engaged. I have to close and reload the whole game. Its like mechjeb still think its in space with the other rocket or something like that. 2- I sent a vessel to Duna but when it left Kerbin SOI all went wrong, every maneuver I tried, it would just roll the ship as fast as it can. Reloading the ship from the space center fixed it. But the same thing happened when entering Duna SOI 3- targeting system is fluctuant, sometime the blue target will start to drift even if im still in a burn and the rocket tries to follow it off-course. I think it should lock its target until the end of the maneuver, then proceed to next target, if there is. more a request than an issue, could mechjeb keep its settings, why do we have to set up autostage and attitude controls every launch? If id keep only one mod, it would be mechjeb tx alot to work on it
  9. I noticed Mechjeb will plot next maneuver only at 69 000 meters, ie. the atmosphere height.
  10. I found this game on steam and I am now an addict space junky lol, all I do now is build rockets and swear Just kidding, well, half. Thank you Squad for this great game I really enjoy it and I cant wait to see whats up next.
  11. i did post a quick reply but i dont know where it went , anyway.. Take at least 3 sat with u. Get to 1227 km orbit. Then raise apoapsis to 2868 km. Stay as close as possible at these numbers. (That make a 4 hr orbit around kerbin, which has 6 hr rotation period.) Get to the apoapsis, drop a sat there and make it circumlarise (the probe, not the ship) to 2868. Do a complete revolution and once back to apoapsis drop another sat and circumlarise it. Do the same for the last probe. Launch another 3 satellites and do the same with the polar orbit (90deg).
  12. I learned this from youtube. Have at least 3 satellites. Get to an orbit of 1227 km. Then only put the apoapsis to 2868. That make u a 4 hr orbit (kerbal is 6hr orbit). Go to apoasis with your ship and drop a satellite there. Make it circumlarise to 2868 km. Get back to ur main ship and do a complete revolution and once back to apoapsis drop another sat. Do the same for the last one. I use remote tech and after one or 2 revolution my 1st sat is often right over ksp. After u done that, do it with 3 other sat but in a polar orbit (90deg).
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