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Everything posted by kola2DONO
Jebmas/Christmas Tree/other holiday decorations megathread
kola2DONO replied to Whirligig Girl's topic in KSP Fan Works
That sounds great -
Jebmas/Christmas Tree/other holiday decorations megathread
kola2DONO replied to Whirligig Girl's topic in KSP Fan Works
Haha, i feel sorry for thoose kerbals, but i shot up a christmas tree yesterday maybe they could use that? (original thread :http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60234-Merry-Christmas!?p=813499#post813499) -
SPACE STATIONS! Post your pictures here
kola2DONO replied to tsunam1's topic in KSP1 The Spacecraft Exchange
My best space station so far, my mün base orbiting mün on a kmp server. -
That asteroid field looks awesome! I wish squad will add asteroids one day..
Ooops i ment bob thanks for pointing out!
Another chapter up! Not that very long, i didn't have so much time. The Battle Of Minmus - Chapter 2 Day 458 Bill's log - I'm starting to worry about my future, we haven't heard from mission control in many, many days. Jeb and Bob don't seem to worry, actually they're outside playing a game where you sit on the other persons head. anyways, i'm sure it's just a problem with the communication at ksc Jeb : Hey Bill come out and play! Bill : No thanks. Jeb : Aww c'mon Bill! Bob : Yeah, bill pleeeeeease! Bill : No i'm trying to connect to mission control! Jeb : Bill you gotta stop wasting your time on that! Bob : Yeah, it's probably just something wrong with ksc's communication system. Bill : Hmm ... maybe you guys are right, i'm coming out. Jeb and Bob : Yey! Bill is just about to go out when the flight computer starts beeping. Flight computer : Contact with KSC etablished! Bill : Guys! We got contact with KSC! Jeb : Ok i'm coming in Jeb and Bob goes back inside the ship. Jeb : Mission Control are you there? Mission Control : ......... The radio starts buzzing really, really much. Mission Control : We are here hearing you nice and clearly! Bill : Oh god why didn't we hear for you guys for so long? Mission Control : There haven't been so easy back here on kerbin... Jeb : Why? Mission Control : Let's just say that if you show a man a super scary movie about aliens taking over the world he wouldn't be that scared.. Jeb : What?! Aliens took over the world?! Mission Control : Well, they tried but we managed to fight them off. Jeb : Thanks god! Mission Control : Well anyways you guys have been waiting long enough, a resque vessel is coming in the next 30-40 days. All three : Finally! Mission Control : Oh and a little question : did you guys found out what minmus was made of? Was it mint? Jeb : No it was just rock and alot of ice. Mission Control : Well then we can just cancel the mission to send a crew to minmus with no food. Jeb : Haha! Mission Control : I was not kidding... Jeb : Okay... Mission : We're losing contact with you guys soon, can you send us a picture? The People are waiting for pictures of minmus! Jeb : Sure Mission Control : Haha, i'm pretty sure people will love that picture! Jeb : Haha. Mission Control : ...... Jeb turns off the radio 1 hour later... Bill : I'm bored Bob : I'm bored too. Jeb : Hey i got an idea! Bill and Bob : What?! Jeb : Let's explore one of minmus frozen lakes! Bill : Sounds great! Bob : I'm in! Jeb : Ok i'll get the camera so we can take some pictures on our way. Jeb finds the camera. Jeb : Let's go! The journey to one of minmus' frozen lakes is long and the crew must travel many kilometers. When they arrive at the nearest frozen lake the crew is shocked. They would never belive this if they didn't see it.
Ok first : I know that i should put periods at the end of my phrases i was just veeeery tired when i wrote it so i forgot it on like 90% of the phrases. Second : I also know that i the first letter in a name should always be in caps, as i said i was just very tired Third : Haha, i will add some reference from career mode.
Note : this is my first fiction ever, and i'm not that good in english so please do not comment things like "HAHAHA YOU SPELLED "X" WRONG!!" THE BATTLE OF MINMUS - CHAPTER 1 Mission Control : All engines fired ready for launch! Jeb : Hey Bill, Bob are you guys exicted or what? Bill : I'm exicted, but i'm a bit afraid. Bob : Me too, that the rocket is called "Ragnarok" the vikings word for the end of the world makes me a bit scared. Jeb : Ah c'mon bob, the guys who made it was norwegians, and i checked the blueprints for the rocket and i have to say i couldn't done it better self! Bob : True true. Mission Control : You guys ready to be the first kerbals on minmus? Jeb : I think we are Mission Control : Ok.. liftoff in... Mission Control : 5... Mission Control : 4... Mission Control : 3... Mission Control : 2... Bob : C'mon Mission Control LAUNCH ALREADY! Mission Control : Haha, i'm sorry Mission Control : 1... LIFTOFF! All three : WOOHOO! All three gets squeezed into their seats. Jeb : I love the g-forces on take-off. Bill : Yeah, me too it kinda makes me feel i can trust the rocket. Jeb : Mission control we've passed 10000 meters, turning on long range antenna.. Jeb flips off antenna and turns on long range antenna. Mission Control : Ok Jebediah you will exit our antenna range in less than 1 minute. Jeb : Roger that. Bob : Wow the view from here is fantastic i got to take a picture. Bill : Here, take my camera! Bill trows the camera to bob. Bob : Thanks Bill! Jeb : No fuel left in boosters, ditching them. Mission Control : Ok we will loose contact with you guys very soo... Radio starts buzzzing. Bob : It looks like we've passed KSC's antenna range. Bill switches off radio. Jeb : Starting gravity turn. Bob and Bill : Ok. Flight computer : Orbit achived. Jeb : Ok now since we are in orbit we can start with going trought the plan. Bob : Ok. Bill : Ok. Jeb : First step.. Bill : WAIT!! Bob and Jeb : What?! Bill : We forgot to deploy the solar array! Jeb : Bill we did that like 2 minutes ago.. Bill : Oh ok.. Jeb : Ok back to the plan . Jeb : The first step : Bill : Get in kerbin orbit. Jeb : Yes. Jeb : The Second step : Bob : To get a minmus encounter. Jeb : The Third step : Jeb : To land on minmus and live there for a couple of months before the Kraken 1-2v rescue us with it's remaining fuel and our remaining fuel. Bill : Ok i'll fix the manuvering. Bob : And i'll take a look at the ship and see if there is any damage. Jeb : Ok good, i'll land the ship when we get into minmus encounter. 2 minutes later .. Bob : No damage on the ship. Bill : The manuvers are set it's just to wait about an hour now and the flight computer will fix it. Jeb : Good, bob you took any pictures while out there? Bob : No. Jeb : I'll take some then, the KSC wants some pictures from the journey. Jeb goes out of the ship. Jeb : Wow... isn't kerbin such a wonderfull planet. Bill : Yeah it is. Jeb : Frak! Bill you scared me! I forgot i had the radio on in my suit. Bill : Haha, take that picture now! Jeb : Ok. Jeb goes back into the ship. Bill : Get ready, engine fire in 1 minute! Jeb : How much fuel do we have left? Bob : Alot. Jeb : Good. Bill : Engine Fire! 1 minute later.. Flight Computer : Warning : Minmus encounter in 2 minutes! Jeb : Haha the flight computer thinks it's a bad thing that we get into minmus encounter. 2 minutes later... Flight computer : Minmus Encounter achived. Jeb : Ok i'm going to brake a little now, get ready! An alarm sound from the flight computer awares them that the braking was sucessfull and that they will smash into minmus soon. Bill : I'm so exicted right now! Think in 2 minutes or so we will be the first to step on minmus! Bob : We have some snacks in the food chamber to celebrate the landing, of course we'll eat it after we lands. Jeb : Mmm.. that will taste good. Bob : Woah, look outside isn't minmus beautiful! Bill and Jeb : Yeah, take a picture! Bob : Ok! Flight computer : 10.000 meters above the surface of minmus! Flight computer : 5.000 meters above the surface of minmus, activating landing gears. Jeb : Braking slowly.. Flight computer : Falling 50M/S 1000 meters above the surface of minmus. Flight computer : Falling 2M/S 1 meter above the surface of minmus. Flight computer : Touchdown! Jeb, Bill and Bob : Hurray! Bob : Let's go out, plant a flag and take a picture! Jeb : Yeah!
Nice chapter, wonder what the scientists will call thoose species..
Mün, get ready to get punched by my spacecraft!
Awesome story! I really love it, keep up the good work please!
[Showcase] Living it UP! on the Mun - my new base :3
kola2DONO replied to GROOV3ST3R's topic in KSP1 The Spacecraft Exchange
Freaking awesome! Wish i could build something like that! -
shot up some sattelites in kerbin orbit, but nothing that gathers science.
Time for some more career mode! For a second mission i done a mün flyby! The mission went very very well and i gathered 113 science!
I finally decided to make some videos out of my career mode flights, so here it is : It was a pretty sucessfull mission, and i gathered 39 science. I'll be posting the new career mode videos in this thread.
So after all theese large, expensive and theese escape pods which only can carry 1 kerbal, i decided i needed something new. So i came up with this, a 2 kerbal carrying small escape pod. The Pod can deorbit from almost everywhere between a 70.000km to a 500.000km orbit. If you look after the download file i'm sorry to say that there is none because mediafire have been down all day. Anyways i'd love some feedback, and tell me what you guys want me to do next!
Updated some rules and stuff, also i'm going to launch something soon.
It could be nice if you could shoot up that base soon, so i could do other things.
Sure, it's not really super important it is as a matter of fact a base, and as i said shooting up the main module of the base is free!
Ok, good luck. I'm going to shoot up another GPS sattelite after you've done.
Ok from now on we are going to share persistent file. Here is the cuccerent peristent file as of this is posted : http://www./?edhbv4zeah4h9d1 when a mission is done/failed, you have to upload the persistent file to any file sharing websites like mediafire, and post them below your mission. If you are going to do a mission please notice the other players a couple of minutes before you do it.
Humm.. we could do it, but that would require everyone to have a mediafire account, i'll think over it. And yes it's ok for a base, the only reason why i had such a small base is that i didn't want to have a big module.
Note to admins : This is a GAME not a roleplay thing.